
distracts one"s mind from higher things。〃 
〃Ah! the higher things of life; how fine they are!〃 said the Duck; 〃and 
that reminds me how hungry I feel〃: and she swam away down the 
stream; saying; 〃Quack; quack; quack。〃 
〃e back! e back!〃 screamed the Rocket; 〃I have a great deal to 
say to you〃; but the Duck paid no attention to him。 〃I am glad that she 
has gone;〃 he said to himself; 〃she has a decidedly middle…class mind〃; 
and he sank a little deeper still into the mud; and began to think about the 
loneliness of genius; when suddenly two little boys in white smocks came 
running down the bank; with a kettle and some faggots。 
〃This must be the deputation;〃 said the Rocket; and he tried to look 
very dignified。 
〃Hallo!〃 cried one of the boys; 〃look at this old stick! I wonder how 
it came here〃; and he picked the rocket out of the ditch。 
〃OLD Stick!〃 said the Rocket; 〃impossible! GOLD Stick; that is 
The Happy Prince and Other Tales 
what he said。 Gold Stick is very plimentary。 In fact; he mistakes 
me for one of the Court dignitaries!〃 
〃Let us put it into the fire!〃 said the other boy; 〃it will help to boil the 
So they piled the faggots together; and put the Rocket on top; and lit 
the fire。 
〃This is magnificent;〃 cried the Rocket; 〃they are going to let me off in 
broad day…light; so that every one can see me。〃 
〃We will go to sleep now;〃 they said; 〃and when we wake up the kettle 
will be boiled〃; and they lay down on the grass; and shut their eyes。 
The Rocket was very damp; so he took a long time to burn。 At last; 
however; the fire caught him。 
〃Now I am going off!〃 he cried; and he made himself very stiff and 
straight。 〃I know I shall go much higher than the stars; much higher than 
the moon; much higher than the sun。 In fact; I shall go so high that … 〃 
Fizz! Fizz! Fizz! and he went straight up into the air。 
〃Delightful!〃 he cried; 〃I shall go on like this for ever。 What a 
success I am!〃 
But nobody saw him。 
Then he began to feel a curious tingling sensation all over him。 
〃Now I am going to explode;〃 he cried。 〃I shall set the whole world 
on fire; and make such a noise that nobody will talk about anything else 
for a whole year。〃 And he certainly did explode。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 
went the gunpowder。 There was no doubt about it。 
But nobody heard him; not even the two little boys; for they were 
sound asleep。 
Then all that was left of him was the stick; and this fell down on the 
back of a Goose who was taking a walk by the side of the ditch。 
〃Good heavens!〃 cried the Goose。 〃It is going to rain sticks〃; and she 
rushed into the water。 
〃I knew I should create a great sensation;〃 gasped the Rocket; and he 
went out。 
The Happy Prince and Other Tales 

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