《穿越之闲情逸致》卉木萋止 ˇ嘘~ˇ 最新更新:20140912 23:16:43
YanChang touch corners of the mouth; deep eyes rested on all let her face like a fantastic face burning hot。
Thousands of British up; YanChang action faster; arm stopped her waist or imprison people in her arms。
”What the heck are you doing?”Thousands of British was finally provoked losing patience。
Facial paralysis is still bad; take the tip rubbing against her; in space flow in a low voice say: ”hello good quiet; I want to kiss you。”
He said was a fantastic catch; someone"s brain stop working in an instant; focused stay out beneath the expression without any wrong man。If he has seemed to landless hook hook corners of the mouth; and a dragonfly in wan sentiment already touched on some water; and then said: ”you silly like this。”
Oh; my goshA fantastic suddenly the wind; at a loss。
”You。。。 what do you mean?”She was a little bit of look forward to ask the past。
YanChang raise my hand to arrange her technique; casual tone up said: ”nothing。”
”What do you want to die”Thousands of British specialty to pinch his neck; eyes were red with anger。
YanChang put her hands together in a folding oneself before the chest; look up to her to say: ”I don"t say don"t you understand?”
The palm is the heart of his irregular heartbeat; this is all a fantastic feel your palms began to hot; she began to palpitate; she has not only confirmed his intention idea how deep have much difficult to extricate themselves; she"s not ready to tell him。
”I don"t understand。。。”
YanChang and kiss her; the use of hot lip frantically crush each other; to transfer the past those feelings will be inching throb; apex with tremble every a。A fantastic fingers gripped his clothes; his eyes suddenly bee acidity; slowly get wetter and drop something。
She had lost everything; she told her that everything can be retrieved。And then get to modern and trying to persuade her to live well。She never thought she will one day because of a person cry。If these are her fall in love with a person"s stage; that she also had to my fate。
Clothes off one by one to under the sofa; in the air are spread beautiful smell。Thousands of British lie on your back holding his neck to see his eyes for her towering passion; biting his fingers in her mouth; one side provocation to look over。YanChang hand not lawabiding along the side of her waist line is slipping; finally gently pulled open her legs; lift one leg embedded crevice。Than a fantastic heart a panic just want to close the leg and the friction between people feel the hot temperature; they all。
”Afraid?”Some of the voices of YanChang dumb。
Thousands of British opposed response: ”who say I"m just nervous。”
YanChang hands soothe a touch in her eyes; said: ”don"t be afraid; I am gentle。”
All fantastic bit her lip ear so red; tilting the face is no longer what to say。
Hearts; than a fantastic feel a drop all those he shed sweat dripping from her body; bined with all contribute his taste; she realized she was profoundly this personal possession; heart and body are full possession。His eyes moisten the clear seal is her appearance; she has nothing to hesitate。
So she said softly in his ear; ”I love you; I love you。。。。。。”Are wrapped up hot body。
Such a teary ending love; direct shock to her man wanted to send her down to eat into the belly of the beast。
Woke up; more fantastic also feel he is not sated in over her shoulder to arm to push his head up; and took on her finger。Wan sentiment already used up the last strength turned over left back to his。The man is along the neck all the way down to peck kiss; between between and obviously; there are so tight。
”That"s enough。。。 um。。。”
He pulls her shoulders curled hair grabbed her shoulders; again into her body。Than a fantastic twitching slightly; to take off the force stalls into rippling water let him; get drunk in a piece of soft nostalgia。
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