the poor tiny thing;〃 she sighed。 〃It broke my heart — that"s why I
jumped off the cliff; you know;〃 she added matteroffactly。
〃Edward just said you ffell;〃 I stammered。
〃Always the gentleman。〃 She smiled。 〃Edward was the first of my new sons。
I"ve always thought of him that way; even though he"s older than I; in
one way at least。〃 She smiled at me warmly。 〃That"s why I"m so happy that
he"s found you; dear。〃 The endearment sounded very natural on her lips。
〃He"s been the odd man out for far too long; it"s hurt me to see him
〃You don"t mind; then?〃 I asked; hesitant again。 〃That I"m… all wrong for
〃No。〃 She was thoughtful。 〃You"re what he wants。 It will work out;
somehow;〃 she said; though her forehead creased with worry。 Another peal
of thunder began。
Esme stopped then; apparently; we"d reached the edge of the field。 It
looked as if they had formed teams。 Edward was far out in left field;
Carlisle stood between the first and second bases; and Alice held the
ball; positioned on the spot that must be the pitcher"s mound。
Emmett was swinging an aluminum bat; it whistled almost untraceably
through the air。 I waited for him to approach home plate; but then I
realized; as he took his stance; that he was already there — farther from
the pitcher"s mound than I would have thought possible。 Jasper stood
several feet behind him; catching for the other team。 Of course; none of
them had gloves。
〃All right;〃 Esme called in a clear voice; which I knew even Edward would
hear; as far out as he was。 〃Batter up。〃
Alice stood straight; deceptively motionless。 Her style seemed to be
stealth rather than an intimidating windup。 She held the ball in both
hands at her waist; and then; like the strike of a cobra; her right hand
flicked out and the ball smacked into Jasper"s hand。
〃Was that a strike?〃 I whispered to Esme。
〃If they don"t hit it; it"s a strike;〃 she told me。
Jasper hurled the ball back to Alice"s waiting hand。 She permitted
herself a brief grin。 And then her hand spun out again。
This time the bat somehow made it around in time to smash into the
invisible ball。 The crack of impact was shattering; thunderous; it echoed
off the mountains — I immediately understood the necessity of the
The ball shot like a meteor above the field; flying deep into the
surrounding forest。
〃Home run;〃 I murmured。
〃Wait;〃 Esme cautioned; listening intently; one hand raised。 Emmett was a
blur around the bases; Carlisle shadowing him。 I realized Edward was
〃Out!〃 Esme cried in a clear voice。 I stared in disbelief as Edward
sprang from the fringe of the trees; ball in his upraised hand; his wide
grin visible even to me。
〃Emmett hits the hardest;〃 Esme explained; 〃but Edward runs the fastest。〃
The inning continued before my incredulous eyes。 It was impossible to
keep up with the speed at which the ball flew; the rate at which their
bodies raced around the field。
I learned the other reason they waited for a thunderstorm to play when
Jasper; trying to avoid Edward"s infallible fielding; hit a ground ball
toward Carlisle。 Carlisle ran into the ball; and then raced Jasper to
first base。 When they collided; the sound was like the crash of two
massive falling boulders。 I jumped up in concern; but they were somehow
〃Safe;〃 Esme called in a calm voice。
Emmett"s team was up by one — Rosalie managed to flit around the bases
after tagging up on one of Emmett"s long flies — when Edward caught the
third out。 He sprinted to my side; sparkling with excitement。
