Split() method; 264; 293 substrings; finding; 61
_spread data member; 156 synchronization abstractions; 368
spread parameter; 156 synchronizing; between threads; 349–355
SpreadSheet class; 292 with cloning; 354–355
SQL Server Express Edition driver; 377 exclusive locks; 352–354
SqlCemand interface; 386 SyncLock keyword; 358
SqlCeConnection interface; 386 syncRoot object; 353
SqlCeParameter interface; 386 System namespace; 127; 368
SqlCeParameter type; 383 System。Action class; 364
SquareImpl class; 172 System。Collections namespace; 231
Stack class; 230 System。Collections。ObjectModel。ReadOnlyC
Stack lists; 246–247 ollection type; 350
stack unwinding; 123–126 System。Collections。ReadOnlyCollection
Finally keyword; 124; 125 type; 351
sandboxing code; 126 System。configuration reference; 316
Start() method; 346 System。Configuration。ConfigurationSection
start parameter; 103–104 subclass; 327
startNodes variable; 100 System。Console。WriteLine() method; 16
state; creating threads with SystemException type; 129
thread parameters; 348–349 System。Runtime。Serialization。Formatters。Bi
ThreadStart delegate; 347 nary。BinaryFormatter type; 275
storing collections using linked lists; 204–206 System。Threading namespace; 345
String class; 59 System。Threading。ReaderWriterLock
class; 359
string types; 51–75
languages/cultures; 68; 74 ■T
numbers; 69–72 table data; adding to relational databases;
setting in Windows; 68 382–384
overview; 55–60 table variable; 392
character…by…character parison; table。Fill() method; 392
59–60 tables
objects; 56–59 adding to databases; 378–381
software development; organizing; 51–52 draws table; 379–380
translator application; 52; 68 persons table; 380–381
character mapping; 67–68 winners table; 381
creating test application; 53–55 building relations between; 387–391
creating Translator class; 52–53 relational database; 371–372
quoting strings; 65–66 selecting data from; 385
responsibility; 55 task instance; 348
translating hello; 53 Task Manager window; 342
whitespace; 60; 65 task。MethodToRun() method; 348
StringBuilder class; 75 tax concepts; 163–164
StringReader type; 264 tax engine; 181
…………………………………………………………Page 470……………………………………………………………
448 ■IN D E X
tax engine application; 173 TestInsert() method; 211
base class; 174–178 TestLanguageTranslator project; 53
abstracting instantiations with factories; TestServerSideSpreadsheet class library; 291
177–178 TestSimple() method; 366
overriding for specialized TestSimpleAddition() method; 38
functionality; 176 TestTax solution; 164
base functionality; 182–188 text streams; converting into binary streams;
assigning state; 183–184 274–275
implementing ideas with specifics; Text2Binary application; 249
184–187 Text2Binary。exe mand; 270
base tax account; 180–182 TextBox control; 9
default implementations; 178–180 TextProcessor application; 249–250; 260–268
defining interfaces; 173–174 deciphering format; 263–265
organizing; 164 duplicate dates; 267–268
taxable ine; 163–164 empty lines of text; 267
TaxableAmount property; 179 fixing data stream; 265–268
_taxableRate data member; 179 incorrect data format; 267
TaxAccount class; 183–184 too many fields; 267
TaxDeduction class; 180 TextProcessor mand Lines; 252
TaxEngine class; 185 TextProcessor。exe mand; 252–254; 269
TaxEngine。CalculateTaxToPay() method; 176 TextProcessor。Main(); 254
TaxIne class; 180 TextReader types; 270
TDD (test…driven development); 212 TextWriter types; 270
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