nothing like this had ever happened to shasta in his life before。 he had never even imagined lying on anything so fortable as that sofa or drinking anything so delicious as that sherbet。 he was still wondering what had happened to the others and how on earth he was going to escape and meet them at the tombs; and what would happen when the real corin turned up again。 but none of these worries seemed so pressing now that he was fortable。 and perhaps; later on; there would be nice things to eat!
meanwhile the people in that cool airy room were very interesting。 besides the faun there were two dwarfs (a kind of creature he had never seen before) and a very large raven。
the rest were all humans; grown…ups; but young; and all of them; both men and women; had nicer faces and voices than most calormenes。 and soon shasta found himself taking an interest in the conversation。 〃now; madam;〃 the king was saying to queen susan (the lady who had kissed shasta)。 〃what think you? we have been in this city fully three weeks。 have you yet settled in your mind whether you will marry this dark… faced lover of yours; this prince rabadash; or no?”
the lady shook her head。 〃no; brother;〃 she said; 〃not for all the jewels in tashbaan。”
(〃hullo!〃 thought shasta。 〃although theyre king and queen; theyre brother and sister; not married to one another。〃)
〃truly; sister;〃 said the king; 〃i should have loved you the less if you had taken him。 and i tell you that at the first ing of the tisrocs ambassadors into narnia to treat of this marriage; and later when the prince was our guest at cair paravel; it was a wonder to me that ever you could find it in your heart to show him so much favour。”
〃that was my folly; edmund;〃 said queen susan; 〃of which i cry you mercy。 yet when he was with us in narnia; truly this prince bore himself in another fashion than he does now in tashbaan。 for i take you all to witness what marvellous feats he did in that great tournament and hastilude which our brother the high king made for him; and how meekly and courteously he consorted with us the space of seven days。 but here; in his own city; he has shown another face。”
〃ah!〃 croaked the raven。 〃it is an old saying: see the bear in his own den before you judge of his conditions。”
〃thats very true; sallowpad;〃 said one of the dwarfs。 〃and another is; e; live with me and youll know me。”
〃yes;〃 said the king。 〃we have now seen him for what he is: that is; a most proud; bloody; luxurious; cruel; and selfpleasing tryant。”
〃then in the name of aslan;〃 said susan; 〃let us leave tashbaan this very day。”
〃theres the rub; sister;〃 said edmund。 〃for now i must open to you all that has been growing in my mind these last two days and more。 peridan; of your courtesy look to the door and see that there is no spy upon us。 all well? so。 for now we must be secret。”
everyone had begun to look very serious。 queen susan jumped up and ran to her brother。
〃oh; edmund;〃 she cried。 〃what is it? there is something dreadful in your face。”
prince corin 〃my dear sister and very good lady;〃 said king edmund; 〃you must now show your courage。 for i tell you plainly we are in no small danger。”
〃what is it; edmund asked the queen。
〃it is this;〃 said edmund。 〃i do not think we shall find it easy to leave tashbaan。 while the prince had hope that you would take him; we were honoured guests。 but by the lions mane; i think that as soon as he has your flat denial we shall be no better than prisoners。”
one of the dwarfs gave a low whistle。
〃i warned your majesties; i warned you;〃 said sallowpad the raven。 〃easily in but not easily out; as the lobster said in the lobster pot!”
〃i have been with the prince this morning;〃 continued edmund。 〃he is little used (mores the pity) to having his will crossed。 and he is very chafed at your long delays and doubtful answers。 this morning he pressed very hard to know your mind。 i put it aside…meaning at the same time to diminish his hopes … with some light mon jests about womens fancies; and hinted that his suit was likely to be cold。 he grew angry and dangerous。 there was a sort of threatening; though still veiled under a show of courtesy; in every word he spoke。”
〃yes;〃 said tumnus。 〃and when i supped with the grand vizier last night; it was the same。 he asked me how i like tashbaan。 and i (for i could not tell him i hated every stone of it and i would not lie) told him that now; when high summer was ing on; my heart turned to the cool woods and dewy slopes of narnia。 he gave a smile that meant no good and said; ‘there is nothing to hinder you from dancing there again; little goatfoot; always provided you leave us in exchange a bride for our prince。“
〃do you mean he would make me his wife by force?〃 exclaimed susan。
〃thats my fear; susan;〃 said edmund: 〃wife: or slave which is worse。”
〃but how can he? does the tisroc think our brother the high king would suffer such an outrage?”
〃sire;〃 said peridan to the king。 〃they would not be so mad。 do they think there are no swords and spears in narnia?”
〃alas;〃 said edmund。 〃my guess is that the tisroc has very small fear of narnia。 we are a little land。 and little lands on the borders of a great empire were always hateful to the lords of the great empire。 he longs to blot them out; gobble them up。 when first he suffered the prince to e to cair paravel as your lover; sister; it may be that he was only seeking an occasion against us。 most likely he hopes to make one mouthful of narnia and archenland both。”
〃let him try;〃 said the second dwarf。 〃at sea we are as big as he is。 and if he assaults us by land; he has the desert to cross。”
〃true; friend;〃 said edmund。 〃but is the desert a sure defence? what does sallowpad say?”
〃i know that desert well;〃 said the raven。 〃for i have flown above it far and wide in my younger days;〃 (you may be sure that shasta pricked up his ears at this point)。 〃and this is certain; that if the tisroc goes by the great oasis he can never lead a great army across it into archenland。 for though they could reach t
- 我床下长出的boy
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