the duchess sighed。 〃i am searching for peace;〃 she said; 〃and if i dont go and dress; i shall have none this evening。〃
〃let me get you some orchids; duchess;〃 cried dorian; starting to his feet and walking down the conservatory。
〃you are flirting disgracefully with him;〃 said lord henry to his cousin。 〃you had better take care。 he is very fascinating。〃
〃if he were not; there would be no battle。〃
〃greek meets greek; then?〃
〃i am on the side of the trojans。 they fought for a woman。〃
〃they were defeated。〃
〃there are worse things than capture;〃 she answered。
〃you gallop with a loose rein。〃
〃pace gives life;〃 was the riposte。
〃i shall write it in my diary to…night。〃
〃that a burnt child loves the fire。〃
〃i am not even singed。 my wings are untouched。〃
〃you use them for everything; except flight。〃
〃courage has passed from men to women。 it is a new experience for us。〃
〃you have a rival。〃
he laughed。 〃lady narborough;〃 he whispered。 〃she perfectly adores him。〃
〃you fill me with apprehension。 the appeal to antiquity is fatal to us who are romanticists。〃
〃romanticists! you have all the methods of science。〃
〃men have educated us。〃
〃but not explained you。〃
〃describe us as a sex;〃 was her challenge。
〃sphinxes without secrets。〃
she looked at him; smiling。 〃how long mr。 gray is!〃 she said。 〃let us go and help him。 i have not yet told him the colour of my frock。〃
〃ah! you must suit your frock to his flowers; gladys。〃
〃that would be a premature surrender。〃
〃romantic art begins with its climax。〃
〃i must keep an opportunity for retreat。〃
〃in the parthian manner?〃
〃they found safety in the desert。 i could not do that。〃
〃women are not always allowed a choice;〃 he answered; but hardly had he finished the sentence before from the far end of the conservatory came a stifled groan; followed by the dull sound of a heavy fall。 everybody started up。 the duchess stood motionless in horror。 and with fear in his eyes; lord henry rushed through the flapping palms to find dorian gray lying face downwards on the tiled floor in a deathlike swoon。
he was carried at once into the blue drawing…room and laid upon one of the sofas。 after a short time; he came to himself and looked round with a dazed expression。
〃what has happened?〃 he asked。 〃oh! i remember。 am i safe here; harry?〃 he began to tremble。
〃my dear dorian;〃 answered lord henry; 〃you merely fainted。 that was all。 you must have overtired yourself。 you had better not e down to dinner。 i will take your place。〃
〃no; i will e down;〃 he said; struggling to his feet。 〃i would rather e down。 i must not be alone。〃
he went to his room and dressed。 there was a wild recklessness of gaiety in his manner as he sat at table; but now and then a thrill of terror ran through him when he remembered that; pressed against the window of the conservatory; like a white handkerchief; he had seen the face of james vane watching him。
Chapter 18
chapter 18
the next day he did not leave the house; and; indeed; spent most of the time in his own room; sick with a wild terror of dying; and yet indifferent to life itself。 the consciousness of being hunted; snared; tracked down; had begun to dominate him。 if the tapestry did but tremble in the wind; he shook。 the dead leaves that were blown against the leaded panes seemed to him like his own wasted resolutions and wild regrets。 when he closed his eyes; he saw again the sailors face peering through the mist…stained glass; and horror seemed once more to lay its hand upon his heart。
but perhaps it had been only his fancy that had called vengeance out of the night and set the hideous shapes of punishment before him。 actual life was chaos; but there was something terribly logical in the imagination。 it was the imagination that set remorse to dog the feet of sin。 it was the imagination that made each crime bear its misshapen brood。 in the mon world of fact the wicked were not punished; nor the good rewarded。 success was given to the strong; failure thrust upon the weak。 that was all。 besides; had any stranger been prowling round the house; he would have been seen by the servants or the keepers。 had any foot…marks been found on the flower…beds; the gardeners would have reported it。 yes; it had been merely fancy。 sibyl vanes brother had not e back to kill him。 he had sailed away in his ship to founder in some winter sea。 from him; at any rate; he was safe。 why; the man did not know who he was; could not know who he was。 the mask of youth had saved him。
and yet if it had been merely an illusion; how terrible it was to think that conscience could raise such fearful phantoms; and give them visible form; and make them move before one! what sort of life would his be if; day and night; shadows of his crime were to peer at him from silent corners; to mock him from secret places; to whisper in his ear as he sat at the feast; to wake him with icy fingers as he lay asleep! as the thought crept through his brain; he grew pale with terror; and the air seemed to him to have bee suddenly colder。 oh! in what a wild hour of madness he had killed his friend! how ghastly the mere memory of the scene! he saw it all again。 each hideous detail came back to him with added horror。 out of the black cave of time; terrible and swathed in scarlet; rose the image of his sin。 when lord henry came in at six oclock; he found him crying as one whose heart will break。
it was not till the third day that he ventured to go out。 there was something in the clear; pine…scented air of that winter morning that seemed to bring him back his joyousness and his ardour for life。 but it was not merely the physical conditions of environment that had caused the change。 his own nature had revolted against the excess of anguish that had sought to maim and mar the perfection of its calm。 with subtle and finely wrought temperaments it is always so。 their strong passions must either bruise or bend。 they either slay the man; or themselves die。 shallow sorrows and shallow loves live on。 the loves and sorrows that are great are destroyed by their own plenitude。 besides; he had convinced hi
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