theyll hang me for horsestealing。〃 he was feeling less frightened of lions than bree because he had never met a lion; bree had。
bree only snorted in answer but he did sheer away to his right。 oddly enough the other horse seemed also to be sheering away to the left; so that in a few seconds the space between them had widened a good deal。 but as soon as it did so there came two more lions roars; immediately after one another; one on the right and the other on the left; the horses began drawing nearer together。 so; apparently; did the lions。 the roaring of the brutes on each side was horribly close and they seemed to be keeping up with the galloping horses quite easily。 then the cloud rolled away。 the moonlight; astonishingly bright; showed up everything almost as if it were broad day。 the two horses and two riders were galloping neck to neck and knee to knee just as if they were in a race。 indeed bree said (afterwards) that a finer race had never been seen in calormen。
shasta now gave himself up for lost and began to wonder whether lions killed you quickly or played with you as a cat plays with a mouse and how much it would hurt。 at the same time (one sometimes does this at the most frightful moments) he noticed everything。 he saw that the other rider was a very small; slender person; mail…clad (the moon shone on the mail) and riding magnificently。 he had no beard。
something flat and shining was spread out before them。 before shasta had time even to guess what it was there was a great splash and he found his mouth half full of salt water。 the shining thing had been a long inlet of the sea。 both horses were swimming and the water was up to shastas knees。
there was an angry roaring behind them and looking back shasta saw a great; shaggy; and terrible shape crouched on the waters edge; but only one。 〃we must have shaken off the other lion;〃 he thought。
the lion apparently did not think its prey worth a wetting; at any rate it made no attempt to take the water in pursuit。 the two horses; side by side; were now well out into the middle of the creek and the opposite shore could be clearly seen。 the tarkaan had not yet spoken a word。 〃but he will;〃 thought shasta。 〃as soon as we have landed。 what am i to say? i must begin thinking out a story。”
then; suddenly; two voices spoke at his side。
〃oh; i am so tired;〃 said the one。 〃hold your tongue; hwin; and dont be a fool;〃 said the other。
〃im dreaming;〃 thought shasta。 〃i could have sworn that other horse spoke。”
soon the horses were no longer swimming but walking and soon with a great sound of water running off their sides and tails and with a great crunching of pebbles under eight hoofs; they came out on the farther beach of the inlet。 the tarkaan; to shastas surprise; showed no wish to ask questions。 he did not even look at shasta but seemed anxious to urge his horse straight on。 bree; however; at once shouldered himself in the other horses way。
〃broo…hoo…hah!〃 he snorted。 〃steady there! i heard you; i did。 theres no good pretending; maam。 1 heard you。 youre a talking horse; a narnian horse just like me。”
〃whats it got to do with you if she is?〃 said the strange rider fiercely; laying hand on sword…hilt。 but the voice in which the words were spoken had already told shasta something。
〃why; its only a girl!〃 he exclaimed。
〃and what business is it of yours if i am only a girl?〃 snapped the stranger。 〃youre probably only a boy: a rude; mon little boy … a slave probably; whos stolen his masters horse。”
〃thats all you know;〃 said shasta。
〃hes not a thief; little tarkheena;〃 said bree。 〃at least; if theres been any stealing; you might just as well say i stole him。 and as for its not being my business; you wouldnt expect me to pass a lady of my own race in this strange country without speaking to her?
its only natural i should。”
〃i think its very natural too;〃 said the mare。
〃i wish youd held your tongue; hwin;〃 said the girl。 〃look at the trouble youve got us into。”
〃i dont know about trouble;〃 said shasta。 〃you can clear off as soon as you like。 we shant keep you。”
〃no; you shant;〃 said the girl。
〃what quarrelsome creatures these humans are;〃 said bree to the mare。 〃theyre as bad as mules。 lets try to talk a little sense。 i take it; maam; your story is the same as mine?
captured in early youth … years of slavery among the calormenes?”
〃too true; sir;〃 said the mare with a melancholy whinny。
〃and now; perhaps … escape?”
〃tell him to mind his own business; hwin;〃 said the girl。
〃no; i wont; aravis;〃 said the mare putting her ears back。 〃this is my escape just as much as yours。 and im sure a noble war…horse like this is not going to betray us。 we are trying to escape; to get to narnia。”
〃and so; of course; are we;〃 said bree。 〃of course you guessed that at once。 a little boy in rags riding (or trying to ride) a war…horse at dead of night couldnt mean anything but an escape of some sort。 and; if i may say so; a highborn tarkheena riding alone at night … dressed up in her brothers armour … and very anxious for everyone to mind their own business and ask her no questions … well; if thats not fishy; call me a cob!”
〃all right then;〃 said aravis。 〃youve guessed it。 hwin and i are running away。 we are trying to get to narnia。 and now; what about it?”
〃why; in that case; what is to prevent us all going together?〃 said bree。 〃i trust; madam hwin; you will accept such assistance and protection as i may be able to give you on the journey?”
〃why do you keep talking to my horse instead of to me?〃 asked the girl。
〃excuse me; tarkheena;〃 said bree (with just the slightest backward tilt of his ears); 〃but thats calormene talk。 were free narnians; hwin and i; and i suppose; if youre running away to narnia; you want to be one too。 in that case hwin isnt your horse any longer。
one might just as well say youre her human。”
the girl opened her mouth to speak and then stopped。 obviously she had not quite seen it in that light before。
〃still;〃 she said after a moments pause; 〃i dont know that theres so much point in all going together。 arent we
- 我床下长出的boy
- 书名:我床下长出的boy作者:番大王文案#买房子买在墓地上,是怎样的一种体验#八岁的我:不知从哪里长来的胖哥哥常对着我的睡颜流口水,我猜他在暗恋我!十八岁的我(拍拍床)小白过来,给你吃个好吃的[阅读指南:无骨异种[一句话简介:最可爱邪恶势力。内容标签 灵异神怪搜索关键字:主角 配角:夏兔;小白 其它
- 最新章:第49章
- 花样女生的爱情与boy
- 我的爱情我做主:花样女生的爱情与BOY 作者:童非非 一群女生,在属于她们的恋爱空间里释放出各自的情感。未知的爱情是赌注,可我们女生却不会退步!暗恋上,自己最好的朋友暗恋的白马王子,偏偏王子却喜欢上我这个不起眼的灰姑娘,会有什么结局…安徽文艺出版社 出版 FO1《花样女生的爱情与BOY 第一章 我以
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