〃What do you think?〃 he asked。
〃One thing"s for sure; I"ll never be able to sit through dull old Major
League Baseball again。〃
〃And it sounds like you did so much of that before;〃 he laughed。
〃I am a little disappointed;〃 I teased。
〃Why?〃 he asked; puzzled。
〃Well; it would be nice if I could find just one thing you didn"t do
better than everyone else on the pla。〃
He flashed his special crooked smile; leaving me breathless。
〃I"m up;〃 he said; heading for the plate。
He played intelligently; keeping the ball low; out of the reach of
Rosalie"s alwaysready hand in the outfield; gaining two bases like
lightning before Emmett could get the ball back in play。 Carlisle knocked
one so far out of the field — with a boom that hurt my ears — that he and
Edward both made it in。 Alice slapped them dainty high fives。
The score constantly changed as the game continued; and they razzed each
other like any street ballplayers as they took turns with the lead。
Occasionally Esme would call them to order。 The thunder rumbled on; but
we stayed dry; as Alice had predicted。
Carlisle was up to bat; Edward catching; when Alice suddenly gasped。 My
eyes were on Edward; as usual; and I saw his head snap up to look at her。
Their eyes met and something flowed between them in an instant。 He was at
my side before the others could ask Alice what was wrong。
〃Alice?〃 Esme"s voice was tense。
〃I didn"t see — I couldn"t tell;〃 she whispered。
All the others were gathered by this time。
〃What is it; Alice?〃 Carlisle asked with the calm voice of authority。
〃They were traveling much quicker than I thought。 I can see I had the
perspective wrong before;〃 she murmured。
Jasper leaned over her; his posture protective。 〃What changed?〃 he asked。
〃They heard us playing; and it changed their path;〃 she said; contrite;
as if she felt responsible for whatever had frightened her。
Seven pairs of quick eyes flashed to my face and away。
〃How soon?〃 Carlisle said; turning toward Edward。
A look of intense concentration crossed his face。
〃Less than five minutes。 They"re running — they want to play。〃 He scowled。
〃Can you make it?〃 Carlisle asked him; his eyes flicking toward me again。
〃No; not carrying —〃 He cut short。 〃Besides; the last thing we need is
for them to catch the scent and start hunting。〃
〃How many?〃 Emmett asked Alice。
〃Three;〃 she answered tersely。
〃Three!〃 he scoffed。 〃Let them e。〃 The steel bands of muscle flexed
- 绯色暮恋曲1
- 三个灵界师的纠缠爱恋:绯色暮恋曲1 作者:潼舞第一章 奏响,暮之恋曲(1)1、在繁华都市的郊区,平直的公路尽头,面水靠山,坐落着一座古色古香的宅邸。厚长的围墙上洒落着斑驳的树影,墙角的漆色经过数百年岁月的洗礼却依旧光亮如新绸,朱红的大门雕刻着繁复的花纹,高贵的传统风格中隐隐透露出一股神秘莫测的气息。
- 都市言情
- 最新章:第27章
- 暮光之城:暮色重生
- 书名:暮色重生作者(美)斯蒂芬妮·梅尔著;龚萍等译出版社:南宁接力出版社出版时间:2016.7原文:Twilight Tenth Anniversary/Life and Death Dual EditionISBN 978-7-5448-4465-9编辑推荐十年之后,贝拉与爱德华以全新的自己再次重
- 魔法玄幻
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- ┃书名┃暮光之城·暮色┃作者┃斯蒂芬妮·梅尔┃字数┃273806┃整理┃风之骑士┛序幕我从未多想我将如何死去,虽然在过去的几个月我有足够的理由去思考这个问题,但是即使我有想过,也从未想到死亡将如此地降临。我屏息静气地望着房间的另一头,远远地凝视着猎人那深邃的眼眸,而他则以愉快的目光回应我。这无疑是一
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- 暮色轮回
- 暮色轮回[作者名 梁小城[类别 少女悬疑[最后更新时间 Tue Oct 05 20:25:14 CST 2010作品相关序[本章字数:101 最新更新时间:20100809 07:59:57.0]留在这里我们的背影如此的相似我们都曾彼此用那脆弱的背将彼此保护在安全的背影下这次我们彼此牵手不想再失去失
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- 暮色无尽
- 文案周偈真是不知道自己上辈子做了什么孽,竟然会喜欢上这么个没良心的小傻子。自己这么攻都拿不下他吗?还得兼职为长兄伸冤、为万妖谋福利,真是累死本王了。本王就想好好纠缠一个人,不想扛这种天降大任,行不行?请不要被开始的铺垫蒙蔽,这里是正经的耽美文,请耐心往后看,谢谢。低神幻背景,朝堂恩怨,种族冲突,其他
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