the cheapness of eggs。 so she reaches home—scrapes her boots。
have i read you right? but the human face—the human face at the top of the fullest sheet of print holds more; withholds more。 now; eyes open; she looks out; and in the human eye—how d’you define it?—there’s a break—a division—so that when you’ve grasped the stem the butterfly’s off—the moth that hangs in the evening over the yellow flower—move; raise your hand; off; high; away。 i won’t raise my hand。 hang still; then; quiver; life; soul; spirit; whatever you are of minnie marsh—i; too; on my flower—the hawk over the down—alone; or what were the worth of life? to rise; hang still in the evening; in the midday; hang still over the down。 the flicker of a hand—off; up! then poised again。 alone; unseen; seeing all so still down there; all so lovely。 none seeing; none caring。 the eyes of others our prisons; their thoughts our cages。 air above; air below。 and the moon and immortality。 。 。 oh; but i drop to the turf! are you down too; you in the corner; what’s your name—woman—minnie marsh; some such name as that? there she is; tight to her blossom; opening her hand–bag; from which she takes a hollow shell—an egg—who was saying that eggs were cheaper? you or i? oh; it was you who said it on the way home; you remember; when the old gentleman; suddenly opening his umbrella—or sneezing was it? anyhow; kruger went; and you came “home a back way;” and scraped your boots。 yes。 and now you lay across your knees a pocket–handkerchief into which drop little angular fragments of eggshell—fragments of a map—a puzzle。 i wish i could piece them together! if you would only sit still。 she’s moved her knees—the map’s in bits again。 down the slopes of the andes the white blocks of marble go bounding and hurtling; crushing to death a whole troop of spanish muleteers; with their convoy—drake’s booty; gold and silver。 but to return—
to what; to where? she opened the door; and; putting her umbrella in the stand—that goes without saying; so; too; the whiff of beef from the basement; dot; dot; dot。 but what i cannot thus eliminate; what i must; head down; eyes shut; with the courage of a battalion and the blindness of a bull; charge and disperse are; indubitably; the figures behind the ferns; mercial travellers。 there i’ve hidden them all this time in the hope that somehow they’d disappear; or better still emerge; as indeed they must; if the story’s to go on gathering richness and rotundity; destiny and tragedy; as stories should; rolling along with it two; if not three; mercial travellers and a whole grove of aspidistra。 “the fronds of the aspidistra only partly concealed the mercial traveller—” rhododendrons would conceal him utterly; and into the bargain give me my fling of red and white; for which i starve and strive; but rhododendrons in eastbourne—in december—on the marshes’ table—no; no; i dare not; it’s all a matter of crusts and cruets; frills and ferns。 perhaps there’ll be a moment later by the sea。 moreover; i feel; pleasantly pricking through the green fretwork and over the glacis of cut glass; a desire to peer and peep at the man opposite—one’s as much as i can manage。 james moggridge is it; whom the marshes call jimmy? 'minnie; you must promise not to twitch till i’ve got this straight'。 james moggridge travels in—shall we say buttons?—but the time’s not e for bringing them in—the big and the little on the long cards; some peacock–eyed; others dull gold; cairngorms some; and others coral sprays—but i say the time’s not e。 he travels; and on thursdays; his eastbourne day; takes his meals with the marshes。 his red face; his little steady eyes—by no means。 altogether monplace—his enormous appetite (that’s safe; he won’t look at minnie till the bread’s swamped the gravy dry); napkin tucked diamond–wise—but this is primitive; and; whatever it may do the reader; don’t take me in。 let’s dodge to the moggridge household; set that in motion。 well; the family boots are mended on sundays by james himself。 he reads truth。 but his passion? roses—and his wife a retired hospital nurse—interesting—for god’s sake let me have one woman with a name i like! but no; she’s of the unborn children of the mind; illicit; none the less loved; like my rhododendrons。 how many die in every novel that’s written—the best; the dearest; while moggridge lives。 it’s life’s fault。 here’s minnie eating her egg at the moment opposite and at t’other end of the line—are we past lewes?—there must be jimmy—or what’s her twitch for?
there must be moggridge—life’s fault。 life imposes her laws; life blocks the way; life’s behind the fern; life’s the tyrant; oh; but not the bully! no; for i assure you i e willingly; i e wooed by heaven knows what pulsion across ferns and cruets; table splashed and bottles smeared。 i e irresistibly to lodge myself somewhere on the firm flesh; in the robust spine; wherever i can penetrate or find foothold on the person; in the soul; of moggridge the man。 the enormous stability of the fabric; the spine tough as whalebone; straight as oaktree; the ribs radiating branches; the flesh taut tarpaulin; the red hollows; the suck and regurgitation of the heart; while from above meat falls in brown cubes and beer gushes to be churned to blood again—and so we reach the eyes。 behind the aspidistra they see something: black; white; dismal; now the plate again; behind the aspidistra they see elderly woman; “marsh’s sister; hilda’s more my sort;” the tablecloth now。 “marsh would know what’s wrong with morrises。 。 。” talk that over; cheese has e; the plate again; turn it round—the enormous fingers; now the woman opposite。 “marsh’s sister—not a bit like marsh; wretched; elderly female。 。 。 you should feed your hens。 。 。 god’s truth; what’s set her twitching? not what i said? dear; dear; dear! these elderly women。 dear; dear!”
'yes; minnie; i know you’ve twitched; but one moment—james moggridge'。
“dear; dear; dear!” how beautiful the sound is! like the knock of a mallet on seasoned timber; like the throb of the heart of an ancient whaler when the seas press thick and the green is clouded。 “dear;
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