Some very unpleasant memories were beginning to e back to me。 I
shuddered; and then winced。
He was instantly anxious。 〃Bella; what"s wrong?〃
〃What happened to James?〃
〃After I pulled him off you; Emmett and Jasper took care of him。〃 There
was a fierce note of regret in his voice。
This confused me。 〃I didn"t see Emmett and Jasper there。〃
〃They had to leave the room… there was a lot of blood。〃
〃But you stayed。〃
〃Yes; I stayed。〃
〃And Alice; and Carlisle…〃 I said in wonder。
〃They love you; too; you know。〃
A flash of painful images from the last time I"d seen Alice reminded me
of something。 〃Did Alice see the tape?〃 I asked anxiously。
〃Yes。〃 A new sound darkened his voice; a tone of sheer hatred。
〃She was always in the dark; that"s why she didn"t remember。〃
〃I know。 She understands now。〃 His voice was even; but his face was black
with fury。
I tried to reach his face with my free hand; but something stopped me。 I
glanced down to see the IV pulling at my hand。
〃Ugh。〃 I winced。
〃What is it?〃 he asked anxiously — distracted; but not enough。 The
bleakness did not entirely leave his eyes。
〃Needles;〃 I explained; looking away from the one in my hand。 I
concentrated on a warped ceiling tile and tried to breathe deeply despite
the ache in my ribs。
〃Afraid of a needle;〃 he muttered to himself under his breath; shaking
his head。 〃Oh; a sadistic vampire; intent on torturing her to death;
sure; no problem; she runs off to meet him。 An IV; on the other hand…〃
I rolled my eyes。 I was pleased to discover that this reaction; at least;
was painfree。 I decided to change the subject。
〃Why are you here?〃 I asked。
He stared at me; first confusion and then hurt touching his eyes。 His
brows pulled together as he frowned。 〃Do you want me to leave?〃
〃No!〃 I protested; horrified by the thought。 〃No; I meant; why does my
mother think you"re here? I need to have my story straight before she
gets back。〃
〃Oh;〃 he said; and his forehead smoothed back into marble。 〃I came to
Phoenix to talk some sense into you; to convince you to e back to
Forks。〃 His wide eyes were so earnest and sincere; I almost believed him
myself。 〃You agreed to see me; and you drove out to the hotel where I was
staying with Carlisle and Alice — of course I was here with parental
supervision;〃 he inserted virtuously; 〃but you tripped on the stairs on
the way to my room and… well; you know the rest。 You don"t need to
remember any details; though; you have a good excuse to be a little
muddled about the finer points。〃
I thought about it for a moment。 〃There are a few flaws with that story。
Like no broken windows。〃
〃Not really;〃 he said。 〃Alice had a little bit too much fun fabricating
evidence。 It"s all been taken care of very convincingly — you could
probably sue the hotel if you wanted to。 You have nothing to worry
about;〃 he promised; stroking my cheek with the lightest of touches。
〃Your only job now is to heal。〃
I wasn"t so lost to the soreness or the fog of medication that I didn"t
respond to his touch。 The beeping of the monitor jumped around
erratically — now he wasn"t the only one who could hear my heart
〃That"s going to be embarrassing;〃 I muttered to myself。
He chuckled; and a speculative look came into his eye。 〃Hmm; I wonder…〃
He leaned in slowly; the beeping noise accelerated wildly before his lips
even touched me。 But when they did; though with the most gentle of
pressure; the beeping stopped altogether。
He pulled back abruptly; his anxious expression turning to relief as the
monitor reported the restarting of my heart。
