Article on Historical Romance in Blackwood"s Magazine。 Vol。 LVIII。;
page 341。 (September; 1845。)
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A Guide to the Best Historical Novels and Tales
Article on Historical Romance; by G。 H。 Lewes; in The Westminster
Review。 Vol。 XLV。; page 34。 (March; 1846。)
Article on 〃History in Fiction;〃 in The Dublin Review。 Vol。 XLV。; page
328。 (December; 1858。)
Lecture III。 (〃Scott and his Influence〃) in David Masson"s 〃British
Novelists and their Styles。〃 (Macmillan; 1859。)
Article on 〃Historical Novels;〃 by H。 James; jun。; in The Nation。 Vol。
V。; page 126。 (August 15th; 1867。)
Article on Historical Romance in The Argosy。 Vol。 XVII。; page 364。
(May; 1874。)
Chapter X。 (〃The Waverley Novels〃); in R。 H。 Hutton"s 〃Sir Walter
Scott。〃 (Macmillan"s English Men of Letters Series; 1878。)
The Essay on 〃The Waverley Novels;〃 in Vol。 II。 of Walter Bagehot"s
〃Literary Studies。〃 (Longmans; 1879)
〃A Descriptive Catalogue of Historical Novels and Tales。 For the use
of School Libraries and Teachers of History。 Enlarged from the List in
the "Journal of Education;" March; 1882。〃 piled and described by H。
Courthope Bowen; M。A。 (Edward Stanford; 1882。)
The section on 〃The Historical Novel;〃 in Bayard Tuckerman"s
〃History of English Prose Fiction。〃 (Putnams; 1882。)
The Chapter on 〃Courses of Reading in History;〃 in James Baldwin"s
〃The Book Lover。〃 (Putnams; 1886。)
The list of Historical Novels given in W。 F。 Allen"s 〃The Reader"s
Guide to English History。 With Supplement; extending the plan to other
countries and periods。〃 (Ginn & Co。; 1888。)
'A useful; but very unequal list。'
The partially…selective list of Historical Novels in 〃A Guide Book to
Books;〃 by E。 B。 Sargant and B。 Whishaw。 (H。 Frowde; 1891。)
The essay on 〃Sir Walter Scott;〃 in Vol。 I。 of Leslie Stephen"s 〃Hours
in a Library。〃 (Smith; Elder; & Co。; 1892。 New edition; with
'Mr。 Leslie Stephen is one of the most formidable critics with whom
the lover of Historical Romance has to deal。 That which it is possible to
say against such fiction is said more forcibly by him; perhaps; than by
… Page 90…
A Guide to the Best Historical Novels and Tales
anyone else。'
The series of articles dealing with 〃History in Fiction;〃 &c。; by J。 B。
Carlile; in Great Thoughts; October; 1892; to March; 1894。
Article 〃The Historical Novel;〃 by Prof。 A。 J。 Church; in Atalanta for
April; 1893。
The useful and partially…selective lists of Historical Tales given in
〃The Intermediate Textbook of English History;〃 by C。 S。 Fearenside and
A。 Johnson Evans。 (W。 B。 Clive; University Tutorial Press; Ltd。; 1893;
The short selective list of Historical Tales given in the appendix to
John Fiske"s 〃History of the United States for Schools。〃 (James Clarke &
Co。; 1894。)
Article on 〃The Historical Novel as illustrated by Sir Walter Scott;〃 by
Edwin Lester Arnold; in Atalanta for March; 1894。
The essay on 〃The Historical Novel〃 in W。 P。 James"s 〃Romantic
Professions and other papers。〃 (Elkin Mathews and John Lane; 1894。)
'A re…print; in somewhat revised form; of the suggestive article appearing
in Macmillan"s Magazine; November; 1887。'
Chapter X。 (〃Sir Walter Scott〃) in Prof。 Raleigh"s 〃The English
Novel。〃 (John Murray; 1894。)
Chapters X。; XI。; and XII。 in Prof。 Saintsbury"s 〃Essays in English
Literature; 1780…1860。 Second series。〃 (J。 M。 Dent & Co。; 1895。)
'Originally appeared in Macmillan"s Magazine; August; September;
and October; 1894。 A contribution to the subject of quite exceptional
brilliance and value。'
〃A Descriptive List of Novels and Tales dealing with the History of
North America;〃 by W。 M。 Griswold。 (Cambridge; U。S。A。; 1895。)
The Section headed 〃Historical Tales〃 in 〃Guide to the Study of
American History;〃 by E。 Channing and A。 B。 Hart。 (Ginn and Co。; 1896。)
A Letter on 〃Historical Novels; Past and Present;〃 by 〃Mazarin;〃 in
The Bookman; October; 1896。
Article on 〃The Indian Mutiny in Fiction;〃 in Blackwood"s Magazine;
February; 1897。
Article on 〃The Importance of Illustrating New England History by a
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A Guide to the Best Historical Novels and Tales
series of Romances;〃 by Rufus Choate; in The New England Magazine;
November; 1897。
Paper read before the College of Preceptors; on 〃The Use of Historical
Romances in the Teaching of History;〃 by R。 F。 Charles in The
Educational Times; November; 1897。
Article on 〃The American Historical Novel;〃 by Paul Lester Ford; in
The Atlantic Monthly; December; 1897。
'In this article a definition of the 〃Historical Novel〃 at variance with
my own; has been suggested。 In spite of Mr。 Fords argument; I am still
of opinion that the line of demarcation between the Historical Novel
proper and the Novel of Character or Adventure can be more clearly
drawn than he allows。 I was careful; when dealing with this question in
my Intr
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