typed convention…based architecture; partial classes; 150–151
shared; 337–338 VerifyExchangeRate() method; 150
TypeName property identifier; 338 version numbers; dynamic loading of
types。 See custom…defined types; strongly named assemblies using;
number…related types; string types 333–336
custom; 283 versioning assemblies; 335–336
defining; 272–274
…………………………………………………………Page 472……………………………………………………………
450 ■IN D E X
Visual Basic; 166–168 responsibility; 55
interfaces; 165–195; 166–168 trimming; 60–61
properties; 141–144 writing tests before writing code; 63–65
problems with; 143; 144 Windows application project; 4
rewriting test code to use; 142 adding ments to; 11
Visual Basic class library; 25 “hello; world”; 8–11
Visual Basic Express; 23 running; 7–8
application types; 3–4 saving solutions; 6–7
class library project; 14–19 viewing source code; 5
adding to solutions; 14 Windows; setting languages/cultures in; 68
calling functionality; 16–17 Windows。Forms Invoke() method; 366
constants; 17–19 Windows。Forms library; 363
defining references; 15 WindowsSystem32 directory; 333
moving functionality; 15 winners table; 381
variables; 17–19 With keyword; 214
console application project; 12 word allo test; 63
adding to solutions; 12 word allo word test; 63
“hello; world”; 13 worksheet variable; 305
setting startup project; 13 Worksheet class; 302; 307
ConsoleApplication project; 13 worksheet。Calculate() method; 310
designing relational databases using; WorksheetIdentifiers class; 299
377–381 writing tests for currency exchange
adding tables; 378–381 application; 137–152
configuring Data Source; 377–378 base classes; 138–139; 151–152
downloading; 2 inheritance; 139–141; 145–146
installing; 3 scope modifiers; 146–148
navigating user controls of solutions; 12 structural code; 138
Framework; 19–21 verification; 148–151
projects; 4 Visual Basic properties; 141–144
solutions; 4
Windows application project
XML element; 320
adding ments to; 11
XML…based configuration files; 319–320
“hello; world”; 8–11
。xsd file; 387
running; 7–8
。xsd…lotteryDataSet。xsd extension; 387
saving solutions; 6–7
viewing source code; 5 ■Y
Visual Basic Express Data Source year data member; 183
Configuration Wizard; 377 year parameter; 184
Visual Web Developer Express; 1
While loop; 392
whitespace; 60–65
character…by…character parison;
finding substrings; 61
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