imitation gravy and …… thank goodness weve still got it …… beet salad。 i must tell you about the dumplings。
we make them with government…issue flour; water and yeast。 theyre so gluey and tough that it feels as if you had rocks in your stomach; but oh well!
the high point is our weekly slice of liverwurst; and the jam on our unbuttered bread。
but were still alive; and much of the time it still tastes good too!
yours; anne
m。 frank
wednesday; april 5; 1944
my dearest kitty;
for a long time now i didnt know why i was bothering to do any schoolwork。 the end of the war still seemed so far away; so unreal; like a fairy tale。 if the war isnt over by september; i wont go back to school; since i dont want to be two years behind。
peter filled my days; nothing but peter; dreams and thoughts until saturday night; when i felt so utterly miserable; oh; it was awful。 i held back my tears when i was with peter; laughed uproariously with the van daans as we drank lemon punch and was cheerful and excited; but the minute i was alone i knew i was going to cry my eyes out。 i slid to the floor in my nightgown and began by saying my prayers; very fervently。 then i drew my knees to my chest; lay my head on my arms and cried; all huddled up on the bare floor。 a loud sob brought me back down to earth; and i choked back my tears; since i didnt want anyone next door to hear me。 then i tried to pull myself together; saying over and over; 〃i must; i must; i must。 。 。 〃 stiff from sitting in such an unusual position; i fell back against the side of the bed and kept up my struggle until just before ten…thirty; when i climbed back into bed。 it was over!
and now its really over。 i finally realized that i must do my schoolwork to keep from being ignorant; to get on in life; to bee a journalist; because thats what i want! i know i can write。 a few of my stories are good; my descriptions of the secret annex are humorous; much of my diary is vivid and alive; but。 。 。 it remains to be seen whether i really have talent。
〃evas dream〃 is my best fairy tale; and the odd thing is that i dont have the faintest idea where it came from。 parts of 〃cadys life〃 are also good; but as a whole its nothing special。 im my best and harshest critic。 i know whats good and what isnt。
unless you write yourself; you cant know how wonderful it is; i always used to bemoan the fact that i couldnt draw; but now im overjoyed that at least i can write。
and if i dont have the talent to write books or newspaper articles; i can always write for myself。 but i want to achieve more than that。 i cant imagine having to live like mother; mrs。 van daan and all the women who go about their work and are then forgotten。 i need to have something besides a husband and children to devote myself to! i dont want to have lived in vain like most people。 i want to be useful or bring enjoyment to all people; even those ive never met。 i want to go on living even after my death! and thats why im so grateful to god for having given me this gift; which i can use to develop myself and to express all thats inside me!
when i write i can shake off all my cares。 my sor… row disappears; my spirits are
revived! but; and thats a big question; will i ever be able to write something great; will i ever bee a journalist or a writer?
i hope so; oh; i hope so very much; because writing allows me to record everything; all my thoughts; ideals and fantasies。
i havent worked on 〃cadys life〃 for ages。 in my mind ive worked out exactly what happens next; but the story doesnt seem to be ing along very well。 i might never finish it; and itll wind up in the wastepaper basket or the stove。 thats a horrible thought; but then i say to myself; 〃at the age of fourteen and with so little experience; you cant write about philosophy。”
so onward and upward; with renewed spirits。 itll all work out; because im determined to write!
yours; anne
m。 frank
thursday; april 6; 1944
dearest kitty;
you asked me what my hobbies and interests are and id like to answer; but id better warn you; i have lots of them; so dont be surprised。
first of all: writing; but i dont really think of that as a hobby。
number two: genealogical charts。 im looking in every newspaper; book and document i can find for the family trees of the french; german; spanish; english; austrian; russian; norwegian and dutch royal famthes。 ive made great progress with many of them; because for ! a long time ive been taking notes while reading biogra… i; phies or history books。 i even copy out many of the passages on history。
so my third hobby is history; and fathers already bought me numerous books。 i can hardly wait for the day when ill be able to go to the public library and ferret out iii the information i need。
number four is greek and roman mythology。 i have various books on this subject too。
i can name the nine muses and the seven loves of zeus。 i have the wives of hercules; etc。; etc。; down pat。
my other hobbies are movie stars and family photographs。 im crazy about reading and
books。 i adore the history of the arts; especially when it concerns writers; poets and painters; musicians may e later。 i loathe algebra; geometry and arithmetic。 i enjoy all my other school subjects; but historys my favorite!
yours; anne
m。 frank
tuesday; april 11; 1944
my dearest kitty;
my heads in a whirl; i really dont know where to begin。 thursday (the last time i wrote you) everything was as usual。 friday afternoon (good friday) we played monopoly; saturday afternoon too。 the days passed very quickly。 around two oclock on saturday; heavy firing ii began…machine guns; according to the men。 for the rest; everything was quiet。
sunday afternoon peter came to see me at four…thirty; at my invitation。 at five…fifteen we went to the ii front attic; where we stayed until six。 there was a beautil ful mozart concert on the radio from six to seven…fifteen; i especially enjoyed the kleine nachtmusik。 i can hardly bear to listen in the kitchen; since beautiful music stirs me to the very depths of my soul。 sunday evening peter couldnt take his balli; because the washtub was down in the office kitchen; filled with
- 金妮的日记
- 手机访问 m╮欢迎光临︱田︱田田╬版 权 归 原 作 者【布受天下】整理附】内容版权归作者所有=书名:金妮的日记作者:任方圆文案金妮x日记本形式是两人聊天记录,只有第二人称对话。内容标签:HP 灵魂转换 穿书搜索关键字:主角:金妮,日记本 配角:哈利波特,各种魂器 其它、第一篇日记“我没有想到你也会
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- 安妮塔
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- 红头发安妮
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