So next day; at seven o’clock; I came to the shop in a cab。 There were not very many people in the road; be-cause it was early in the morning。 In November it is dark at seven o’clock in the morning; and I could not see the shop very well。 I waited five minutes。 A postman walked past。 Then the door of the shop opened; and the creature; Merrick ; came out。
I could not see his face or his body。 He had an enormous black hat on his head; like a big box。 A grey cloth came down from the hat; in front of his face。 There was a hole in the cloth in front of his eyes。 He could see out of the hole but I could not see in。 He wore a long black coat; too。 The coat began at his neck; and ended at his feet; so I could not see his arms; his body; or his legs。 On his feet he wore big shoes; like old bags。
He had a stick in his left hand; and he walked very slowly。 I opened the door of the cab; and got out。
‘Good morning; Mr Merrick; ’I said。 ‘Can you get in?’
‘Elpmyupasteps; ’he said。
‘I"m sorry; ’I said。 ‘I don"t understand。 ’
For a minute he stood by the door of the cab and said nothing。 Then he hit the cab with his stick。
‘STEPS! ’he said loudly。 ‘Help me up the steps! ’
Then I understood。 There were three steps up into the cab; and he could not get up them。
‘Yes; I see。 I"m sorry; ’I said。 ‘Let me help you。 ’
I took his left hand and began to help him。 My right hand was behind his back。 I felt very strange。 His left hand was like a young woman"s; but his back under the coat; was horrible。 I could feel the bags of old skin on his back under the coat。
He put one enormous foot on the first step; and then he stopped。 After a minute; he moved his second foot slowly。 Then he stopped and waited again。
‘Hello; sir。 Can I help you?’
I looked behind me。 It was the postman。 And behind him; I could see three young boys。 One of the boys laughed。
The postman smiled。 ‘Is the gentleman ill?’he asked。
I thought quickly。 ‘Yes。 But this is a lady; not a gentle…man。 I"m a doctor; and she"s ill。 Take her hand; so I can help her better。 ’
The postman took Merrick"s left hand; and I helped him with two hands from behind。 Slowly; very slowly; Merrick went up the steps and into the cab。
One boy was very near the cab。 He called to his friends。
‘e and see this; boys! A fat lady in a black coat! And look at that enormous hat! ’
The boys laughed。 They were very near the cab too; now。 I closed the door quickly。
‘Thank you; ’I said to the postman。
‘That"s all right; sir; ’he said。 ‘She"s a strange lady; sir; isn"t she?’
‘She"s ill; that"s all; ’I said quickly。 ‘We"re going to the hospital。 Goodbye; and thank you。 ’
The cab drove down the road to the hospital。 I locked at Merrick。 ‘That was difficult; wasn"t it?’I said。
At first he said nothing; but then he spoke。 His voice was very strange; but I listened to him carefully; and I could understand him。
‘The steps were very difficult; ’he said。 ‘But most things are difficult for me。 ’
‘Yes; ’I said。 ‘ Nothing is easy for you; is it?’
‘No; ’he said。 He inute。 Then he said; ‘Who are you; sir?’
‘Who am I?Oh; I"m sorry; My name is Dr Treves。 Here; this is my card。 ’
I gave him a card with my name on。 Then I thought; ‘That was no good。 This man can"t read。 ’But Merrick took the card and looked at it very carefully。 Then he put it in his trousers pocket。
I did not talk to him very much at the hospital。 I looked at his head and arms and legs and body very carefully。 Then I wrote the important things about him in a little book。 A nurse helped me。 Merrick looked at her sometimes; but she did not smile at him or talk to him。 I think she was afraid of him。 I think Merrick was afraid too; because he was very quiet。
At four o’clock I took him back to the shop in a cab。 The next day I looked in the shop window again; but the picture was not there。
Chapter 3
A Letter to‘The Times’
I did not see Merrick again for two years。 Then; one day; the police found him。 He had my card in his hand; so they brought him to the London Hospital。 He was very tired; hungry; and dirty; so I put him to bed in a quiet little room。 But he could not stay at the hospital。 He was not ill; and of course the beds in the hospital are for ill people。 We have no beds for hungry people; or ugly people。
I told the Hospital Chairman; Mr Cars Gomm; about Merrick。 He listened carefully; and then he wrote a letter to the editor of The Times newspaper。
From The Times; December 4th; 1886
A Letter to the Editor。
Dear Sir;
I am writing to you about a man in our hospital。 He needs your help。 His name is Joseph Merrick; and he is 27 years old。 He is not ill; but he cannot go out of the hospital because he is very; very ugly。 Nobody likes to look at him; and some people are afraid him。 We call him ‘The Elephant Man’。
Two years ago; Merrick lived in a shop near the London Hospital。 For two pence; people could see him and laugh at him。 One day Dr Frederick Treves—a hospital doctor——sawMerrick; brought him to this hospital; and looked at him carefully。 Dr Treves could not help Merrick; but he gave him his card。
Then the shopkeeper; Silcock; took merrick to Belgium。 A lot of people in Belgium wanted to see him; and so after a year Merrick had £50。 But then Silcock took Merrick"s £50; left Merrick in Belgium; and went back to London。
Merrick came back to London by himself。 Everyone on the train and the ship looked at him; and laughed at him。 In London; the police put him in prison。 But then they saw DrTreves"s card; and brought Merrick to the London Hospital。
This man has no money; and he cannot work。 His face and body are very; very ugly; so of course many people are afraid of him。 But he is a very interesting man。 He can read and write; and he thinks a lot。 He is a good; quiet man。 Sometimes he makes things with his hands and gives them to the nurses; because they are kind to him。
He remembers his mother; and he has a picture of her。 She was beautiful and kind; he says。 But he never sees her now。 She gave him to Silco
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