〃I"m sorry to hear that。 I was hoping you would be a little more creative
than that。 Do you think you could get away from them if your mother"s
life depended on it? Answer yes or no。〃
Somehow; there had to be a way。 I remembered that we were going to the
airport。 Sky Harbor International Airport: crowded; confusingly laid out…
〃That"s better。 I"m sure it won"t be easy; but if I get the slightest
hint that you have any pany; well; that would be very bad for your
mother;〃 the friendly voice promised。 〃You must know enough about us by
now to realize how quickly I would know if you tried to bring anyone
along with you。 And how little time I would need to deal with your mother
if that was the case。 Do you understand? Answer yes or no。〃
〃Yes。〃 My voice broke。
〃Very good; Bella。 Now this is what you have to do。 I want you to go to
your mother"s house。 Next to the phone there will be a number。 Call it;
and I"ll tell you where to go from there。〃 I already knew where I would
go; and where this would end。 But I would follow his instructions
exactly。 〃Can you do that? Answer yes or no。〃
〃Before noon; please; Bella。 I haven"t got all day;〃 he said politely。
〃Where"s Phil?〃 I asked tersely。
〃Ah; be careful now; Bella。 Wait until I ask you to speak; please。〃
I waited。
〃It"s important; now; that you don"t make your friends suspicious when
you go back to them。 Tell them that your mother called; and that you
talked her out of ing home for the time being。 Now repeat after me;
"Thank you; Mom。" Say it now。〃
〃Thank you; Mom。〃 The tears were ing。 I tried to fight them back。
〃Say; "I love you; Mom; I"ll see you soon。" Say it now。〃
〃I love you; Mom。〃 My voice was thick。 〃I"ll see you soon;〃 I promised。
〃Goodbye; Bella。 I look forward to seeing you again。〃 He hung up。
I held the phone to my ear。 My joints were frozen with terror — I
couldn"t unbend my fingers to drop it。
I knew I had to think; but my head was filled with the sound of my
mother"s panic。 Seconds ticked by while I fought for control。
Slowly; slowly; my thoughts started to break past that brick wall of
pain。 To plan。 For I had no choices now but one: to go to the mirrored
room and die。 I had no guarantees; nothing to give to keep my mother
alive。 I could only hope that James would be satisfied with winning the
game; that beating Edward would be enough。 Despair gripped me; there was
no way to bargain; nothing I could offer or withhold that could influence
him。 But I still had no choice。 I had to try。
I pushed the terror back as well as I could。 My decision was made。 It did
no good to waste time agonizing over the oute。 I had to think clearly;
because Alice and Jasper were waiting for me; and evading them was
absolutely essential; and absolutely impossible。
I was suddenly grateful that Jasper was gone。 If he had been here to feel
my anguish in the last five minutes; how could I have kept them from
being suspicious? I choked back the dread; the anxiety; tried to stifle
it。 I couldn"t afford it now。 I didn"t know when he would return。
I concentrated on my escape。 I had to hope that my familiarity with the
airport would turn the odds in my favor。 Somehow; I had to keep Alice
I knew Alice was in the other room waiting for me; curious。 But I had to
deal with one more thing in private; before Jasper was back。
I had to accept that I wouldn"t see Edward again; not even one last
