o of the woods and waters of narnia and the castles and the great ships; till i said; ‘in the name of tash and azaroth and zardeenah lady of the night; i have a great wish to be in that country of narnia。 ‘o my mistress; answered the mare; ‘if you were in narnia you would be happy; for in that land no maiden is forced to marry against her will。 〃and when we had talked together for a great time hope returned to me and i rejoiced that i had not killed myself。 moreover it was agreed between hwin and me that we should steal ourselves away together and we planned it in this fashion。 we returned to my fathers house and i put on my gayest clothes and sang and danced before my father and pretended to be delighted with the marriage which he had prepared for me。 also i said to him; ‘o my father and o the delight of my eyes; give me your licence and permission to go with one of my maidens alone for three days into the woods to do secret sacrifices to zardeenah; lady of the night and of maidens; as is proper and customary for damsels when they must bid farewell to the service of zardeenah and prepare themselves for marriage。 and he answered; ‘o my daughter and o the delight of my eyes; so shall it be。 〃but when i came out from the presence of my father i went immediately to the oldest of his slaves; his secretary; who had dandled me on his knees when i was a baby and loved me more than the air and the light。 and i swore him to be secret and begged him to write a certain letter for me。 and he wept and implored me to change my resolution but in the end he said; ‘to hear is to obey; and did all my will。 and i sealed the letter and hid it in my bosom。”
〃but what was in the letter?〃 asked shasta。
〃be quiet; youngster;〃 said bree。 〃youre spoiling the story。 shell tell us all about the letter in the right place。 go on; tarkheena。”
〃then i called the maid who was to go with me to the woods and perform the rites of zardeenah and told her to wake me very early in the morning。 and i became merry with her and gave her wine to drink; but i had mixed such things in her cup that i knew she must sleep for a night and a day。 as soon as the household of my father had mitted themselves to sleep i arose and put on an armour of my brothers which i always kept in my chamber in his memory。 i put into my girdle all the money i had and certain choice jewels and provided myself also with food; and saddled the mare with my own hands and rode away in the second watch of the night。 i directed my course not to the woods where my father supposed that i would go but north and east to tashbaan。
〃now for three days and more i knew that my father would not seek me; being deceived by the words i had said to him。 and on the fourth day we arrived at the city of azim balda。 now azim balda stands at the meeting of many roads and from it the posts of the tisroc (may he live for ever) ride on swift horses to every part of the empire: and it is one of the rights and privileges of the greater tarkaans to send messages by them。 i therefore went to the chief of the messengers in the house of imperial posts in azim balda and said; ‘o dispatcher of messages; here is a letter from my uncle ahoshta tarkaan to kidrash tarkaan lord of calavar。 take now these five crescents and cause it to be sent to him。 and the chief of the messengers said; ‘to hear is to obey。 〃this letter was feigned to be written by ahoshta and this was the signification of the writing: ‘ahoshta tarkaan to kidrash tarkaan; salutation and peace。 in the name of tash the irresistible; the inexorable。 be it known to you that as i made my journey towards your house to perform the contract of marriage between me and your daughter aravis tarkheena; it pleased fortune and the gods that i fell in with her in the forest when she had ended the rites and sacrifices of zardeenah according to the custom of maidens。 and when i learned who she was; being delighted with her beauty and discretion; i became inflamed with love and it appeared to me that the sun would be dark to me if i did not marry her at once。 accordingly i prepared the necessary sacrifices and married your daughter the same hour that i met her and have returned with her to my own house。 and we both pray and charge you to e hither as speedily as you may that we may be delighted with your face and speech; and also that you may bring with you the dowry of my wife; which; by reason of my great charges and expenses; i require without delay。
and because thou and i are brothers i assure myself that you will not be angered by the haste of my marriage which is wholly occasioned by the great love i bear your daughter。
and i mit you to the care of all the gods。 〃as soon as i had done this i rode on in all haste from azim balda; fearing no pursuit and expecting that my father; having received such a letter; would send messages to ahoshta or go to him himself; and that before the matter was discovered i should be beyond tashbaan。 and that is the pith of my story until this very night when i was chased by lions and met you at the swimming of the salt water。”
〃and what happened to the girl … the one you drugged?〃 asked shasta。
〃doubtless she was beaten for sleeping late;〃 said aravis coolly。 〃but she was a tool and spy of my stepmothers。 i am very glad they should beat her。”
〃i say; that was hardly fair;〃 said shasta。
〃i did not do any of these things for the sake of pleasing you;〃 said aravis。
〃and theres another thing i dont understand about that story;〃 said shasta。 〃youre not grown up; i dont believe youre any older than i am。 i dont believe youre as old。 how could you be getting married at your age?”
aravis said nothing; but bree at once said; 〃shasta; dont display your ignorance。 theyre always married at that age in the great tarkaan families。”
shasta turned very red (though it was hardly light enough for the others to see this) and felt snubbed。 aravis asked bree for his story。 bree told it; and shasta thought that he put in a great deal more than he needed about the falls and the bad riding。 bree obviously thought it very funny; but aravis did not laugh。 when bree h
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