f enraging you; and if you can’t be forted; if you must shatter this hour of peace; think of the mark on the wall。
i understand nature’s game—her prompting to take action as a way of ending any thought that threatens to excite or to pain。 hence; i suppose; es our slight contempt for men of action—men; we assume; who don’t think。 still; there’s no harm in putting a full stop to one’s disagreeable thoughts by looking at a mark on the wall。
indeed; now that i have fixed my eyes upon it; i feel that i have grasped a plank in the sea; i feel a satisfying sense of reality which at once turns the two archbishops and the lord high chancellor to the shadows of shades。 here is something definite; something real。 thus; waking from a midnight dream of horror; one hastily turns on the light and lies quiescent; worshipping the chest of drawers; worshipping solidity; worshipping reality; worshipping the impersonal world which is a proof of some existence other than ours。 that is what one wants to be sure of。 。 。 wood is a pleasant thing to think about。 it es from a tree; and trees grow; and we don’t know how they grow。 for years and years they grow; without paying any attention to us; in meadows; in forests; and by the side of rivers—all things one likes to think about。 the cows swish their tails beneath them on hot afternoons; they paint rivers so green that when a moorhen dives one expects to see its feathers all green when it es up again。 i like to think of the fish balanced against the stream like flags blown out; and of water–beetles slowly raiding domes of mud upon the bed of the river。 i like to think of the tree itself:—first the close dry sensation of being wood; then the grinding of the storm; then the slow; delicious ooze of sap。 i like to think of it; too; on winter’s nights standing in the empty field with all leaves close–furled; nothing tender exposed to the iron bullets of the moon; a naked mast upon an earth that goes tumbling; tumbling; all night long。 the song of birds must sound very loud and strange in june; and how cold the feet of insects must feel upon it; as they make laborious progresses up the creases of the bark; or sun themselves upon the thin green awning of the leaves; and look straight in front of them with diamond–cut red eyes。 。 。 one by one the fibres snap beneath the immense cold pressure of the earth; then the last storm es and; falling; the highest branches drive deep into the ground again。 even so; life isn’t done with; there are a million patient; watchful lives still for a tree; all over the world; in bedrooms; in ships; on the pavement; lining rooms; where men and women sit after tea; smoking cigarettes。 it is full of peaceful thoughts; happy thoughts; this tree。 i should like to take each one separately—but something is getting in the way。 。 。 where was i? what has it all been about? a tree? a river? the downs? whitaker’s almanack? the fields of asphodel? i can’t remember a thing。 everything’s moving; falling; slipping; vanishing。 。 。 there is a vast upheaval of matter。 someone is standing over me and saying—
“i’m going out to buy a newspaper。”
“though it’s no good buying newspapers。 。 。 nothing ever happens。 curse this war; god damn this war! 。 。 。 all the same; i don’t see why we should have a snail on our wall。”
ah; the mark on the wall! it was a snail。
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