sprayed all around me as I thrashed my way across the pool。 Even in the sun; the wind was glacial; and
the wet made the cold actually painful。 But the fountain was very wide; it let me cross the center of the
square and then some in mere seconds。 I didn"t pause when I hit the far edge—I used the low wall as a
springboard; throwing myself into the crowd。
They moved more readily for me now; avoiding the icy water that splattered from my dripping clothes as
I ran。 I glanced up at the clock again。
A deep; booming chime echoed through the square。 It throbbed in the stones under my feet。 Children
cried; covering their ears。 And I started screaming as I ran。
〃Edward!〃 I screamed; knowing it was useless。 The crowd was too loud; and my voice was breathless
with exertion。 But I couldn"t stop screaming。
The clock tolled again。 I ran past a child in his mother"s arms—his hair was almost white in the dazzling
sunlight。 A circle of tall men; all wearing red blazers; called out warnings as I barreled through them。 The
clock tolled again。
On the other side of the men in blazers; there was a break in the throng; space between the sightseers
who milled aimlessly around me。 My eyes searched the dark narrow passage to the right of the wide
square edifice under the tower。 I couldn"t see the street level—there were still too many people in the
way。 The clock tolled again。
It was hard to see now。 Without the crowd to break the wind; it whipped at my face and burned my
eyes。 I couldn"t be sure if that was the reason behind my tears; or if I was crying in defeat as the clock
tolled again。
A little family of four stood nearest to the alley"s mouth。 The two girls wore crimson dresses; with
matching ribbons tying their dark hair back。 The father wasn"t tall。 It seemed like I could see something
bright in the shadows; just over his shoulder。 I hurtled toward them; trying to see past the stinging tears。
The clock tolled; and the littlest girl clamped her hands over her ears。
The older girl; just waist high on her mother; hugged her mother"s leg and stared into the shadows behind
them。 As I watched; she tugged on her mother"s elbow and pointed toward the darkness。 The clock
tolled; and I was so close now。
I was close enough to hear her highpitched voice。 Her father stared at me in surprise as I bore down on
them; rasping out Edward"s name over and over again。
The older girl giggled and said something to her mother; gesturing toward the shadows again impatiently。
I swerved around the father—he clutched the baby out of my way—and sprinted for the gloomy breach
behind them as the clock tolled over my head。
〃Edward; no!〃 I screamed; but my voice was lost in the roar of the chime。
I could see him now。 And I could see that he could not see me。
It was really him; no hallucination this time。 And I realized that my delusions were more flawed than I"d
realized; they"d never done him justice。
Edward stood; motionless as a statue; just a few feet from the mouth of the alley。 His eyes were closed;
the rings underneath them deep purple; his arms relaxed at his sides; his palms turned forward。 His
expression was very peaceful; like he was dreaming pleasant things。 The marble skin of his chest was
bare—there was a small pile of white fabric at his feet。 The light reflecting from the pavement of the
square gleamed dimly from his skin。
I"d never seen anything more beautiful—even as I ran; gasping and screaming; I could appreciate that。
And the last seven months meant nothing。 And his words in the forest meant nothing。 And it did not
matter if he did not want me。 I would never want anything but him; no matter how long I lived。
The clock tolled; and he took a large stride toward the light。
〃No!〃 I screamed。 〃Edward; look at me!〃
He wasn"t listening。 He smiled very slightly。 He raised his foot to take the step that would put him directly
in the path of the sun。
I slammed into him so hard that the force would have hurled me to the ground if his arms hadn"t caught
me and held me up。 It knocked my breath out of me and snapped my head back。
His dark eyes opened slowly as the clock tolled again。
He looked down at me with quiet surprise。
〃Amazing;〃 he said; his exquisite voice full of wonder; slightly amused。 〃Carlisle was right。〃
〃Edward;〃 I tried to gasp; but my voice had no sound。 〃You"ve got to get back into the shadows。 You
have to move!〃
He seemed bemused。 His hand brushed softly against my cheek。 He didn"t appear to notice that I was
trying to force him back。 I could have been pushing against the alley walls for all the progress I was
making。 The clock tolled; but he didn"t react。
It was very strange; for I knew we were both in mortal danger。 Still; in that instant; I felt well。 Whole。 I
could feel my heart racing in my chest; the blood pulsing hot and fast through my veins again。 My lungs
filled deep with the sweet scent that came off his skin。 It was like there had never been any hole in my
chest。 I was perfect—not healed; but as if there had been no wound in the first place。
〃I can"t believe how quick it was。 I didn"t feel a thing—they"re very good;〃 he mused; closing his eyes
again and pressing his lips against my hair。 His voice was like honey and velvet。 〃Death; that hath
sucked the honey of thy breath; hath had no power yet upon thy beauty;〃 he murmured; and I
recognized the line spoken by Romeo in the tomb。 The clock boomed out its final chime 〃You smell just
exactly the same as always;〃 he went on。 〃So maybe this is hell。 I don"t care。 I"ll take it。〃
〃I"m not dead;〃 I interrupted。 〃And neither are you! Please Edward; we have to move。 They can"t be far
I struggled in his arms; and his brow furrowed in confusion。
〃What was that?〃 he asked politely。
〃We"re not dead; not yet! But we have to get out of here before the Volturi—〃
prehension flickered on his face as I spoke。 Before I could finish; he suddenly yanked me away
from the edge of the shadows; spinning me effortlessly so that my back was tight against the brick wall;
and his back was to
- 暮光之城2-新月
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