out there for us that was escaping me; the way Angela s obvious solution was so invisible to her。 Not likely But why waste time with hopelessness? I didn t have time to waste when it came to Bella。 Each second mattered。 Mr。 Banner entered pulling an ancient TV and VCR。 He was skipping through a section he wasn t particularly interested in geic disorders by showing a movie for the next three days。 Lorenzo s Oil was not a very cheerful piece; but that didn t stop the excitement in the room。 No notes; no testable material。 Three
free days。 exulted。 The humans I hadn t been planning on paying any It didn t matter to me; either way。 attention to anything but Bella。 I did not pull my chair away from hers today; to give myself space to breathe。 Instead; I sat close beside her like any normal human would。 Closer than we sat inside my car; close enough that the left side of my body felt submerged in the heat from her skin。 It was a strange experience; both enjoyable and nerveracking; but I preferred this to sitting across the table from her。 It was more than I was used to; and yet I quickly realized that it was not enough。 I was not satisfied。 Being this close to her only made me want to be closer still。 The pull was stronger the closer I got。 I had accused her of being a mag for danger。 Right now; it felt like that was the literal truth。 I was danger; and; with every inch I allowed myself nearer to her; her attraction grew in force。 And then Mr。 Banner turned the lights out。 It was odd how much of a difference this made; considering that the lack of light meant little to my eyes。 I could still see just as perfectly as before。 Every detail of the room was clear。 So why the sudden shock of electricity in the air; in this dark that was not dark to me? Was it because I knew that I was the only one who could see clearly? That both Bella and I were invisible to the others? Like we were alone; just the two of us; hidden in the dark room; sitting so close beside one another My hand moved toward her without my permission。 Just to touch her hand; to hold it in the darkness。 Would that be such a horrific mistake? If my skin bothered her; she only had to pull away I yanked my hand back; folded my arms tightly across my chest and clenched my hands closed。 No mistakes。 I d promised myself that I would make no mistakes; no matter how minimal they seemed。 If I held her hand; I would only want more another insignificant touch; another move closer to her。 I could feel that。 A new kind of desire was growing in me; working to override my selfcontrol。 No mistakes。 Bella folded her arms securely across her own chest; and her hands balled up into fists; just like mine。 What are you thinking? I was dying to whisper the words to her; but the room was too quiet to get away with even a whispered conversation。 The movie began; lightening the darkness just a bit。 Bella glanced up at me。 She noted the rigid way I held my body just like hers and smiled。 Her lips parted slightly; and her eyes seemed full of warm invitations。 Or perhaps I was seeing what I wanted to see。 I smiled back; her breathing caught with a low gasp and she looked quickly away。 That made it worse。 I didn t know her thoughts; but I was suddenly positive that
I had been right before; and that she wanted me to touch her。 dangerous desire just as I did。 Between her body and mine; the electricity hummed。 She felt this She didn t move all through the hour; holding her stiff; controlled pose as I held mine。 Occasionally she would peek at me again; and the humming current would jolt through me with a sudden shock。 The hour passed slowly; and yet not slowly enough。 This was so new; I could have sat like this with her for days; just to experience the feeling fully。 I had a dozen different arguments with myself while the minutes passed; rationality struggling with desire as I tried to justify touching her。 Finally; Mr。 Banner turned the lights on again。 In the bright fluorescent light; the atmosphere of the room returned to normal。 Bella sighed and stretched; flexing her fingers in front of her。 It must have been unfortable for her to hold that position for so long。 It was easier for me stillness came naturally。 I chuckled at the relieved expression on her face。 Well; that was interesting。 Umm; she murmured; clearly understanding what I referred to; but making no ment。 What I wouldn t give to hear what she was thinking right now。 I sighed。 No amount of wishing was going to help with that。 Shall we? I asked; standing。 She made a face and got unsteadily to her feet; her hands splayed out as if she were afraid she was going to fall。 I could offer her my hand。 Or I could place that hand underneath her elbow just lightly and steady her。 Surely that wouldn t be such a horrible infraction No mistakes。 She was very quiet as we walked toward the gym。 The crease was in evidence between her eyes; a sign that she was deep in thought。 I; too; was thinking deeply。 One touch of her skin wouldn t hurt her; my selfish side contended。 I could easily moderate the pressure of my hand。 It wasn t exactly difficult; as long as I was firmly in control of myself。 My tactile sense was better developed than a human s; I could juggle a dozen crystal goblets without breaking any of them; I could stroke a soap bubble without popping it。 As long as I was firmly in control Bella was like a soap bubble fragile and ephemeral。 Temporary。 How long would I be able to justify my presence in her life? How much time did I have? Would I have another chance like this chance; like this moment; like this second? She would not always be within my arm s reach Bella turned to face me at the gym s door; and her eyes widened at the expression on my face。 She didn t speak。 I looked at myself in the reflection of her eyes
and saw the conflict raging in my own。 lost the argument。 I watched my face change as my better side My hand lifted without a conscious mand for it to do so。 As gently as if she were made of the thinnest glass; as if she were fragile as a bubble; my fingers stroked the warm skin that covered her cheekbone。 It heated under my touch; and I could feel the pulse of blood speed beneath her transparent skin。 Enough; I ordered; tho
- 暮光之城5-午夜陽光
- 《暮光之城5-午夜阳光》作者:斯蒂芬妮·梅尔这个是网上网友自己翻译的【自译版,被官方翻译,喜欢的亲,先拿去看看吧《午夜阳光》是“暮光之城”系列的第五本,梅尔的原计划是从吸血鬼爱德华的角度,讲述第一部《暮色》之中的故事。梅尔表示,她对于手稿外泄感到“非常难过,并做出了停止创作的决定。她还表示,她将专注
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