nia; he would hate aravis; because she was a calormene; and either sell her for a slave or send her back to her father。 as for himself; 〃i simply dnt tell them im not prince corin now;〃 thought shasta。 〃ive heard all their plans。 if they knew i wasnt one of themselves; theyd never let me out of this house alive。
theyd be afraid id betray them to the tisroc。 theyd kill me。 and if the real corin turns up; itll all e out; and they will!〃 he had; you see; no idea of how noble and free…born people behave。
〃what am i to do? what am i to do?〃 he kept saying to himself。 〃what…hullo; here es that goaty little creature again。”
the faun trotted in; half dancing; with a tray in its hands which was nearly as large as itself。 this he set on an inlaid table beside shastas sofa; and sat down himself on the carpeted floor with his goaty legs crossed。
〃now; princeling;〃 he said。 〃make a good dinner。 it will be your last meal in tashbaan。”
it was a fine meal after the calormene fashion。 i dont know whether you would have liked it or not; but shasta did。 there were lobsters; and salad; and snipe stuffed with almonds and truffles; and a plicated dish made of chickenlivers and rice and raisins and nuts; and there were cool melons and gooseberry fools and mulberry fools; and every kind of nice thing that can be made with ice。 there was also a little flagon of the sort of wine that is called 〃white〃 though it is really yellow。
while shasta was eating; the good little faun; who thought he was still dazed with sunstroke; kept talking to him about the fine times he would have when they all got home; about his good old father king lune of archenland and the little castle where he lived on the southern slopes of the pass。 〃and dont forget;〃 said mr tumnus; 〃that you are promised your first suit of armour and your first war horse on your next birthday。 and then your highness will begin to learn how to tilt and joust。 and in a few years; if all goes well; king peter has promised your royal father that he himself will make you knight at cair paravel。 and in the meantime there will be plenty of ings and goings between narnia and archenland across the neck of the mountains。 and of course you remember you have promised to e for a whole week to stay with me for the summer festival; and therell be bonfires and all…night dances of fauns and dryads in the heart of the woods and; who knows?…we might see aslan himself!”
when the meal was over the faun told shasta to stay quietly where he was。 〃and it wouldnt do you any harm to have a little sleep;〃 he added。 〃ill call you in plenty of time to get on board。 and then; home。 narnia and the north!”
shasta had so enjoyed his dinner and all the things tumnus had been telling him that when he was left alone his thoughts took a different turn。 he only hoped now that the real prince corin would not turn up until it was too late and that he would be taken away to narnia by ship。 i am afraid he did not think at all of what might happen to the real corin when he was left behind in tashbaan。 he was a little worried about aravis and bree waiting for him at the tombs。 but then he said to himself; 〃well; how can i help it?〃 and; 〃anyway; that aravis thinks shes too good to go about with me; so she can jolly well go alone;〃 and at the same time he couldnt help feeling that it would be much nicer going to narnia by sea than toiling across the desert。
when he had thought all this he did what i expect you would have done if you had been up very early and had a long walk and a great deal of excitement and then a very good meal; and were lying on a sofa in a cool room with no noise in it except when a bee came buzzing in through the wide open windows。 he fell asleep。
what woke him was a loud crash。 he jumped up off the sofa; staring。 he saw at once from the mere look of the room … the lights and shadows all looked different … that he must have slept for several hours。 he saw also what had made the crash: a costly porcelain vase which had been standing on the window…sill lay on …the floor broken into about thirty pieces。 but he hardly noticed all these things。 what he did notice was two hands gripping the window…sill from outside。 they gripped harder and harder (getting
white at the knuckles) and then up came a head and a pair of shoulders。 a moment later there was a boy of shastas own age sitting astride the sill with one leg hanging down inside the room。
shasta had never seen his own face in a looking…glass。 even if he had; he might not have realized that the other boy was (at ordinary times) almost exactly like himself。 at the moment this boy was not particularly like anyone for he had the finest black eye you ever saw; and a tooth missing; and his clothes (which must have been splendid ones when he put them on) were torn and dirty; and there was both blood and mud on his face。
〃who are you?〃 said the boy in a whisper。
〃are you prince corin?〃 said shasta。
〃yes; of course;〃 said the other。 〃but who are you?”
〃im nobody; nobody in particular; i mean;〃 said shasta。 〃king edmund caught me in the street and mistook me for you。 i suppose we must look like one another。 can i get out the way youve got in?”
〃yes; if youre any good at climbing;〃 said corin。 〃but why are you in such a hurry? i say: we ought to be able to get some fun out of this being mistaken for one another。”
〃no; no;〃 said shasta。 〃we must change places at once。 itll be simply frightful if mr tumnus es back and finds us both here。 ive had to pretend to be you。 and youre starting tonight … secretly。 and where were you all this time?”
〃a boy in the street made a beastly joke about queen susan;〃 said prince corin; 〃so i knocked him down。 he ran howling into a house and his big brother came out。 so i knocked the big brother down。 then they all followed me until we ran into three old men with spears who are called the watch。 so i fought the watch and they knocked me down。
it was getting dark by now。 then the watch took me along to lock me up somewhere。 so i asked them if theyd like a stoup of wine and they said they didnt mind if they did。 then i took
- 我床下长出的boy
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