the bolt of tash falls from above!”
〃does it ever get caught on a hook half…way?〃 asked corin。
〃shame; corin;〃 said the king。 〃never taunt a man save when he is stronger than you: then; as you please。”
〃oh you foolish rabadash;〃 sighed lucy。
next moment cor wondered why everyone at the table had risen and was standing perfectly still。 of course he did the same himself。 and then he saw the reason。 aslan was among them though no one had seen him ing。 rabadash started as the immense shape of the lion paced softly in between him and his accusers。
〃rabadash;〃 said aslan。 〃take heed。 your doom is very near; but you may still avoid it。
forget your pride (what have you to be proud of?) and your anger (who has done you wrong?) and accept the mercy of these good kings。”
then rabadash rolled his eyes and spread out his mouth into a horrible; long mirthless grin like a shark; and wagged his ears up and down (anyone can learn how to do this if they take the trouble)。 he had always found this very effective in calormen。 the bravest had trembled when he made these faces; and ordinary people had fallen to the floor; and sensitive people had often fainted。 but what rabadash hadnt realized is that it is very easy to frighten people who know you can have them boiled alive the moment you give the word。 the grimaces didnt look at all alarming in archenland; indeed lucy only thought rabadash was going to be sick。
〃demon! demon! demon!〃 shrieked the prince。 〃i know you。 you are the foul fiend of narnia。 you are the enemy of the gods。 learn who i am; horrible phantasm。 i am descended from tash; the inexorable; the irresistible。 the curse of tash is upon you。
lightning in the shape of scorpions shall be rained on you。 the mountains of narnia shall be ground into dust。 the…”
〃have a care; rabadash;〃 said aslan quietly。 〃the doom is nearer now: it is at the door: it has lifted the latch。”
〃let the skies fall;〃 shrieked rabadash。 〃let the earth gape! let blood and fire obliterate the world! but be sure i will never desist till i have dragged to my palace by her hair the barbarian queen; the daughter of dogs; the …”
〃the hour has struck;〃 said aslan: and rabadash saw; to his supreme horror; that everyone had begun to laugh。
they couldnt help it。 rabadash had been wagging his ears all the time and as soon as aslan said; 〃the hour has struck!〃 the ears began to change。 they grew longer and more pointed and soon were covered with grey hair。 and while everyone was wondering where they had seen ears like that before; rabadashs face began to change too。 it grew longer; and thicker at the top and larger eyed; and the nose sank back into the face (or else the face swelled out and became all nose) and there was hair all over it。 and his arms grew longer and came down in front of him till his hands were resting on the ground: only they werent hands; now; they were hoofs。 and he was standing on all fours; and his clothes disappeared; and everyone laughed louder and louder (because they couldnt help it) for now what had been rabadash was; simply and unmistakably; a donkey。 the terrible thing was that his human speech lasted just a moment longer than his human shape; so that when he realized the change that was ing over him; he screamed out: 〃oh; not a donkey! mercy! if it were even a horse … een … a hor … eeh … auh; eeh…auh。”
and so the words died away into a donkeys bray。
〃now hear me; rabadash;〃 said aslan。 〃justice shall be mixed with mercy。 you shall not always be an ass。”
at this of course the donkey twitched its ears forward and that also was so funny that everybody laughed all the more。 they tried not to; but they tried in vain。
〃you have appealed to tash;〃 said aslan。 〃and in the temple of tash you shall be healed。
you must stand before the altar of tash in tashbaan at the great autumn feast this year and there; in the sight of all tashbaan; your asss shape will fall from you and all men will know you for prince rabadash。 but as long as you live; if ever you go more than ten miles away from the great temple in tashbaan you shall instantly bee again as you now are。 and from that second change there will be no return。”
there was a short silence and then they all stirred and looked at one another as if they were waking from sleep。 aslan was gone。 but there was a brightness in the air and on the grass; and a joy in their hearts; which assured them that he had been no dream: and anyway; there was the donkey in front of them。
king lune was the kindest…hearted of men and on seeing his enemy in this regrettable condition he forgot all his anger。
〃your royal highness;〃 he said。 〃i am most truly sorry that things have e to this extremity。 your highness will bear witness that it was none of our doing。 and of course we shall be delighted to provide your highness with shipping back to tashbaan for the … er … treatment which aslan has prescribed。 you shall have every fort which your highnesss situation allows: the best of the cattleboats … the freshest carrots and thistles …”
but a deafening bray from the donkey and a well…aimed kick at one of the guards made it clear that these kindly offers were ungratefully received。
and here; to get him out of the way; id better finish off the story of rabadash。 he (or it)
was duly sent back by boat to tashbaan and brought into the temple of tash at the great autumn festival; and then he became a man again。 but of course four or five thousand people had seen the transformation and the affair could not possibly be hushed up。 and after the old tisrocs death when rabadash became tisroc in his place he turned out the most peaceable tisroc calormen had ever known。 this was because; not daring to go more than ten miles from tashbaan; he could never go on a war himself: and he didnt want his tarkaans to win fame in the wars at his expense; for that is the way tisrocs get overthrown。 but though his reasons were selfish; it made things much more fortable for all the smaller countries round calormen。 his own people never forgot that he had been a donkey。 during his reign; and to his face; he was called
- 我床下长出的boy
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