glimpse of his face to carry with me to the mirror room。 I was going to
hurt him; and I couldn"t say goodbye。 I let the waves of torture wash
over me; have their way for a time。 Then I pushed them back; too; and
went to face Alice。
The only expression I could manage was a dull; dead look。 I saw her alarm
and I didn"t wait for her to ask。 I had just one script and I"d never
manage improvisation now。
〃My mom was worried; she wanted to e home。 But it"s okay; I convinced
her to stay away。〃 My voice was lifeless。
〃We"ll make sure she"s fine; Bella; don"t worry。〃
I turned away; I couldn"t let her see my face。
My eye fell on a blank page of the hotel stationery on the desk。 I went
to it slowly; a plan forming。 There was an envelope there; too。 That was
〃Alice;〃 I asked slowly; without turning; keeping my voice level。 〃If I
write a letter for my mother; would you give it to her? Leave it at the
house; I mean。〃
〃Sure; Bella。〃 Her voice was careful。 She could see me ing apart at
the seams。 I had to keep my emotions under better control。
I went into the bedroom again; and knelt next to the little bedside table
to write。
〃Edward;〃 I wrote。 My hand was shaking; the letters were hardly legible。
I love you。 I am so sorry。 He has my mom; and I have to try。 I know it
may not work。 I am so very; very sorry。
Don"t be angry with Alice and Jasper。 If I get away from them it will be
a miracle。 Tell them thank you for me。 Alice especially; please。
And please; please; don"t e after him。 That"s what he wants。 I think。
I can"t bear it if anyone has to be hurt because of me; especially you。
Please; this is the only thing I can ask you now。 For me。
I love you。 Forgive me。
I folded the letter carefully; and sealed it in the envelope。 Eventually
he would find it。 I only hoped he would understand; and listen to me just
this once。
And then I carefully sealed away my heart。
It had taken much less time than I"d thought — all the terror; the
despair; the shattering of my heart。 The minutes were ticking by more
slowly than usual。 Jasper still hadn"t e back when I returned to
Alice。 I was afraid to be in the same room with her; afraid that she
would guess… and afraid to hide from her for the same reason。
I would have thought I was far beyond the ability to be surprised; my
thoughts tortured and unstable; but I was surprised when I saw Alice bent
over the desk; gripping the edge with two hands。
She didn"
- 绯色暮恋曲1
- 三个灵界师的纠缠爱恋:绯色暮恋曲1 作者:潼舞第一章 奏响,暮之恋曲(1)1、在繁华都市的郊区,平直的公路尽头,面水靠山,坐落着一座古色古香的宅邸。厚长的围墙上洒落着斑驳的树影,墙角的漆色经过数百年岁月的洗礼却依旧光亮如新绸,朱红的大门雕刻着繁复的花纹,高贵的传统风格中隐隐透露出一股神秘莫测的气息。
- 都市言情
- 最新章:第27章
- 暮光之城:暮色重生
- 书名:暮色重生作者(美)斯蒂芬妮·梅尔著;龚萍等译出版社:南宁接力出版社出版时间:2016.7原文:Twilight Tenth Anniversary/Life and Death Dual EditionISBN 978-7-5448-4465-9编辑推荐十年之后,贝拉与爱德华以全新的自己再次重
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- ┃书名┃暮光之城·暮色┃作者┃斯蒂芬妮·梅尔┃字数┃273806┃整理┃风之骑士┛序幕我从未多想我将如何死去,虽然在过去的几个月我有足够的理由去思考这个问题,但是即使我有想过,也从未想到死亡将如此地降临。我屏息静气地望着房间的另一头,远远地凝视着猎人那深邃的眼眸,而他则以愉快的目光回应我。这无疑是一
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- 暮色轮回
- 暮色轮回[作者名 梁小城[类别 少女悬疑[最后更新时间 Tue Oct 05 20:25:14 CST 2010作品相关序[本章字数:101 最新更新时间:20100809 07:59:57.0]留在这里我们的背影如此的相似我们都曾彼此用那脆弱的背将彼此保护在安全的背影下这次我们彼此牵手不想再失去失
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- 暮色无尽
- 文案周偈真是不知道自己上辈子做了什么孽,竟然会喜欢上这么个没良心的小傻子。自己这么攻都拿不下他吗?还得兼职为长兄伸冤、为万妖谋福利,真是累死本王了。本王就想好好纠缠一个人,不想扛这种天降大任,行不行?请不要被开始的铺垫蒙蔽,这里是正经的耽美文,请耐心往后看,谢谢。低神幻背景,朝堂恩怨,种族冲突,其他
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