rapidly in the direction of the house。
〃how fond women are of doing dangerous things!〃 laughed lord henry。 〃it is one of the qualities in them that i admire most。 a woman will flirt with anybody in the world as long as other people are looking on。〃
〃how fond you are of saying dangerous things; harry! in the present instance; you are quite astray。 i like the duchess very much; but i dont love her。〃
〃and the duchess loves you very much; but she likes you less; so you are excellently matched。〃
〃you are talking scandal; harry; and there is never any basis for scandal。〃
〃the basis of every scandal is an immoral certainty;〃 said lord henry; lighting a cigarette。
〃you would sacrifice anybody; harry; for the sake of an epigram。〃
〃the world goes to the altar of its own accord;〃 was the answer。
〃i wish i could love;〃 cried dorian gray with a deep note of pathos in his voice。 〃but i seem to have lost the passion and forgotten the desire。 i am too much concentrated on myself。 my own personality has bee a burden to me。 i want to escape; to go away; to forget。 it was silly of me to e down here at all。 i think i shall send a wire to harvey to have the yacht got ready。 on a yacht one is safe。〃
〃safe from what; dorian? you are in some trouble。 why not tell me what it is? you know i would help you。〃
〃i cant tell you; harry;〃 he answered sadly。 〃and i dare say it is only a fancy of mine。 this unfortunate accident has upset me。 i have a horrible presentiment that something of the kind may happen to me。〃
〃what nonsense!〃
〃i hope it is; but i cant help feeling it。 ah! here is the duchess; looking like artemis in a tailor…made gown。 you see we have e back; duchess。〃
〃i have heard all about it; mr。 gray;〃 she answered。 〃poor geoffrey is terribly upset。 and it seems that you asked him not to shoot the hare。 how curious!〃
〃yes; it was very curious。 i dont know what made me say it。 some whim; i suppose。 it looked the loveliest of little live things。 but i am sorry they told you about the man。 it is a hideous subject。〃
〃it is an annoying subject;〃 broke in lord henry。 〃it has no psychological value at all。 now if geoffrey had done the thing on purpose; how interesting he would be! i should like to know some one who had mitted a real murder。〃
〃how horrid of you; harry!〃 cried the duchess。 〃isnt it; mr。 gray? harry; mr。 gray is ill again。 he is going to faint。〃
dorian drew himself up with an effort and smiled。 〃it is nothing; duchess;〃 he murmured; 〃my nerves are dreadfully out of order。 that is all。 i am afraid i walked too far this morning。 i didnt hear what harry said。 was it very bad? you must tell me some other time。 i think i must go and lie down。 you will excuse me; wont you?〃
they had reached the great flight of steps that led from the conservatory on to the terrace。 as the glass door closed behind dorian; lord henry turned and looked at the duchess with his slumberous eyes。 〃are you very much in love with him?〃 he asked。
she did not answer for some time; but stood gazing at the landscape。 〃i wish i knew;〃 she said at last。
he shook his head。 〃knowledge would be fatal。 it is the uncertainty that charms one。 a mist makes things wonderful。〃
〃one may lose ones way。〃
〃all ways end at the same point; my dear gladys。〃
〃what is that?〃
〃it was my debut in life;〃 she sighed。
〃it came to you crowned。〃
〃i am tired of strawberry leaves。〃
〃they bee you。〃
〃only in public。〃
〃you would miss them;〃 said lord henry。
〃i will not part with a petal。〃
〃monmouth has ears。〃
〃old age is dull of hearing。〃
〃has he never been jealous?〃
〃i wish he had been。〃
he glanced about as if in search of something。 〃what are you looking for?〃 she inquired。
〃the button from your foil;〃 he answered。 〃you have dropped it。〃
she laughed。 〃i have still the mask。〃
〃it makes your eyes lovelier;〃 was his reply。
she laughed again。 her teeth showed like white seeds in a scarlet fruit。
upstairs; in his own room; dorian gray was lying on a sofa; with terror in every tingling fibre of his body。 life had suddenly bee too hideous a burden for him to bear。 the dreadful death of the unlucky beater; shot in the thicket like a wild animal; had seemed to him to pre…figure death for himself also。 he had nearly swooned at what lord henry had said in a chance mood of cynical jesting。
at five oclock he rang his bell for his servant and gave him orders to pack his things for the night…express to town; and to have the brougham at the door by eight…thirty。 he was determined not to sleep another night at selby royal。 it was an ill…omened place。 death walked there in the sunlight。 the grass of the forest had been spotted with blood。
then he wrote a note to lord henry; telling him that he was going up to town to consult his doctor and asking him to entertain his guests in his absence。 as he was putting it into the envelope; a knock came to the door; and his valet informed him that the head…keeper wished to see him。 he frowned and bit his lip。 〃send him in;〃 he muttered; after some moments hesitation。
as soon as the man entered; dorian pulled his chequebook out of a drawer and spread it out before him。
〃i suppose you have e about the unfortunate accident of this morning; thornton?〃 he said; taking up a pen。
〃yes; sir;〃 answered the gamekeeper。
〃was the poor fellow married? had he any people dependent on him?〃 asked dorian; looking bored。 〃if so; i should not like them to be left in want; and will send them any sum of money you may think necessary。〃
〃we dont know who he is; sir。 that is what i took the liberty of ing to you about。〃
〃dont know who he is?〃 said dorian; listlessly。 〃what do you mean? wasnt he one of your men?〃
〃no; sir。 never saw him before。 seems like a sailor; sir。〃
the pen dropped from dorian grays hand; and he felt as if his heart had suddenly stopped beating。 〃a sailor?〃 he cried out。 〃did you say a sailor?〃
〃yes; sir。 he looks as if he had been a sort of sailor; tattooed on both arms; and that kind of thing。〃
〃was there anything found on him?〃 said dorian; leaning forward and looking at the man with startled eyes。 〃anything that
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