the pink elephant
one morning;the boy got up;and opened the door;and went out to a far away place alone。
where are you going;boy?the sun asked him。
i dont know。
can you stay with me?we can climb the tree together。
no;i dont want to climb the tree。i just want to see the pink elephant。
so;the sun climbed to the top of the tree;and swinging to and fro。the boy went on and on alone。
where are you going;boy?the fish asked him。
i dont know。
can you stay with me?we can swim in the water together。
no;i dont want to swim in the water。i just want to see the pink elephant。
so;the fish spited a string of bubbles;and blowing them to the blue sky。the boy went on and on alone。
where are you going;boy?the ants asked him。
i dont know。
can you stay with us?we can build the house together。
no;i dont want to build the house。i just want to see the pink elephant。
so;the ants worked on the herbage;and moving flower flakes to their home。the boy went on and on alone。
where are you going;boy?the rain asked him。
i dont know。
can you stay with me?we can play the hide…and…seek together。
no;i dont want to play the hide…and…seek。i just want to see the pink elephant。
so;the rain fell to the pond;and disappeared in the ripples。the boy went on and on alone。
where are you going;boy?the locust asked him。
i dont know。
can you stay with me?we can jump and leap together。
no;i dont want to jump and leap。i just want to see the pink elephant。
so;the locust jumped high to the cloud;and touched the rainbow。the boy went on and on alone。
where are you going;boy?the strawman asked him。
i dont know。
can you stay with me?we can scare the birds together。
no;i dont want to scare the birds。i just want to see the pink elephant。
so;the strawman had a ride on his strawhorse;and waving a cornstalk in the field。the boy went on and on alone。
where are you going;boy?the firefly asked him。
i dont know。
can you stay with us?we can light the lanterns together。
no;i dont want to light the lanterns。i just want to see the pink elephant。
so;the firefly flew to the moon;and making a moonlight ladder to the land。the boy went up the ladder and into the moon。
why you are here;boy?the pink elephant asked him。
im here to see you。
can you stay with me?we can see the stars together。
no;i dont want to see the stars。i just want to。。。
to go on my travel。
so;the stars maked a milkway;and boy went on to a far far away place with the pink elephant。
- 寄住在你眼里的烟火
- 《寄住在你眼里的烟火》作者:红枣[出书版]作 者:红枣出 版 社:春风文艺出版社出版时间:201251页 数:236字 数:234000内容简介何草草约网友见面,意欲行骗,却在替弟弟赴约的宋铭元面前败露,难堪收场。应聘护工时,何草草与宋铭元狭路相逢,在高薪诱惑下,照顾起了这位冤家。宋铭元被内鬼绑架,
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