But no more helipter came and it was getting dark again。 Jane was so tired; hungry; and extremely frightened。 She thought to herself; “If only I had not quarreled with Tom。 Where is Tom He must have made the emergency call。 What Indeed is enough urage。 If I ntinue my spirits tomorrow; I will be likely to guide the helipter。” Lying beside the stream; she fell asleep very soon。 Suddenly; she heard the shouts of tigers; which made her scared to death。 After she held her breath for a few minutes; everything was quiet again。 In the terrible darkness; she slept again。
It was daybreak when Jane woke up。 She caught sight of a fisherman at a distance; with whose help she climbed to an open area。 To her great joy; a helipter flew overhead just at that moment。 The fisherman helped flag her yellow blouse wildly。 This did catch the rescuers’ attention! Jane was rescued。 Seeing Tom; she told him how much she missed him。 Never would they be away from each other。 Tom gave her the warmest and longest hug she had ever received。 People around smiled satisfied smiles。 174 words
But no more helipters came and it was getting dark again。 The temperature got lower at night than in the daytime。 Jane put on her yellow blouse。 At that moment; tiredness surrounded her。 She felt exhausted both physically and emotionally。 But she ntinued walking forward because she really wanted to meet Tom as soon as possible。 She walked slowly and carefully in darkness。 Following the stream for about two hours; Jane uldn’t support her physical strength; so she found a flat ground to spend the long and hard night。
It was daybreak when Jane woke up。 She felt hungry and tired。 After a short adjustment; she began the hard trip。 A few hours later; she caught sight of anold man cutting woods。 To her great joy; the old man; who was very familiar with the geographical characteristics; informed her of the way to the lake。 Seeing the lake meant seeing hope in the air。 Fortunately; a helipter flew overhead just at that moment。 Jane flagged her yellow blouse wildly。 This time; the helipter found her and took her to her husband。 They gave each other the warmest hug they had ever received。
(170 words)【 http://。cc】
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