He closed his eyes and laid his ear over my heart again。 I let my cheek press against his hair; felt the
texture of it on my skin; smelled the delicious scent of him。
〃Tracking wasn"t a distraction then?〃 I asked; curious; and also needing to distract myself。 I was very
much in danger of hoping。 I wouldn"t be able to stop myself for long。 My heart throbbed; singing in my
〃No。〃 He sighed。 〃That was never a distraction。 It was an obligation。〃
〃What does that mean?〃
〃It means that; even though I never expected any danger from Victoria; I wasn"t going to let her get away
with… Well; like I said; I was horrible at it。 I traced her as far as Texas; but then I followed a false lead
down to Brazil—and really she came here。〃 He groaned。 〃I wasn"t even on the right continent! And all the
while; worse than my worst fears—〃
〃You were hunting Victoria?〃 I halfshrieked as soon as I could find my voice; shooting through two
Charlie"s distant snores stuttered; and then picked up a regular rhythm again。
〃Not well;〃 Edward answered; studying my outraged expression with a confused look。 〃But I"ll do better
this time。 She won"t be tainting perfectly good air by breathing in and out for much longer。〃
〃That is… out of the question;〃 I managed to choke out。 Insanity。 Even if he had Emmett or Jasper help
him。 Even if he had Emmett and Jasper help。 It was worse than my other imaginings: Jacob Black
standing across a small space from Victoria"s vicious and feline figure。 I couldn"t bear to picture Edward
there; even though he was so much more durable than my halfhuman best friend。
〃It"s too late for her。 I might have let the other time slide; but not now; not after—〃
I interrupted him again; trying to sound calm。 〃Didn"t you just promise that you weren"t going to leave?〃 I
asked; fighting the words as I said them; nor letting them plant themselves in my heart。 〃That isn"t exactly
patible with an extended tracking expedition; is it?〃
He frowned。 A snarl began to build low in his chest。 〃I will keep my promise; Bella。 But Victoria〃—the
snarl became more pronounced—〃is going to die。 Soon。〃
〃Let"s not be hasty;〃 I said; trying to hide my panic。 〃Maybe she"s not ing back。 Jake"s pack probably
scared her off。 There"s really no reason to go looking for her。 Besides; I"ve got bigger problems than
Edward"s eyes narrowed; but he nodded。 〃It"s true。 The werewolves are a problem。〃
I snorted。 〃I wasn"t talking about Jacob。 My problems are a lot worse that a handful of adolescent
wolves getting themselves into trouble。〃
Edward looked as if he were about to say something; and then thought better of it。 His teeth clicked
together; and he spoke through them。 〃Really?〃 he asked。 〃Then what would be your greatest problem?
That would make Victoria"s returning for you seem like such an inconsequential matter in parison?〃
〃How about the second greatest?〃 I hedged。
〃All right;〃 he agreed; suspicious。
I paused。 I wasn"t sure I could say the name。 〃There are others who are ing to look for me;〃 I
reminded him in a subdued whisper。
He sighed; but the reaction was not as strong as I would have imagined after his response to Victoria。
〃The Volturi are only the second greatest?〃
〃You don"t seem that upset about it;〃 I noted。
〃Well; we have plenty of time to think it through。 Time means something very different to them than it
does to you; or even me。 They count years the way you count days。 I wouldn"t be surprised if you were
thirty before you crossed their minds again;〃 he added lightly。
Horror washed through me。
So his promises meant nothing; in the end。 If I were going to turn thirty someday; then he couldn"t be
planning on staying long。 The harsh pain of this knowledge made me realize that I"d already begun to
hope; without giving myself permission to do 5。0。
〃You don"t have to be afraid;〃 he said; anxious as he watched the tears dew up again on the rims of my
eyes。 〃I won"t let them hurt you。〃
〃While you"re here。〃 Not that I cared what happened to me when he left。
He took my face between his two stone hands; holding it tightly while his midnight eyes glared into mine
with the gravitational force of a black hole。 〃I will never leave you again。〃
〃But you said thirty;〃 I whispered。 The tears leaked over the edge。 〃What? You"re going to stay; but let
me get all old anyway? Right。〃
His eyes softened; while his mouth went hard。 〃That"s exactly what I"m going to do。 What choice have I?
I cannot be without you; but I will not destroy your soul。〃
〃Is this really…〃 I tried to keep my voice even; but this question was too hard。 I remembered his face
when Aro had almost begged him to consider making me immortal。 The sick look there。 Was this fixation
with keeping me human really about my soul; or was it because he wasn"t sure that he wanted me around
that long?
〃Yes?〃 he asked; waiting for my question。
I asked a different one。 Almost—but not quite—as hard。
〃But what about when I get so old that people think I"m your mother? Your grandmother?〃 My voice
was pale with revulsion—I could see Gran"s face again in the dream mirror。
His whole face was soft now。 He brushed the tears from my cheek with his lips。 〃That doesn"t mean
anything to me;〃 he breathed against my skin。 〃You will always be the most beautiful thing in my world。
Of course…〃 He hesitated; flinching slightly。 〃If you outgrew me—if you wanted something more—I
would understand that; Bella。 I promise I wouldn"t stand in your way if you wanted to leave me。〃
His eyes were liquid onyx and utterly sincere。 He spoke as if he"d put endless amounts of thought into this
asinine plan。
〃You do realize that I"ll die eventually; right?〃 I demanded。
He"d thought about this part; too。 〃I"ll follow after as soon as I can。〃
〃That is seriously…〃I looked for the right word。 〃Sick。〃
〃Bella; it"s the only right way left—〃
〃Let"s just back up for a minute;〃 I said; feeling angry made it so much easier to be clear; decisive。 〃You
do remember the Volturi; rig
- 暮光之城2-新月
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