drew the tub out of the corner with the thought of washing the dust of the highway from his feet; but the water was so dirty that he could not see the bottom。 he was very hungry; for he had not eaten all that day; so he did not waste much anger upon the tub; but took up the black loaf; and bit into it; and then spat out the bite; for the bread was hard and mouldy。 still he did not give way to his anger; for he had not drunken these many hours; having a hope of heath beer or wine at his days end; he had left the brooks untasted; to make his supper the more delightful。 now he put the jug to his lips; but he flung it from him straightway; for the water was bitter and ill?smelling。 then he gave the jug a kick; so that it broke against the opposite wall; and he took down the blanket to wrap it about him for the night。 but no sooner did he touch it than it was alive with skipping fleas。 at this; beside himself with anger; he rushed to the door of the guest? house; but the lay brother; being well accustomed to such outcries; had locked it on the outside; so he emptied the tub and began to beat the door with it; till the lay brother came to the door and asked what ailed him; and why he woke him out of sleep。 what ails me! shouted cumhal; are not the sods as wet as the sands of the three rosses? and are not the fleas in the blanket as many as the waves of the sea and as lively? and is not the bread as hard as the heart of a lay brother who has forgotten god? and is not the water in the jug as bitter and as ill?smelling as his soul? and is not the foot?water the colour that shall be upon him when he has been charred in the undying fires? the lay brother saw that the lock was fast; and went back to his niche; for he was too sleepy to talk with fort。 and cumhal went on beating at the door; and presently he heard the lay brothers foot once more; and cried out at him; o cowardly and tyrannous race of friars; persecutors of the bard and the gleeman; haters of life and joy! o race that does not draw the sword and tell the truth! o race that melts the bones of the people with cowardice and with deceit!
gleeman; said the lay brother; i also make rhymes; i make many while i sit in my niche by the door; and i sorrow to hear the bards railing upon the friars。 brother; i would sleep; and therefore i make known to you that it is the head of the monastery; our gracious abbot; who orders all things concerning the lodging of travellers。
you may sleep; said cumhal; i will sing a bards curse on the abbot。 and he set the tub upside down under the window; and stood upon it; and began to sing in a very loud voice。 the singing awoke the abbot; so that he sat up in bed and blew a silver whistle until the lay brother came to him。 i cannot get a wink of sleep with that noise; said the abbot。 what is happening?
it is a gleeman; said the lay brother; who plains of the sods; of the bread; of the water in the jug; of the foot?water; and of the blanket。 and now he is singing a bards curse upon you; o brother abbot; and upon your father and your mother; and your grandfather and your grandmother; and upon all your relations。
is he cursing in rhyme?
he is cursing in rhyme; and with two assonances in every line of his curse。
the abbot pulled his night?cap off and crumpled it in his hands; and the circular brown patch of hair in the middle of his bald head looked like an island in the midst of a pond; for in connaught they had not yet abandoned the ancient tonsure for the style then ing into use。 if we do not somewhat; he said; he will teach his curses to the children in the street; and the girls spinning at the doors; and to the robbers upon ben bulben。
shall i go; then; said the other; and give him dry sods; a fresh loaf; clean water in a jug; clean foot?water; and a new blanket; and make him swear by the blessed saint benignus; and by the sun and moon; that no bond be lacking; not to tell his rhymes to the children in the street; and the girls spinning at the doors; and the robbers upon ben bulben?
neither our blessed patron nor the sun and moon would avail at all; said the abbot; for to?morrow or the next day the mood to curse would e upon him; or a pride in those rhymes would move him; and he would teach his lines to the children; and the girls; and the robbers。 or else he would tell another of his craft how he fared in the guest?house; and he in his turn would begin to curse; and my name would wither。 for learn there is no steadfastness of purpose upon the roads; but only under roofs and between four walls。 therefore i bid you go and awaken brother kevin; brother dove; brother little wolf; brother bald patrick; brother bald brandon; brother james and brother peter。 and they shall take the man; and bind him with ropes; and dip him in the river that he shall cease to sing。 and in the morning; lest this but make him curse the louder; we will crucify him。
the crosses are all full; said the lay brother。
then we must make another cross。 if we do not make an end of him another will; for who can eat and sleep in peace while men like him are going about the world? ill should we stand before blessed saint benignus; and sour would be his face when he es to judge us at the last day; were we to spare an enemy of his when we had him under our thumb! brother; the bards and the gleemen are an evil race; ever cursing and ever stirring up the people; and immoral and immoderate in all things; and heathen in their hearts; always longing after the son of lir; and aengus; and bridget; and the dagda; and dana the mother; and all the false gods of the old days; always making poems in praise of those kings and queens of the demons; finvaragh; whose home is under cruachmaa; and red aodh of cnocna?sidhe; and cleena of the wave; and aoibhell of the grey rock; and him they call donn of the vats of the sea; and railing against god and christ and the blessed saints。
while he was speaking he crossed himself; and when he had finished he drew the nightcap over his ears; to shut out the noise; and closed his eyes; and posed himself to sleep。
the lay brother found brother kevin; brother dove; brother little wolf; brother bald patrick; brother bald brandon; broth
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