Mejnun; The Seven Beauties and The Book of Alexander the Great。
1258: The Sack of Baghdad。 Hulagu (reigned 1251–1265); the grandson of
Genghis Khan; conquered Baghdad。
1300–1922: The Ottoman Empire; a Sunni Muslim power; ruled south…
eastern Europe; the Middle East and North Africa。 At its greatest extent; the
empire reached the gates of Vienna and Persia。
1370–1405: Reign of the Turkic ruler Tamerlane。 Subdued the areas that the
Blacksheep ruled in Persia。 Tamerlane conquered areas from Mongolia to the
Mediterranean including parts of Russia; India; Afghanistan; Iran; Iraq and
Anatolia (where he defeated the Ottoman Sultan Bayazid I in 1402)。
1370–1526: The Timurid Dynasty; established by Tamerlane; fostered a
brilliant revival of artistic and intellectual life; and ruled in Persia; central Asia
and Transoxiana。 The schools of miniature painting at Shiraz; Tabriz and Herat
flourished under the Timurids。 In the early fifteenth century Herat was the
center of painting in the Islamic world and home to the great master Bihzad。
1375–1467: The Blacksheep; a Turkmen tribal federation; ruled over parts of
Iraq; eastern Anatolia and Iran。 Jihan Shah (reigned 1438–67); the last
Blacksheep ruler; was defeated by the Whitesheep Tall Hasan in 1467。
1378–1502: The Whitesheep federation of Turkmen tribes ruled northern
Iraq; Azerbaijan and eastern Anatolia。 Whitesheep ruler Tall Hasan (reigned
1452–78) failed in his attempts to contain the eastward expansion of the
Ottomans; but he defeated the Blacksheep Jihan Shah in 1467 and the Timurid
Abu Said in 1468; extending his dominions to Baghdad; Herat; and the Persian
1453: Ottoman Sultan Mehmet the Conqueror took Istanbul。 Demise of
the Byzantine Empire。 Sultan Mehmet later missioned his portrait from
1501–1736: The Safavid Empire ruled in Persia。 The establishment of Shia
Islam as the state religion helped unify the empire。 The seat of the empire was
at first located in Tabriz; then moved to Kazvin; and later; to Isfahan。 The first
Safavid ruler; Shah Ismail (reigned 1501–24); subdued the areas that the
Whitesheep ruled in Azerbaijan and Persia。 Persia weakened appreciably during
the rule of Shah Tahmasp I (reigned 1524–76)。
1512: The Flight of Bihzad。 The great miniaturist Bihzad emigrated from
Herat to Tabriz。
1514: The Plunder of the Seven Heavens Palace。 The Ottoman Sultan
Selim the Grim; after defeating the Safavid army at Chaldiran; plundered the
Seven Heavens Palace in Tabriz。 He returned to Istanbul with an exquisite
collection of Persian miniatures and books。
1520–66: Süleyman the Magnificent and the Golden Age of Ottoman
Culture。 The reign of Ottoman Sultan Süleyman the Magnificent。 Important
conquests expanded the empire to the east and the west; including the first
seige of Vienna (1529) and the capture of Baghdad from the Safavids (1535)。
1556–1605: Reign of Akbar; Emperor of Hindustan; a descendant of
Tamerlane and Genghis Khan。 He established miniaturists’ workshops in Agra。
1566–74: The reign of Ottoman Sultan Selim II。 Peace treaties signed with
Austria and Persia。
1571: The Battle of Lepanto。 A four…hour naval battle between allied
Christian forces and the Ottomans subsequent to the Ottoman invasion of
Cyprus (1570)。 Though the Ottomans were defeated; Venice surrendered
Cyprus to the Ottomans in 1573。 The battle had great impact on European
morale and was the subject of paintings by Titian; Tintoretto and Veronese。
1574–95: The reign of Ottoman Sultan Murat III (during whose rule the
events of our novel take place)。 His rule witnessed a series of struggles between
1578–90 known as the Ottoman…Safavid wars。 He was the Ottoman sultan
most interested in miniatures and books; and he had the Book of Skills; the
Book of Festivities and the Book of Victories produced in Istanbul。 The most
prominent Ottoman miniaturists; including Osman the Miniaturist (Master
Osman) and his disciples; contributed to them。
1576: Shah Tahmasp’s Peace Offering to the Ottomans。 After decades of
hostility; Safavid Shah Tahmasp made a present to the Ottoman Sultan Selim II
upon the death of Süleyman the Magnificent in an attempt to foster future
peace。 Among the gifts sent to Edirne is an exceptional copy of the Book of
Kings; produced over a period of twenty…five years。 The book was later
transferred to the Treasury in the Topkapi Palace。
1583: The Persian miniaturist Velijan (Olive); about ten years after ing
to Istanbul; is missioned to work for the Ottoman court。
1587–1629: Reign of the Safavid Persian ruler Shah Abbas I; begins with the
deposition of his father Muhammad Khodabandeh。 Shah Abbas reduced
Turkmen power in Persia by moving the capital from Kazvin to Isfahan。 He
made peace with the Ottomans in 1590。
1591: The Story of Black and the Ottoman Court Painters。 A year before
the thousandth anniversary (calculated in lunar years) of the Hegira; Black
returns to Istanbul from the east; beginning the events recounted in the novel。
1603–17: The reign of Ottoman Sultan Ahmet I; who destroyed the large
clock with statuary sent to the sultan as a present by Queen Elizabeth I。
Orhan Pamuk
Orhan Pamuk is the author of seven novels and the recipient
of major Turkish and international literary awards。
He is one of Europe’s most prominent novelists; and
his work has been translated into twenty…six languages。
He lives in Istanbul。
a note about the translator
Erda? M。 G?knar is visiting assistant professor of Turkish language
and culture at Duke University。 He is also writing his first novel。
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