inutes。 He knew what was wrong by simply listening to the engine。 I was amazed。
The sad truth is; great talent is not enough。
I am constantly shocked at how little talented people earn。 I heard the other day that less than 5 percent of Americans earn more than 100;000 a year。 I have met brilliant; highly educated people who earn less than 20;000 a year。 A business consultant who specializes in the medical trade was telling me how many doctors; dentists and chiropractors struggle financially。 All this time; I thought that when they graduated; the dollars would pour in。 It was this business consultant who gave me the phrase; 〃They are one skill away from great wealth。〃
What this phrase means is that most people need only to learn and master one more skill and their ine would jump exponentially。 I have mentioned before that financial intelligence is a synergy of accounting; investing; marketing and law。 bine those four technical skills and making money with money is easier。 When it es to money; the only skill most people know is to work hard。
The classic example of a synergy of skills was that young writer for the newspaper。 If she diligently learned the skills of sales and marketing; her ine would jump dramatically。 If I were her; I would take some courses in advertising copywriting as well as sales。 Then; instead of working at the newspaper; I would seek a job at an advertising agency。 Even if it were a cut in pay; she would learn how to municate in 〃short cuts〃 that are used in successful advertising。 She also would spend time learning public relations; an important skill。 She would learn how to get millions in free publicity。 Then; at night and on weekends; she could be writing her great novel。 When it was finished; she would be better able to sell her book。 Then; in a short while; she could be a 〃bestselling author。〃
When I first came out with my first book If You Want To Be Rich and Happy; Don"t Go to School? a publisher suggested I change the tide to The Economics of Education。 I told the publisher that with a title like that; I would sell two books: one to my family and one to my best friend。 The problem is; they would expect it for free。 The obnoxious title If You Want To Be Rich and Happy; Don"t Go to School? was chosen because we knew it would get tons of publicity。 I am proeducation and believe in education reform。 Otherwise; why would I continue to press for changing our antiquated educational system? So I chose a title that would get me on more TV and radio shows; simply because I was willing to be controversial。 Many people thought I was a fruitcake; but the book sold and sold。
When I graduated from the U。S。 Merchant Marine Academy in 1969; my educated dad was happy。 Standard Oil of California had hired me for its oiltanker fleet。 I was a third mate; and the pay was low pared with my classmates; but it was OK for a first real job after college。 My starting pay was about 42;000 a year; including overtime; and I only had ; to work for seven months。 I had five months of vacation。 If I had wanted to; I could have taken the run to Vietnam with a subsidiary shipping pany; and easily doubled my pay instead of taking the five J months" vacation。
I had a great career ahead of me; yet I resigned after six months with the pany and joined the Marine Corps to learn how to fly。 My educated dad was devastated。 Rich dad congratulated me。
In school and in the workplace; the popular opinion is the idea of 〃specialization。〃 That is; in order to make more money or get promoted; you need to 〃specialize。〃 That is why medical doctors immediately begin to seek a specialty such as orthopedics or pediatrics。 The same is true for accountants; architects; lawyers; pilots and others。
My educated dad believed in the same dogma。 That is why he was thrilled when he eventually achieved his doctorate。 He often admitted ??that schools reward people who study more and more about less and less。
Rich dad encouraged me to do exactly the opposite。 〃You want to " know a little about a lot〃 was his suggestion。 That is why for years I worked in different areas of his panies。 For awhile; I worked in his accounting department。 Although I would probably never have been an accountant; he wanted me to learn via 〃osmosis。〃 Rich dad knew I would pick up 〃jargon〃 and a sense of what is important and what is not。 I also worked as a bus boy and construction worker; as well as in sales; reservations and marketing。 He was 〃grooming〃 Mike and me。 That is why he insisted we sit in on the meetings with his bankers; lawyers; accountants and brokers。 He wanted us to know a little about every aspect of his empire。
When I quit my highpaying job with Standard Oil; my educated dad had a hearttoheart with me。 He was bewildered。 He could not understand my decision to resign from a career that offered high pay; great benefits; lots of time off; and opportunity for promotion。 When he asked me one evening; 〃Why did you quit?〃 I could not explain it to him; as much as I tried。 My logic did not fit his logic。 The big problem wasthat my logic was my rich dad"s logic。
Job security meant everything to my educated dad。 Learning meant everything to my rich dad。
Educated dad thought I went to school to learn to be a ship"s officer。 Rich dad knew that I went to school to study international trade。 So as a student; I made cargo runs; navigating large freighters; oil tankers and passenger ships to the Far East and the South Pacific。 Rich dad emphasized that I stay in the Pacific instead of taking ships to Europe because he knew that the 〃emerging nations〃 were in Asia; not Europe。 While most of my classmates; including Mike; were partying at their fraternity houses; I was studying trade; people; business styles and cultures in Japan; Taiwan; Thailand; Singapore; Hong Kong; Vietnam; Korea; Tahiti; Samoa and the Philippines。 I also was partying; but it was not in any frat house。 I grew up rapidly。
Educated dad just could not understand why I decided to quit and join the Marine Corps。 I told him I wanted to learn to fly; but really I wanted to learn to lead troops。 Rich dad explained to me that the hardest part of running a pany is managing people。 He had spent three yea
- 富爸爸,穷爸爸(英文版)
- 手机访问 m╮欢迎光临︱田︱田田╬版 权 归 原 作 者【坐等吃鱼】整理 附】内容版权归作者所有!INTRODUCTIONThere is a NeedDoes school prepare children for the real world"Study hard and get good gr
- 文学名著
- 最新章:第52章
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