thowed them hard。 somebody tap me on the shoulder an say it is my turn now。 i look back at
jenny an she nod; so i go on up there mysef。
it get sort of quiet; then somebody on a bullhorn announce my name; an say i is gonna thow
away the congressional medal of honor as a token of my support for endin the vietnam war。
everbody cheer an clap; an i can see the other medals lyin there on the steps。 high above all this;
up on the porch of the capitol; is a little bunch of people standin aroun; couple of cops an some
guys in suits。 well; i figger i gotta do the best i can; so i take off the medal an look at it for a
secon; an i be rememberin bubba an all; an dan; an i dunno; somethin e over me; but i got to
thow it; so i rare back an heave that medal hard as i can。 couple of seconts later; one of the guys
on the porch that is wearin a suit; he jus keel over。 unfortunately; i done thowed the medal too far
an knocked him in the head with it。
all hell break loose then。 police be chargin into the crowd an people be shoutin all sorts of
things an tear gas bust open an suddenly five or six police pounced on me an mence knockin
me with they billy sticks。 a bunch more police e runnin up an nex thing you know; i am
handcuffed an thowed in a police wagon an hauled off to jail。
i am in jail all night long; an in the mornin they e an take me in front of the judge。 i has
been there before。
somebody tell the judge that i is accused of 〃assault with a dangerous weapon— a medal—
an resistin arrest;〃 an so on an han him a sheet of paper。 〃mister gump;〃 the judge say; 〃do you
realize that you have conked the clerk of the u。s。 senate on the head with your medal?〃
i ain';t sayin nothin; but it look like i am in serious trouble this time。
〃mister gump;〃 the judge say; 〃i do not know what a man of your stature; a man what has
served his country so well; is doin mixed up with a bunch of tuity…fruities that is thowin away
their medals; but i will tell you what; i is gonna order you mitted for psychiatric observation
for thirty days to see if they can figger out why you has done such a idiotic thing。〃
they took me back to my cell after that; an a wile later load me on a bus an truck me off to
st。 elizabeth';s mental hospital。
finally; i am 〃put away。〃
this place is a serious loony bin。 they put me in a room with a feller called
fred that has been here for almost a year。 he begun to tell me right off what kind of nuts i got to
contend with。 they is one guy that poisoned six people; somebody else that used a meat cleaver
on his mama。 they is people who have done all sorts of shit— from murder an rape to sayin they
is the king of spain or napoleon。 finally i axed fred why he is in here an he say because he is a
axe murderer; but they is lettin him out in another week or so。
the secont day i am there; i is tole to report to the office of my psychiatrist; doctor walton。
doctor walton; it turn out; is a woman。 first; she say; she is gonna give me a little test; then i is
gonna have a physical examination。 she set me down at a table an start showin me cards with ink
blots on them; axin me what i thought they were。 i kep sayin 〃ink blot〃 till she finally get mad an
tell me i got to say somethin else; an so i started makin things up。 then i am handed a long test an
tole to take it。 when i am done; she say; 〃take off your clothes。〃
well; with one or two exceptions; ever time i take off my clothes; somethin bad happen to
me; so i says i would rather not; an she make a note of this an then tell me either i do it mysef; or
she will get the attendants to hep me。 it was that kind of deal。
i go on an do it; an when i is butt neckid; she e into the room an look at me; up an down;
an say; 〃my; my— you is a fine specimen of a man!〃
anyhow; she start bongin me on the knee with a little rubber hammer like they done back at
the university; an polkin me in all sorts of places。 but she ain';t never said for me to 〃bend over;〃
an for this i am grateful。 afterward; she say i can get dressed an go back to my room。 on the way
there; i past by a room with a glass door an inside it they is a bunch of little guys; settin an lyin
aroun; droolin an spasmoin an beatin on the floor with they fists。 i jus stood there for a wile;
lookin in; an i';m feelin real sorry for them— kinda remind me of my days back at the nut school。
a couple of days later; i am tole to report to doctor walton';s office again。 when i get there;
she is with two other guys dressed up as doctors; an she say they is doctor duke and doctor
earl— both with the national institute of mental health。 an they is very interested in my case;
she say。
doctor duke an doctor earl set me down an start axin me questions— all kinds of
questions— an both of them took turns bongin me on the knees with the hammer。 then doctor
duke say; 〃look here; forrest; we has got your test scores; an it is remarkable how well you is
done on the math part。 so we would like to give you some other tests。〃 they produce the tests; an
make me take them; an they is a lot more plicated than the first one; but i figger i done okay。
had i knowed what was gonna happen nex; i would of fucked them up。
〃forrest;〃 doctor earl say; 〃this is phenomenal。 you is got a brain jus like a puter。 i do
not know how well you can reason with it— which is probly why you is in here in the first
place— but i have never seen anything quite like this before。〃
〃you know; george;〃 doctor duke say; 〃this man is truly remarkable。 i have done some
work for nasa a wile back; an i think we ought to send him down to houston to the aeronautics
and space center an have them check him out。 they has been lookin for just this sort of feller。〃
all the doctors be starin at me; an noddin they heads; an then they bonged me on the knees
with a hammer one more time an it look like here i go again。
they flown me down to houston; texas; in a big ole plane with no
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