filling it almost as much as that idea terrified me。 The sun would be shining Saturday。 I could show her the real me; if I was brave enough to endure her horror and disgust。 I knew just the place to take such a risk I m open to alternatives; Bella said。 A qualified yes。 What? Can I drive? Was this her idea of humor? Why? But I do have a favor to ask。 What would she want from me? Well; mostly because when I told Charlie I was going to Seattle; he specifically asked if I was going alone and; at the time; I was。 If he asked again; I probably wouldn t lie; but I don t think he will ask again; and leaving my truck at home would just bring up the subject unnecessarily。 And also; because your driving frightens me。 I rolled my eyes at her。 Of all the things about me that could frighten you; you worry about my driving。 Truly; her brain worked backwards。 I shook my head; disgusted。 Edward; Alice called urgently。 Suddenly I was staring into a bright circle of sunlight; caught up in one of Alice s visions。 It was a place I knew well; the place I d just considered taking Bella a little meadow where no one ever went beside myself。 A quiet; pretty place where I could count on being alone far enough from any trail or human habitation that even my mind could have peace and quiet。 Alice recognized it; too; because she had seen me there not so long ago in another vision one of those flickering; indistinct visions that Alice had shown me the morning I d saved Bella from the van。 In that flickering vision; I hadn t been alone。 And now it was clear Bella was with me there。 So I was brave enough。 She stared at me; rainbows dancing across her face; her eyes fathomless。 It s the same place; Alice thought; her mind full of a horror that did not match the vision。 Tension; perhaps; but horror? What did she mean; the same place? And then I saw it。 Edward! Alice protested shrilly。 I love her; Edward! I shut her out viciously。
She didn t love Bella the way I did。 Her vision was impossible。 blinded somehow; seeing impossibilities。 Wrong。 She was Not even a half a second had passed。 Bella was looking curiously at my face; waiting for me to approve her request。 Had she seen the flash of dread; or had it been too quick for her? I focused on her; on our unfinished conversation; pushing Alice and her flawed; lying visions far from my thoughts。 They didn t deserve my attention。 I wasn t able to keep up the playful tone of our banter; though。 Won t you want to tell your father that you re spending the day with me? I asked; darkness seeping into my voice。 I shoved at the visions again; trying to push them farther away; to keep them from flickering through my head。 With Charlie; less is always more; Bella said; certain of this fact。 we going; anyway? Alice was wrong。 Dead wrong。 There was no chance of that。 old vision; invalid now。 Things had changed。 Where are And it was just an The weather will be nice; I told her slowly; fighting the panic and indecision。 Alice was wrong。 I would continue as if I hadn t heard or seen anything。 So I ll be staying out of the public eye and you can stay with me; if you d like to。 Bella caught the significance at once; her eyes were bright and eager。 you ll show me what you meant; about the sun? And Maybe; like so many times before; her reaction would be the opposite of what I expected。 I smiled at that possibility; struggling to return to the lighter moment。 Yes。 But She hadn t said yes。 If you don t want to be alone with me; I d still rather you didn t go to Seattle by yourself。 I shudder to think of the trouble you could find in a city that size。 Her lips pressed together; she was offended。 Phoenix is three times bigger than Seattle just in population。 In physical size But apparently your number wasn t up in Phoenix; I said; cutting off her justifications。 So I d rather you stayed with me。 She could stay forever and it would not be long enough。 I shouldn t think that way。 We didn t have forever。 The passing seconds counted more than they ever had before; each second changed her while I remained untouched。 As it happens; I don t mind being alone with you; she said。 No because her instincts were backwards。 I know。 I sighed。 You should tell Charlie; though。 Why in the world would I do that? she asked; sounding horrified。 I glared at her; the visions I couldn t quite manage to repress swirling sickeningly through my head。
To give me some small incentive to bring you back; I hissed。 that much one witness to pel me to be cautious。 Why had Alice forced this knowledge on me now? Bella swallowed loudly; and stared at me for a long moment。 I think I ll take my chances; she said。 Ugh! Did she get some thrill out of risking her life? she craved? She should give me What did she see? Some shot of adrenaline I scowled at Alice; who met my glare with a warning glance。 Beside her; Rosalie was glowering furiously; but I couldn t have cared less。 Let her destroy the car。 It was just a toy。 Let s talk about something else; Bella suggested suddenly。 I looked back at her; wondering how she could be so oblivious to what really mattered。 Why wouldn t she see me for the monster I was? What do you want to talk about? Her eyes darted to the left and then the right; as if checking to make sure there were no eavesdroppers。 She must be planning to introduce another mythrelated topic。 Her eyes froze for a second and her body stiffened; and then she looked back to me。 Why did you go to that Goat Rocks place last weekend to hunt? Charlie said it wasn t a good place to hike; because of bears。 So oblivious。 I stared at her; raising one eyebrow。 Bears? she gasped。 I smiled wryly; watching that sink in。 Would anything? She pulled her expression together。 severely; narrowing her eyes。 You know; bears are not in season; she said Would this make her take me seriously? If you read carefully; the laws only cover hunting with weapons。 She lost control over her face again for a moment。 Her lips fell open。 Bears? she said again; a tentative question this time rather than a gasp of shock。 Grizzly is Emmett s favorite。 I watched her eyes; seeing this settle in。 Hmm; she murmured。 She took a bite of the pizza; looking down。 thoughtfully; and then took a drink。 She chewed
- 暮光之城5-午夜陽光
- 《暮光之城5-午夜阳光》作者:斯蒂芬妮·梅尔这个是网上网友自己翻译的【自译版,被官方翻译,喜欢的亲,先拿去看看吧《午夜阳光》是“暮光之城”系列的第五本,梅尔的原计划是从吸血鬼爱德华的角度,讲述第一部《暮色》之中的故事。梅尔表示,她对于手稿外泄感到“非常难过,并做出了停止创作的决定。她还表示,她将专注
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- 暮光之城5-午夜阳光
- 《暮光之城5午夜阳光》作者:斯蒂芬妮·梅尔这个是网上网友自己翻译的【自译版,被官方翻译,喜欢的亲,先拿去看看吧《午夜阳光》是“暮光之城”系列的第五本,梅尔的原计划是从吸血鬼爱德华的角度,讲述第一部《暮色》之中的故事。梅尔表示,她对于手稿外泄感到“非常难过,并做出了停止创作的决定。她还表示,她将专注于
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