ow he negotiates and puts deals together。
Just as I was not me when I was up to bat; when I"m in the market or I"m negotiating a deal; I am subconsciously acting with the bravado of Trump。 Or when analyzing a trend; I look at it as though Peter Lynch were doing it。 By having heroes; we tap into a tremendous source of raw genius。
But heroes do more than simply inspire us。 Heroes make things look easy。 It"s the making it look easy that convinces us to want to be just like them。 〃If they can do it; so can I。〃
When it es to investing; too many people make it sound hard。 Instead find heroes who make it look easy。
10。 TEACH AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE: The power of giving。 Both of my dads were teachers。 My rich dad taught me a lesson I have carried all my life; and that was the necessity of being charitable or giving。 My educated dad gave a lot by the way of time and knowledge; but almost never gave away money。 As I said; he usually said that he would give when he had some extra money。 Of course; there was rarely any extra。
My rich dad gave money as well as education。 He believed firmly in tithing。 〃If you want something; you first need to give;〃 he would always say。 When he was short of money; he simply gave money to his church or to his favorite charity。
If I could leave one single idea with you; it is that idea。 Whenever you feel 〃short〃 or in 〃need〃 of something; give what you want first and it will e back in buckets。 That is true for money; a smile; love; friendship。 I know it is often the last thing a person may want to do; but; it has always worked for me。 I just trust that the principle of reciprocity it is true; and I give what I want。 I want money; so I give money; and it es back in multiples。 I want sales; so I help someone else sell something; and sales e to me。 I want contacts and I help someone else get contacts; and like magic; contacts e to me。 I heard a saying years ago that went; 〃God does not need to receive; but humans need to give。〃
My rich dad would often say; 〃Poor people are more greedy than rich people。〃 He would explain that if a person was rich; that person was providing something that other people wanted。 In my life; over all these ; years; whenever I have felt needy or short of money or short of help; I simply went out or found in my heart what I wanted; and decided to give it first。 And when I gave; it always came back。
It reminds me of the story of the guy sitting with firewood in his arms on a cold freezing night; and he is yelling at the pot…bellied stove; 〃When you give me some heat; then I"ll put some wood in。〃 And when it es to money; love; happiness; sales and contacts; all one needs to remember is first to give what you want and it will e back in droves。 ? Often just the process of thinking of what I want; and how could I give what I want to someone else; breaks free a torrent of bounty。 Whenever I feel that people aren"t smiling at me; I simply begin smiling and saying hello; and like magic; there are suddenly more smiling people around me。 It is true that your world is only a mirror of you。
So that"s why I say; 〃Teach and you shall receive。〃 I have found that the more I sincerely teach those who want to learn; the more I learn。 If you want to learn about money; teach it to someone else。 A torrent of new ideas and finer distinctions will e in。
There are times when I have given and nothing has e back or what I have received is not what I wanted。 But upon closer inspection and soul searching; I was often giving to receive in those instances; instead of giving to give。
My dad taught teachers; and he became a master teacher。 My rich dad always taught young people his way of doing business。 In retrospect; it was their generosity with what they knew that made them smarter。 There are powers in this world that are much smarter than we are。 You can get there on your own; but it"s easier with the help of the powers that be。 All you need to be is generous with what you have; and the powers will be generous with you。
Still Want More? Here are Some To Do"s
Many people may not be satisfied with my ten steps。 They see them more as philosophies than actions。 I think understanding the philosophy is just as important as the action。 There are many people who want to do; instead of think; and then there are people who think but do not do。 I would say that I am both。 I love new ideas and I love action。
So for those who want 〃to dos〃 on how to get started; I will share with you some of the things I do; in abbreviated form。
?Stop doing what you"re doing。 In other words; take a break and assess what is working and what is not working。 The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result。 Stop doing what is not working and look for something new to do。
?Look for new ideas。 For new investing ideas; I go to bookstores and look for books on different and unique subjects。 I call them formulas。 I buy how…to books on a formula I know nothing about。 For example; it was in the bookstore that I found the book The 16 Percent Solution; by Joel Moskowitz。 I bought the book and read it。
TAKE ACTION! The next Thursday; I did exactly as the book said。 Step by step。 I have also done that with finding real estate bargains in attorneys" offices and in banks。 Most people do not take action; or they let someone talk them out of whatever new formula they are studying。 My neighbor told me why 16 percent would not work。 I did not listen to him because he"s never done it。
?Find someone who has done what you want to do。 Take them to lunch。 Ask them for tips; for little tricks of the trade。 As for 16 percent tax lien certificates; I went to the county tax office and found the government employee who worked in the office。 I found out that she; too; invested in the tax liens。 Immediately; she was invited to lunch。 She was thrilled to tell me everything she knew and how to do it。 After lunch; she spent all afternoon showing me everything。 By the next day; I found two great properties with her help and have been accruing interest at 16 percent ever since。 It took a day to read the book; a day to take action; an hour for lunch; and a day to acquire two great deal
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