would be disbanding the WTO; that success would be removing the power from the top one percent of the world"s population。
GRETCHEN KING:我们在全国旅行,在大大小小有示威的地方建立网络。不论哪里的人们需要建立这些网络,我们帮助他们。如果我们可以提供选择、倾听街头的批评、显示人们的不同,那么我们就有可能成功。这样的成功就有可能摧毁美国的自由贸易协定、解散WTO、从只占世界人口1%的富裕人群手中夺取权力。
JE CASTANEDA: The protestors; by staking out an extremist position; make a more regulatory position more centrist; and that"s fine。 Perhaps that"s not what they want; but that"s too bad。 You don"t always get what you want; and you don"t always know who you"re working for。 But I do think that the protestors are natural allies of people who believe that there are things that should be done to manage world trade a certain way。
JE CASTANEDA:这些抗议者的极端立场使得管制采取了更加中间的立场,那样很好。 也许这并不是他们所想要的,因为他们的要求太激进了。你并不是每次都能得到你所想要的,你并不是每次都知道你为谁工作, 但我认为抗议是相信应当采取一些措施、按照一定方法来管理世界贸易的人们的天然同盟。
NARRATOR: The lasting impact of the protest movement was subtle; but real。 Since Seattle; the terms of the global debate had shifted。
NEMAT SHAFIK: In the early days; when the first protests started; I remember feeling very frustrated; because their rhetoric was so abstract。 It was; you know; it was about economic justice; they had no alternative program。 And the more I thought about it; the more I realized that if one looks historically; the role of protest movement isn"t to provide solutions; it"s their job to be critical; and then it"s the job of the insiders; the people in the system; in their response to those protests to e up with new solutions。 And I think that"s where we"re at now。 And so I do think it"s healthy that we have them banging at the gates。
NEMAT SHAFIK:在早期,最早的抗议开始时,在我记忆中的感觉非常失败。因为抗议者的语言非常抽象,抗议的内容是经济公正,并且没有提供其它的备选方案。当我更多地思考这个问题,我更多地认识到,如果从历史的角度来考虑这个问题,抗议运动的角色并不是提供一个解决方案;他们的任务是批评。解决方案是内部人员的工作。系统内的人对回答抗议者的问题,提供新解决方案负有责任。那正是我们现在所做的工作。因此,我认为门口存在抗议者是一件有益的事情。
BILL CLINTON: They care about legitimate problems; but they have the wrong diagnosis。 Their diagnosis is that the global economy has produced all the misery that they"re protesting against。 On the other hand; you cannot have a global economy without a global social response; without a global environmental response; without a global security response。 It"s just。。。 it"s unrealistic to think you can。 And that"s basically the next big challenge; is making this interdependent world of ours; on balance; far more positive than negative。 And the extent to which we succeed in doing that will determine whether the 21st century is either marred in its first 50 years by terrorism of all kinds across national borders; and more racial and religious and ethnic strife; and tribal strife in Africa; or whether it bees the most peaceful and prosperous and interesting time the world"s ever known。
Chapter 23: 9/11 '4:27'
第二十三章: “事件”
NARRATOR: In the first decade of the 20th century; the global economy was in many ways as integrated as ours today。 That era of globalization ended in Sarajevo in 1914; when a bullet fired by a terrorist triggered the first world war。 In the aftermath of September 11; it seemed possible that history could repeat itself。
旁白:20世纪的第一个十年,全球经济在许多方面象现在一样密不可分。那个时代的全球化终止于1914年的萨拉热窝事件,一颗恐怖分子的子弹引发了第一次世界大战。 911事件的后果使历史看起来有可能重演。
DANIEL YERGIN: Up until September 11; there was a sense that with the crisis and the risks; that nevertheless this movement towards globalization really was irreversible。 And since then there"s a recognition of that you can"t turn back the clock; we"re not going to abolish email; or puters aren"t going to get slower; but things can go in another direction。 Markets do best and work best and deliver what they can do during times of peace。 And if you"re not in a time of peace; but you"re in some other kind of time; then things won"t work as well; and priorities will be elsewhere as well。
DANIEL YERGIN:到911事件为止,虽然有危机和风险,全球化的运动是不可逆转的。911事件以后, 有一种认识认为虽然你不能逆转时钟、不能废止电子邮件、计算机不可能变得更慢,但是事情有可能会转向其它方向。市场在和平时期会运转得最好,充分发挥其作用。但是如果不是处于和平时期,而是其它的任何时期,市场也有可能不发挥作用。其它方面会有更重要的事情。
NARRATOR: The ; the Bush administration sought to rebuild economic confidence。
GEE W。 BUSH: Out of the sorrow of September 11; I see opportunity; a chance for nations to strengthen and rethink and reinvigorate their relationships。 When nations open their markets to the world; they find in America a trading partner; an investor; and a friend。
NARRATOR: In November 2001; the World Trade anization gathered as planned in the Middle East。 The remote city of Doha had been chosen to keep protestors away; but September 11 had dampened the antiglobalization movement。 Delegates reached the promise that had eluded them in Seattle。 A new round of trade negotiations was launched; and the concerns of the developing world will be at the top
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