not suspicious。 She must be attributing the change in her vision to some
maneuver of the tracker"s rather than a betrayal by me。
Jasper walked silently beside me; his hand on the small of my back; as if
he were guiding me。 I pretended a lack of interest in the first few
airport cafes; my head scanning for what I really wanted。 And there it
was; around the corner; out of Alice"s sharp sight: the levelthree
ladies" room。
〃Do you mind?〃 I asked Jasper as we passed。 〃I"ll just be a moment。〃
〃I"ll be right here;〃 he said。
As soon as the door shut behind me; I was running。 I remembered the time
I had gotten lost from this bathroom; because it had two exits。
Outside the far door it was only a short sprint to the elevators; and if
Jasper stayed where he said he would; I"d never be in his line of sight。
I didn"t look behind me as I ran。 This was my only chance; and even if he
saw me; I had to keep going。 People stared; but I ignored them。 Around
the corner the elevators were waiting; and I dashed forward; throwing my
hand between the closing doors of a full elevator headed down。 I squeezed
in beside the irritated passengers; and checked to make sure that the
button for level one had been pushed。 It was already lit; and the doors
As soon as the door opened I was off again; to the sound of annoyed
murmurs behind me。 I slowed myself as I passed the security guards by the
luggage carousels; only to break into a run again as the exit doors came
into view。 I had no way of knowing if Jasper was looking for me yet。
I would have only seconds if he was following my scent。 I jumped out the
automatic doors; nearly smacking into the glass when they opened too
Along the crowded curb there wasn"t a cab in sight。
I had no time。 Alice and Jasper were either about to realize I was gone;
or they already had。 They would find me in a heartbeat。
A shuttle to the Hyatt was just closing its doors a few feet behind me。
〃Wait!〃 I called; running; waving at the driver。
〃This is the shuttle to the Hyatt;〃 the driver said in confusion as he
opened the doors。
〃Yes;〃 I huffed; 〃that"s where I"m going。〃 I hurried up the steps。
He looked askance at my luggageless state; but then shrugged; not caring
enough to ask。
Most of the seats were empty。 I sat as far from the other travelers as
possible; and watched out the window as first the sidewalk; and then the
airport; drifted away。 I couldn"t help imagining Edward; where he would
stand at the edge of the road when he found the end of my trail。 I
couldn"t cry yet; I told myself。 I still had a long way to go。
My luck held。 In front of the Hyatt; a tiredlooking couple was getting
their last suitcase out of the trunk of a cab。 I jumped out of the
shuttle and ran to the cab; sliding into the seat behind the driver。 The
tired couple and the shuttle driver stared at me。
I told the surprised cabbie my mother"s address。 〃I need to get there as
soon as possible。〃
〃That"s in Scottsdale;〃 he plained。
I threw four twenties over the seat。
〃Will that be enough?〃
〃Sure; kid; no problem。〃
I sat back against the seat; folding my arms across my lap。 The familiar
city began to rush around me; but I didn"t look out the windows。 I
exerted myself to maintain control。 I was determined not to lose myself
at this point; now that my plan was successfully pleted。 There was no
point in indulging in more terror; more anxiety。 My path was set。 I just
had to follow it now。
So; instead of panicking; I closed my eyes and spent the twenty minutes"
drive with Edward。
I imagined that I had stayed at the airport to meet Edward。 I visualized
