Eighteenth Century Macmillan & Co。
ANNALS OF THE PARISH John Galt Scotch Village Life; 1760…
1810 W。 Blackwood & Sons
EVELINA Frances Burney Fashionable manners; end Eighteenth
Century J。 M。 Dent & Co。
PRIDE AND PREJUDICE Jane Austen Everyday Society;
beginning of Nineteenth Century Macmillan & Co。
ADAM BEDE George Eliot English Rural Life; beginning of
Nineteenth Century W。 Blackwood & Sons
DESTINY Susan E。 Ferrier Scotch character; beginning of
Nineteenth Century J。 M。 Dent & Co。
Carleton Irish Peasant…life; beginning of Nineteenth Century J。 M。 Dent &
O"DONNEL Lady Morgan Irish character; beginning of Nineteenth
Century Colburn; 1814
THE GRANDISSIMES G。 W。 Cable America; early Nineteenth
Century (Creole life) Hodder & Stoughton
PENDENNIS and THE NEWES Thackeray Late Georgian
Early Victorian manners Smith Elder & Co。
CRANFORD Mrs。 Gaskell English Provincial Life in the second
quarter of the Nineteenth Century Macmillan & Co。
PERLYCROSS R。 D。 Blackmore English Provincial Life in the
second quarter of the Nineteenth Century Sampson Low & Co。
THE BLITHEDALE ROMANCE Nathaniel Hawthorne Margaret
Fuller and the 〃Brook Farm〃 group; under fictitious names。 Walter Scott
THE TRAGIC EDIANS George Meredith Ferdinand Lassalle;
under fictitious name Constable & Co。
UNCLE TOM"S CABIN Mrs。 H。 Beecher…Stowe Slavery in America
Routledge; Cassell; and others
Allen American Manners; 1850 Macmillan & Co。
BARCHESTER TOWERS Anthony Trollope Life in an English
… Page 78…
A Guide to the Best Historical Novels and Tales
Cathedral City; middle of Nineteenth Century Chapman & Hall
SUNNINGWELL F。 Warre Cornish 〃High Church〃 and 〃Broad
Church;〃 middle of Nineteenth Century Constable & Co。
BEAUCHAMP"S CAREER George Meredith English Politics;
middle of Nineteenth Century Constable & Co。
MARY BARTON Mrs。 Gaskell Manufacturing Districts; middle of
Nineteenth Century Smith; Elder; & Co。
As likely to assist Parents and Teachers; I propose to give two lists
(covering English History from the Norman Conquest) for Boys and Girls
respectively; but a passing allusion may; first of all; be made to tales
dealing with more ancient periods。 For the illustration of Greek and
Roman History; those books of Professor A。 J。 Church which are entered
in my Pre…Christian section may be safely remended; while the
pictures of First Century life given in Wallace"s 〃Ben Hur;〃 Lytton"s 〃Last
Days of Pompeii;〃 and Whyte Melville"s 〃The Gladiators〃 are; perhaps; as
likely to interest an intelligent boy or girl in the 〃teen〃 stage as any similar
productions that could be mentioned。 Turning to the Early History of our
own isle; I would specially mention Mr。 Henty"s 〃Beric the Briton〃; the
〃Aescendune〃 series of tales (〃Edwy the Fair;〃 〃Alfgar the Dane;〃 and
〃The Rival Heirs〃) by the late Rev。 A。 D。 Crake; Mr。 C。 W。 Whistler"s
〃Havelok the Dane;〃 〃A Thane of Wessex;〃 &c。; and the various books
chosen to represent Alfred and his times。
In preparing the following lists; I have had in view; for the most part;
the average Juvenile taste; doubtless many of the more advanced works
might be offered in special cases; but; in regard to that; the Parent or
Teacher can alone judge。 Some of the tales entered in (I。) reappear in
(II。); but a parison will disclose important differences。 A reference to
the General List will; in most cases; reveal a more exact specification; for
the sake of convenience; the tales are here grouped according to Reigns
Of the romances dealing with American and Foreign History to be
found in the foregoing pages; many are suitable for young readers; but the
… Page 79…
A Guide to the Best Historical Novels and Tales
sequence not being very close (for any lengthy period at least); separate
lists would appear superfluous。 Such writers (to mention only a few) as
Fennimore Cooper; Mrs。 J。 G。 Austin; G。 C。 Eggleston; Kirk Munroe; and
Elbridge S。 Brooks; may be particularly remended for American
History; while Scott; Dumas; Charlotte M。 Yonge; Miss Roberts (author of
〃Mademoiselle Mori〃); and G。 A。 Henty; have all illustratedin more or
less adequate fashionthe course of events in Foreign Countries。 The
novels of Dumas are not infrequently considered somewhat 〃strong meat;〃
but his 〃 She… Wolves of Machecoul〃 and 〃Black Tulip〃 may be safely
placed in any hands。
HAROLD Lytton Norman Conquest; HaroldWilliam I。 Geo。
Routledge & Sons
THE CAMP OF REFUGE C。 Macfarlane Norman Conquest;
HaroldWilliam I。 Constable & Co。
HEREWARD THE WAKE Charles Kingsley Norman Conquest;
HaroldWilliam I。 Macmillan & Co。
WULF THE SAXON G。 A。 Henty Norman Conquest; Harold
William I。 Blackie
- 司马辽太郎历史小说选
- ,大和大纳言-1.1.在故乡尾张国的中村一带,天空辽阔,平野茫茫,它们都无边无际地向海边延伸着。给这故乡的风景带来变化的,只有那天上的云彩。村子附近没有山岗。但是河沟纵横、交织如网,里面有很多蚬子、鲫鱼等鱼介。秀吉小时候,也曾在河沟里捕鱼捉虾,以作肴馔。而他的仅有的一个弟弟小一郎也跟他一样。秀长小时
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- 伯尔短篇小说选
- ,不中用的狗警官撞开房门说“您瞧一瞧他…也许”他嘴里叼着香烟。我走向那个躺在一张木板床上、一动不动的人。有一个坐在木板床后凳子上的人赶忙站起身来说“晚上好”我认出是神甫,向他点点头。他站在躺着的人的头部一边。我神情激动地转向警察,瞥了一眼那支燃着的香烟说“请您把灯弄亮一点…我什么都看不见”他跳到一张
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- 期货历史故事经典案例
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- 赫伯特·乔治·威尔斯短篇科幻小说集
- 作者:赫伯特·乔治·威尔斯作者简介《时间机器》运用了某种近乎恐怖的手法和错综复杂的情节,展示了一个震撼人心的感人故事。时间旅行家是对科学有所藐视的威尔斯式的英雄(凡尔纳式的英雄比较推崇科学技术,具有极强的能力,却无法改变现实。整个作品给人以某种荒凉的感觉。后来威尔斯一发不可收拾,相继创作了《摩若博士
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- [英]卡尔.波普尔历史决定论的贫困
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