in the center a wrought…iron gazebo or bandstand。 he collapsed on one of the iron benches with the bag on the bench beside him and leaned forward holding himself。
globes of orange light hung from the lampstands。 the world receding。 across from the park was a church。 it seemed far away。 the grackles creaked and swayed in the branches overhead and day was ing。
he put out one hand on the bench beside him。 nausea。 dont lie down。
no sun。 just the gray light breaking。 the streets wet。 the shops closed。 iron shutters。
an old man was ing along pushing a broom。 he paused。 then he moved on。
se?or; moss said。
bueno; the old man said。
you speak english?
he studied moss; holding the broom handle in both hands。 he shrugged his shoulders。
i need a doctor。
the old man waited for more。 moss pushed himself up。 the bench was bloody。 ive been shot; he said。
the old man looked him over。 he clucked his tongue。 he looked away toward the dawn。
the trees and buildings taking shape。 he looked at moss and gestured with his chin。
puede andar? he said。
puede caminar? he made walking motions with his fingers; his hand hanging loosely at the wrist。
moss nodded。 a wave of blackness came over him。 he waited till it passed。
tiene dinero? the sweeper rubbed his thumb and fingers together。
si; moss said。 si。 he rose and stood swaying。 he took the packet of bloodsoaked bills from the overcoat pocket and separated a hundred dollar note and handed it to the old man。 the old man took it with great reverence。 he looked at moss and then he stood the broom against the bench。
when chigurh came down the steps and out the front door of the hotel he had a towel wrapped around his upper right leg and tied with sections of window blind cord。 the towel was already wet through with blood。 he was carrying a small bag in one hand and a pistol in the other。
the cadillac was crossways in the intersection and there was gunfire in the street。 he stepped back into the doorway of the barbershop。 the clatter of automatic riflefire and the deep heavy slam of a shotgun rattling off the facades of the buildings。 the men in the street were dressed in raincoats and tennis shoes。 they didnt look like anybody you would expect to meet in this part of the country。 he limped back up the steps to the porch and laid the pistol over the balustrade and opened fire on them。
by the time theyd figured out where the fire was ing from hed killed one and wounded another。 the wounded man got behind the car and opened up on the hotel。
chigurh stood with his back to the brick wall and fitted a fresh clip into the pistol。 the rounds were taking out the glass in the doors and splintering up the sashwork。 the foyer light went out。 it was still dark enough in the street that you could see the muzzleflashes。
there was a break in the firing and chigurh turned and pushed his way through into the hotel lobby; the bits of glass crackling under his boots。 he went gimping down the hallway and down the steps at the rear of the hotel and out into the parking lot。
he crossed the street and went up jefferson keeping to the north wall of the buildings; trying to hurry and swinging the bound leg out at his side。 all of this was one block from the maverick county courthouse and he figured he had minutes at best before fresh parties began to arrive。
when he got to the corner there was only one man standing in the street。 he was at the rear of the car and the car was badly shot up; all of the glass gone or shot white。 there was at least one body inside。 the man was watching the hotel and chigurh leveled the pistol and shot him twice and he fell down in the street。 chigurh stepped back behind the corner of the building and stood with the pistol upright at his shoulder; waiting。 a rich tang of gunpowder on the cool morning air。 like the smell of fireworks。 no sound anywhere。
when he limped out into the street one of the men hed shot from the hotel porch was crawling toward the curb。 chigurh watched him。 then he shot him in the back。 the other one was lying by the front fender of the car。 hed been shot through the head and the dark blood was pooled all about him。 his weapon was lying there but chigurh paid it no mind。 he walked to the rear of the car and jostled the man there with his boot and then bent and picked up the machine…gun hed been firing。 it was a shortbarreled uzi with the twenty…five round clip。 chigurh rifled the dead mans raincoat pockets and came up with three more clips; one of them full。 he put them in the pocket of his jacket and stuck the pistol down in the front of his belt and checked the rounds in the clip that was in the uzi。 then he slung the piece over his shoulder and hobbled back to the curb。
the man hed shot in the back was lying there watching him。 chigurh looked up the street toward the hotel and the courthouse。 the tall palm trees。 he looked at the man。
the man was lying in a spreading pool of blood。 help me; he said。 chigurh took the pistol from his waist。 he looked into the mans eyes。 the man looked away。
look at me; chigurh said。
the man looked and looked away again。
do you speak english?
dont look away。 i want you to look at me。
he looked at chigurh。 he looked at the new day paling all about。 chigurh shot him through the forehead and then stood watching。 watching the capillaries break up in his eyes。 the light receding。 watching his own image degrade in that squandered world。 he shoved the pistol in his belt and looked back up the street once more。 then he picked up the bag and slung the uzi over his shoulder and crossed the street and went limping on toward the hotel parking lot where hed left his vehicle。
No Country for Old MenV
we e here from georgia。 our family did。 horse and wagon。 i pretty much know that for a fact。 i know theys a lots of things in a family history that just plain aint so。 any family。 the stories gets passed on and the truth gets passed over。 as the sayin goes。 which i reckon some would take as meanin that the truth cant pete。 but i dont believe that。 i think that when the lies are all tol
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