how I would stand on my toes; the sooner to see his face。 How quickly;
how gracefully he would move through the crowds of people separating us。
And then I would run to close those last few feet between us — reckless
as always — and I would be in his marble arms; finally safe。
I wondered where we would have gone。 North somewhere; so he could be
outside in the day。 Or maybe somewhere very remote; so we could lay in
the sun together again。 I imagined him by the shore; his skin sparkling
like the sea。 It wouldn"t matter how long we had to hide。 To be trapped
in a hotel room with him would be a kind of heaven。 So many questions I
still had for him。 I could talk to him forever; never sleeping; never
leaving his side。
I could see his face so clearly now… almost hear his voice。 And; despite
all the horror and hopelessness; I was fleetingly happy。 So involved was
I in my escapist daydreams; I lost all track of the seconds racing by。
〃Hey; what was the number?〃
The cabbie"s question punctured my fantasy; letting all the colors run
out of my lovely delusions。 Fear; bleak and hard; was waiting to fill the
empty space they left behind。
〃Fiftyeight twentyone。〃 My voice sounded strangled。 The cabbie looked
at me; nervous that I was having an episode or something。
〃Here we are; then。〃 He was anxious to get me out of his car; probably
hoping I wouldn"t ask for my change。
〃Thank you;〃 I whispered。 There was no need to be afraid; I reminded
myself。 The house was empty。 I had to hurry; my mom was waiting for me;
frightened; depending on me。
I ran to the door; reaching up automatically to grab the key under the
eave。 I unlocked the door。 It was dark inside; empty; normal。 I ran to
the phone; turning on the kitchen light on my way。 There; on the
whiteboard; was a tendigit number written in a small; neat hand。 My
fingers stumbled over the keypad; making mistakes。 I had to hang up and
start again。 I concentrated only on the buttons this time; carefully
pressing each one in turn。 I was successful。 I held the phone to my ear
with a shaking hand。 It rang only once。
〃Hello; Bella;〃 that easy voice answered。 〃That was very quick。 I"m
〃Is my mom all right?〃
〃She"s perfectly fine。 Don"t worry; Bella; I have no quarrel with her。
Unless you didn"t e alone; of course。〃 Light; amused。
〃I"m alone。〃 I"d never been more alone in my entire life。
〃Very good。
- 绯色暮恋曲1
- 三个灵界师的纠缠爱恋:绯色暮恋曲1 作者:潼舞第一章 奏响,暮之恋曲(1)1、在繁华都市的郊区,平直的公路尽头,面水靠山,坐落着一座古色古香的宅邸。厚长的围墙上洒落着斑驳的树影,墙角的漆色经过数百年岁月的洗礼却依旧光亮如新绸,朱红的大门雕刻着繁复的花纹,高贵的传统风格中隐隐透露出一股神秘莫测的气息。
- 都市言情
- 最新章:第27章
- 暮光之城:暮色重生
- 书名:暮色重生作者(美)斯蒂芬妮·梅尔著;龚萍等译出版社:南宁接力出版社出版时间:2016.7原文:Twilight Tenth Anniversary/Life and Death Dual EditionISBN 978-7-5448-4465-9编辑推荐十年之后,贝拉与爱德华以全新的自己再次重
- 魔法玄幻
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- 暮光之城·Ⅰ·暮色
- ┃书名┃暮光之城·暮色┃作者┃斯蒂芬妮·梅尔┃字数┃273806┃整理┃风之骑士┛序幕我从未多想我将如何死去,虽然在过去的几个月我有足够的理由去思考这个问题,但是即使我有想过,也从未想到死亡将如此地降临。我屏息静气地望着房间的另一头,远远地凝视着猎人那深邃的眼眸,而他则以愉快的目光回应我。这无疑是一
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- !暮色寒作者:奇温那拉梦军阀混战,南北割据;汉军主帅慕容昭向叶赫七小姐提亲希望通过政治婚姻一统南北,并承诺划江而治;外交部长千金欧阳静芝因准备到香港读书暂住在慕容家;慕容昭了解到欧阳家的家世背景利于他与大哥慕容景争夺军权,两人感情迅速升温;七小姐叶赫少薇自幼出国,与日本高级军事参谋武田一夫关系密切,
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- 暮色轮回
- 暮色轮回[作者名 梁小城[类别 少女悬疑[最后更新时间 Tue Oct 05 20:25:14 CST 2010作品相关序[本章字数:101 最新更新时间:20100809 07:59:57.0]留在这里我们的背影如此的相似我们都曾彼此用那脆弱的背将彼此保护在安全的背影下这次我们彼此牵手不想再失去失
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- 暮色无尽
- 文案周偈真是不知道自己上辈子做了什么孽,竟然会喜欢上这么个没良心的小傻子。自己这么攻都拿不下他吗?还得兼职为长兄伸冤、为万妖谋福利,真是累死本王了。本王就想好好纠缠一个人,不想扛这种天降大任,行不行?请不要被开始的铺垫蒙蔽,这里是正经的耽美文,请耐心往后看,谢谢。低神幻背景,朝堂恩怨,种族冲突,其他
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