〃It seems that I"m going to have to be even more careful with you than
usual。〃 He frowned。
〃I was not finished kissing you;〃 I plained。 〃Don"t make me e over
He grinned; and bent to press his lips lightly to mine。 The monitor went
But then his lips were taut。 He pulled away。
〃I think I hear your mother;〃 he said; grinning again。
〃Don"t leave me;〃 I cried; an irrational surge of panic flooding through
me。 I couldn"t let him go — he might disappear from me again。
He read the terror in my eyes for a short second。 〃I won"t;〃 he promised
solemnly; and then he smiled。 〃I"ll take a nap。〃
He moved from the hard plastic chair by my side to the turquoise
fauxleather recliner at the foot of my bed; leaning it all the way back;
and closing his eyes。 He was perfectly still。
〃Don"t forget to breathe;〃 I whispered sarcastically。 He took a deep
breath; his eyes still closed。
I could hear my mother now。 She was talking to someone; maybe a nurse;
and she sounded tired and upset。 I wanted to jump out of the bed and run
to her; to calm her; promise that everything was fine。 But I wasn"t in
any sort of shape for jumping; so I waited impatiently。
The door opened a crack; and she peeked through。
〃Mom!〃 I whispered; my voice full of love and relief。
She took in Edward"s still form on the recliner; and tiptoed to my
〃He never leaves; does he?〃 she mumbled to herself。
〃Mom; I"m so glad to see you!〃
She bent down to hug me gently; and I felt warm tears falling on my
〃Bella; I was so upset!〃
〃I"m sorry; Mom。 But everything"s fine now; it"s okay;〃 I forted her。
〃I"m just glad to finally see your eyes open。〃 She sat on the edge of my
I suddenly realized I didn"t have any idea when it was。 〃How long have
they been closed?〃
〃It"s Friday; hon; you"ve been out for a while。〃
〃Friday?〃 I was shocked。 I tried to remember what day it had been when…
but I didn"t want to think about that。
〃They had to keep you sedated for a while; honey — you"ve got a lot of
〃I know。〃 I could feel them。
〃You"re lucky Dr。 Cullen was there。 He"s such a nice man… very young;
though。 And he looks more like a model than a doctor…〃
〃You met Carlisle?〃
〃And Edward"s sister Alice。 She"s a lovely girl。〃
〃She is;〃 I agreed wholeheartedly。
She glanced over her shoulder at Edward; lying with his eyes closed in
the chair。 〃Y
- 绯色暮恋曲1
- 三个灵界师的纠缠爱恋:绯色暮恋曲1 作者:潼舞第一章 奏响,暮之恋曲(1)1、在繁华都市的郊区,平直的公路尽头,面水靠山,坐落着一座古色古香的宅邸。厚长的围墙上洒落着斑驳的树影,墙角的漆色经过数百年岁月的洗礼却依旧光亮如新绸,朱红的大门雕刻着繁复的花纹,高贵的传统风格中隐隐透露出一股神秘莫测的气息。
- 都市言情
- 最新章:第27章
- 暮光之城:暮色重生
- 书名:暮色重生作者(美)斯蒂芬妮·梅尔著;龚萍等译出版社:南宁接力出版社出版时间:2016.7原文:Twilight Tenth Anniversary/Life and Death Dual EditionISBN 978-7-5448-4465-9编辑推荐十年之后,贝拉与爱德华以全新的自己再次重
- 魔法玄幻
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- 暮光之城·Ⅰ·暮色
- ┃书名┃暮光之城·暮色┃作者┃斯蒂芬妮·梅尔┃字数┃273806┃整理┃风之骑士┛序幕我从未多想我将如何死去,虽然在过去的几个月我有足够的理由去思考这个问题,但是即使我有想过,也从未想到死亡将如此地降临。我屏息静气地望着房间的另一头,远远地凝视着猎人那深邃的眼眸,而他则以愉快的目光回应我。这无疑是一
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- 最新章:第83章
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- 暮色寒
- !暮色寒作者:奇温那拉梦军阀混战,南北割据;汉军主帅慕容昭向叶赫七小姐提亲希望通过政治婚姻一统南北,并承诺划江而治;外交部长千金欧阳静芝因准备到香港读书暂住在慕容家;慕容昭了解到欧阳家的家世背景利于他与大哥慕容景争夺军权,两人感情迅速升温;七小姐叶赫少薇自幼出国,与日本高级军事参谋武田一夫关系密切,
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- 暮色轮回
- 暮色轮回[作者名 梁小城[类别 少女悬疑[最后更新时间 Tue Oct 05 20:25:14 CST 2010作品相关序[本章字数:101 最新更新时间:20100809 07:59:57.0]留在这里我们的背影如此的相似我们都曾彼此用那脆弱的背将彼此保护在安全的背影下这次我们彼此牵手不想再失去失
- 魔法玄幻
- 最新章:第26章
- 暮色无尽
- 文案周偈真是不知道自己上辈子做了什么孽,竟然会喜欢上这么个没良心的小傻子。自己这么攻都拿不下他吗?还得兼职为长兄伸冤、为万妖谋福利,真是累死本王了。本王就想好好纠缠一个人,不想扛这种天降大任,行不行?请不要被开始的铺垫蒙蔽,这里是正经的耽美文,请耐心往后看,谢谢。低神幻背景,朝堂恩怨,种族冲突,其他
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