is that the wind dissolved the soft seeds;or their hairs changed into a light breeze?
its here that summer stealthily hide his treasures;and with the dancing of west wind all those masks have been put off。now every child pass the place is surprised to see such a storer of living golds!
who cut the sunshine into parts and hang it on your branch?
who pull the flame on string and tie it on your twig?
who catch the hearts of ten thousand children and in a amazed gaze of the nattierblue sky;let them throbing on your treetop?
the chary pine is not willing to get off his dark green cloak in any case;
the reputable poplar;wearing lastly a few of gold medals;still has not forgotten to paint his shadow long and straight;
and the birchs just wonder……who give such a big and pretty brown blanket to veil the earths face?though with their black and white eyes watching far and near;they cant see themselves all the same。
how many autumnal secrets are there in the cool creek?only the reeds by the shoal know it。i used to play with their song murmuring to me。
how many orphean story are there in the circular moon?only my grandpa knows it。i used to sit on his knee with a deep breath。his husky voice sounds just like the reeds weaving in the breeze;and his long beard falling on my head feels just like the reeds tickling with a lignt and white floss to me。
the hot chestnuts;filling my big coat pocket;always most please me。
clinging to the warm bag with two hands;i start to be a bird incubating its eggs。
slowly drawing one to eat;it looks as if i pick a piece of gold in the cave of the forty thieves!
the sun is going to home;and carrying all golden clouds on his back;he creep and creep to the hill gild。
im going to home too;but my old brother has not filled his basket with the paddy。
brother;dont be so miserliness as the sun!just leave a bit of hope to the sparrows flying on the bare field。。。
in my dream。。。winter is encircled in an ice…lantern which is translucent and large。and it has been lit with me:a little glittering spark。。。
for making her children a new coat;the earth has been working for a long;long night;and with a sigh her hair turned to white。
the paths;houses and trees;with a surprise at dawn;find the lovely clothes in a silver sight。
mom;dont blame me to be a slugabed。since the north wind has been singing for all evening;who could take a real sleep?look!hanging its crystal eyelashs;the eaves is falling to dream。。。
(plum blossom)
have the children of the heavens loosed their garland?some crimson flakes;with a light flight;fall on the the trees of white land。。。
why are the narcissus holding so many small cups and plates in their hands?is it possible that a dinner party of dolls is holding under the river on the cobblestones land?
please;please dont laugh at him;though he is very small。but dont you think that so many big snowmen alining here just need a happy baby with the them as well?
please;please dont be ashamed;even though you want to be tall。but if the spring leaves her footprints on the ground;the lowest one can see it earlier than anybody else。
the swallows have flown to the south;and the dove has been at its home。however;the sparrows stay with me。
mom;i just want to be a sparrow with them;flying to the snowfield;and my friends will play the hopscotch with me!
do you know whats flickering on the snowfield?im going to make a dip and have a taste。。。ah;the sunshines flavour is as good as the popsicle!
turning red in the face;silently and stealthily;the sun touched the woods after snowing。。。and a snowball;all at once;es to him……ah;it has been shooted!
above the setting fireball;a flock of doves are winging。have they heard the snows laughs;too?
the snowflakes;fluttering and fluttering;now is tired to fall into the arms of earth。
the lamplights;flaring and flaring;now is used up to disappear at the village of the starry night。
but there is still a red dot moving on the indigo snowfield of the eve。it is a youngster on his journey with a lantern。
brave son;where are you going with the brightness holding in your hand?you are hurry to send a ruby sun to the new years morning early;am i right?
i know the world is a small window of my room。the spring;the summer and the autumn used to color it with their own paints;but the winter clean it up with a eraser。
and now;ill present the world a entirely new appearance!i cut and cut in the red papers。。。i plant flowers and leaves on the roof;i hang stars and clouds on the tree;and also i put my portrait to the heavens……just at the center of its glass clear screen!
im a bear;sleeping in the dark cave under ground;and licking my sweet hands to satisfy my tripe。
im a squirrel;hiding in the warm hole of tree;and wraping myself in my downy tail in the cold wind。
im a bird;lying at my soft nest;and tweeting some original songs in my leisure time。
im a worm;crouching inside my cocoon;and being ready to take a long;long hibernation。and then ill fly to arouse the earth from sleep with a pair of wing。。。
(i believe。。。)
i believe that on every snowflake there is a little child asleep。they are going to journey around the world with the rills of spring;as the wind flee and the sunlight warmly kiss the earth again。
they may settle in the new place for a glad reason;and then all people there will see:another twig bees green and another bud be filled with nectar!
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