back; so I didn"t get to see what was broken in the living room。
It was a quiet trip home。 I was feeling triumphant; and a little smug。 Scared stiff; too; of course; but I tried
not to think about that part。 It did me no good to worry about the pain—the physical or the
emotional—so I wouldn"t。 Not until I absolutely had to。
When we got to my house; Edward didn"t pause。 He dashed up the wall and through my window in half a
second。 Then he pulled my arms frcm around his neck and set me on the bed。
I thought I had a pretty good idea of what he was thinking; but his expression surprised me。 Instead of
furious; it was calculating。 He paced silently back and forth across my dark room while I watched with
growing suspicion。
〃Whatever you"re planning; it"s not going to work;〃 I told him。
〃Shh。 I"m thinking。〃
〃Ugh;〃 I groaned; throwing myself back on the bed and pulling the quilt over my head。
There was no sound; but suddenly he was there。 He flipped the cover back so he could see me。 He was
lying next to me。 His hand reached up to brush my hair from my cheek。
〃If you don"t mind; I"d much rather you didn"t hide your face。 I"ve lived without it for as long as I can
stand。 Now… tell me something。〃
〃What?〃 I asked; unwilling。
〃If you could have anything in the world; anything at all; what would it be?〃
I could feel the skepticism in my eyes。 〃You。〃
He shook his head impatiently。 〃Something you don"t already have。〃
I wasn"t sure where he was trying to lead me; so I thought carefully before I answered。 I came up with
something that was both true; and also probably impossible。
〃I would want… Carlisle not to have to do it。 I would want you to change me。〃
I watched his reaction warily; expecting more of the fury I"d seen at his house。 I was surprised that his
expression didn"t change。 It was still calculating; thoughtful。
〃What would you be willing to trade for that?〃
I couldn"t believe my ears。 I gawked at his posed face and blurted out the answer before I could
think about it。
He smiled faintly; and then pursed his lips。 〃Five years?〃
My face twisted into an expression somewhere between chagrin and horror。
〃You said anything;〃 he reminded me。
〃Yes; but… you"ll use the time to find a way out of it。 I have to strike while the iron is hot。 Besides; it"s
just too dangerous to be human—for me; at least。 So; anything but that。〃
He frowned。 〃Three years?〃
〃Isn"t it worth anyrhing to you at all? 〃
I thought about how much I wanted this。 Better to keep a poker face; I decided; and not let him know
how very much that was。 It would give me more leverage。 〃Six months?〃
He rolled his eyes。 〃Not good enough。〃
〃One year; then;〃 I said。 〃That"s my limit。〃
〃At least give me two。〃
〃No way。 Nieen I"ll do。 But I"m not going anywhere near twenty。 If you"re staying in your teens
forever; then so am I。〃
He thought for a minute。 〃All right。 Forget time limits。 If you want me to be the one—then you"ll just have
to meet one condition。〃
〃Condition?〃 My voice went flat。 〃What condition?〃
His eyes were cautious—he spoke slowly。 〃Marry me first。〃
I stared at him; waiting… 〃Okay。 What"s the punch line?〃
He sighed。 〃You"re wounding my ego; Bella。 I just proposed to you; and you think it"s a joke。〃
〃Edward; please be serious。〃
〃I am one hundred percent serious。〃 He gazed at me with no hint of humor in his face。
〃Oh; c"mon;〃 I said; an edge of hysteria in my voice。 〃I"m only eighteen。〃
〃Well; I"m nearly a hundred and ten。 It"s time I settled down。〃
I looked away; out the dark window; trying to control the panic before it gave me away。
〃Look; marriage isn"t exactly that high on my list of priorities; you know? It was sort of the kiss of death
for Renee and Charlie。〃
〃Interesting choice of words。〃
〃You know what I mean。〃
He inhaled deeply。 〃Please don"t tell me that you"re afraid of the mitment;〃 his voice was disbelieving;
and I understood what he meant。
〃That"s not it exactly;〃 I hedged。 〃I"m… afraid of Renee。 She has some really intense opinions on getting
married before you"re thirty。〃
〃Because she"d rather you became one of the eternal damned than get married。〃 He laughed darkly。
〃You think you"re joking。〃
〃Bella; if you pare the level of mitment between a marital union as opposed to bartering your soul
in exchange for an eternity as a vampire…〃 He shook his head。 〃If you"re not brave enough to marry me;
〃Well;〃 I interrupted。 〃What if I did? What if I told you to take me to Vegas now? Would I be a vampire
in three days?〃
He smiled; his teeth flashing in the dark。 〃Sure;〃 he said; calling my bluff。 〃I"ll get my car。〃
〃Dammit。〃 I muttered。 〃I"ll give you eighteen months。〃
〃No deal;〃 he said; grinning。 〃I like this condition。〃
〃Fine。 I"ll have Carlisle do it when I graduate。〃
〃If that"s what you really want。〃 He shrugged; and his smile became absolutely angelic。
〃You"re impossible;〃 I groaned。 〃A monster。〃
He chuckled。 〃Is that why you won"t marry me?〃
I groaned again。
He leaned toward me; his nightdark eyes melted and smoldered and shattered my concentration。 〃
Please; Bella?〃 he breathed。
I forgot how to breathe for a moment。 When I recovered; I shook my head quickly; trying to clear my
suddenly clouded mind。
〃Would this have gone better if I d had time to get a ring。"〃
〃No! No rings!〃 I very nearly snouted。
〃Now you"ve done it;〃 he whispered。
〃Charlie"s getting up; I"d better leave;〃 Edward said with resignation。
My heart stopped beating。
He gauged my expression for a second。 〃Would it be childish of me to hide in your closet; then?〃
〃No;〃 I whispered eagerly。 〃Stay。 Please。〃
Edward smiled and disappeared。
I seethed in the darkness as I waited for Charlie to check on me。 Edward knew exactly what he was
doing; and I was willing to bet that all the injured surprise was part of the ploy。 Of course; I still had the
Carlisle option; but now that I knew there was a chance that Edward would change me himself;
- 暮光之城2-新月
- 暮光之城·新月 作者:斯蒂芬妮·梅尔第1节:派对(1 1 派对 我百分之九十九点九地确定我是在做梦 我之所以如此确信的理由是:第一,我正站在一束明亮的阳光下—那种令人目眩的,明净的太阳从未照耀在我的新家乡—华盛顿州的福克斯镇上,这里常年笼罩在如烟似雾的绵绵细雨之中;第二,我正注视着玛丽祖母,奶奶至今
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- :附【本作品来自互联网,本人不做任何负责】内容版权归作者所有|欢迎大家至尊仙道/修仙带着作弊器作者:揽清月文案大道五十,天衍四九,唯留生机一线。意外穿越修仙世界,出身修真世家嫡系,更得无双天资,拜师顶级宗派,功法资源后台样样不缺,妥妥的女主霸气侧漏扶摇直上的节奏啊喂!慕烟华竟混得家破人亡身死道消,神
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