if i were an ant;an ant with a weave needle;i would build a palace of leaves in the deep forest。
mom;your room in my palace would has a most beautiful view。the evening is falling。when you are sleeping in the greenlish bed;i would be lying on your bushy eyelash。
if i am a child;a child lived in a dream;mom;will you carry me in your arms;and listen for what i see in my dreamland?
mom;look at those willows!the green scarf of voile;which i lost last year;is picked up by all their twig。。。
a small penpoint;dipping the mornings snow;paints a soft yellow tone of spring。。。
(paper boat)
i want a willow leaf to make a boat in green;and let it plays with the white cloud in the blue pond of skys reflection。
i want a peach flower to make a boat in pink; and let it carrys the setting sun on the golden river of afterglows brink。
but;its still raining。。。
so i make a little paper boat;and let it float with a rill of rain water;converging all the silver drops;to look for a new continent in colorful coat。
rain;rain;rain;light and thin;drizzled on the stone path and the wood bridge; sprinkled on the little flowers and grass…blades;and spilt all over the roof of my home。
dont go out now;my little brother!cant you see?the sky is whispering some secrets to the earth with its strings。
(rosy cloud)
i think the sky is also a child who loves drawing and careless……just like me。
look……it must overturned its palette last night。 in this morning;on its face without cleaning;here and there are so many rosy and golden paints!
in early morning;the hazel hill was not aroused by the first sunshine;sleeping in the humid bosk;the loquacity cuckoo only mumbled once in a while。in the blear and still air;suddenly;a green crisp sound is beginning to echo。
that is a rompish child by roadside;playing a greenness grass…blade to make a whistle。
and the spring accept his song with a bright smile。
the sky of march is so high and light。who can tie it down with a fine thread?……lets go and fly a kite together;so youll find the answer。
the wind of march like dancing on the clouds。who give it the wings and the light clothes?……lets go and fly a kite together;so youll find the answer。
who bring us the warm air?
this is a secret in moms washtub;no one but i know……childrens breath bring the wind of spring;as they softly blow and blow。
where does the fresh flowers e from?
this is a secret in moms washtub;no one but i know……the soap bubbles make the earth blooming in seven colors of sun;as they wave to and fro。
(cotton candy)
my sister;may you take me out to play tomorrow?
oh;dont worry about the weather!it wont rain。。。hey;guess;who eat the clouds in sky pletely?
grandma is always busy。every day she makes many paper…cut with a pair of scissors。
swallows are also busy now。every year they make a new coat for spring with their tails。
ant;ant;why you always crawling at the corner of wall?you take a sun ray through the crack of brick as a blob of honey;dont you?
sis;why these petals fly away?
oh;say no more; i understand!
they are delivering the springs colors to the empty sky;arent they?
i wish i could bee a spider。。。oh;how i want to weave a silver hammock among the primroses!
one by one under the pool;the musical notes are together dreaming a green ballad of future。
(flower house)
it was drizzling all night long。。。under the first sunshine of morning;the flowers in the garden all open their doors and windows to flaunt their pearls and diamonds。
why;white fleuret;you still keep your gate closedown?
shh;a little drenched beetle came to my house last evening。and now it is still sleeping in here。look; with a coverlet of delicate aroma;what a sweet dream it is having!
a small petal;dropping onto the lake; only makes a expanded ripple in the water。
and me;a little kid;throwing myself under moms arm; but make a brimming laughter in the house。
one heaping onto another;the melting clouds glued on the skys face like my little sister with ice cream on face。
my little sister washes her face and awhile her face appears purely clean。but sky wahses his face with ink; gee! alas! the more his washing the more it blurs………sky bursts into crying。
the sky must be a girl;too;otherwise there can not be so much tears welling up!
(after the shower)
after the shower;sparkling snails hide under shimmering leaves; after the shower;the blue sky fills the bright pond。
why the earth;also after the shower;turns to be more dirty?
i question mom;when she is carrying me tenderly out of the bathtub;and she just smile in silence。
huh;mom is like the earth! there is a moist aroma waves from her bosom。。。
〃mom;have you ever seen such a scene……just rainbow without raining before?〃……〃no〃;you said。
〃mom;have you ever seen such a scene……just the falling rain without heaping gloomy clouds before?〃……again;you said;〃no〃。
〃so;my dear mom; patiently wait for a while。 utill the clouds on the paper bee the rain and the sun shines again after the rain; youll see how many hues in my painting for you。〃
why it is thundering up there?
〃cause many people are fighting there(pitched battle);〃 elder brother says。
〃cause many people are building houses(great mansion);〃 elder sister be speeches。
i can not agree with them; so i just go and ask my dad; he must know!
but it is not the right time for from his mouth it is thundering too!
when it rains; noises were passing through the woods。 if it was not moms shaking head i would have a look outside otherwise。
after rain; i ran into the woods。 guess what?……so many small umbrellas were at the foot of trees! but who left them here?
there is no mistake;you have seen me and i have seen you as well。but why are you running away;dark…eyed leveret?
now;there is nothing but the sunshine of june stays with me。。。
i will bee a strawberry full of fleckers;hiding amid the bushwood;until you find me
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