
If TypeOf processor Is IExtendedProcessor Then 
writer。Write(DirectCast(processor; IExtendedProcessor)。Destroy()) 
End If 
End Sub 
End Module
In the solution; the processor interface is tested to see if the interface is an instance of
IExtendedProcessor。 If so; then the Initialize() and Destroy() methods can be called。 
Extending interfaces and extending those classes that consume the old and new interfaces
at the same time is keeping backward…patibility。 Backward…patibility is an important
concept; because it implies you can gradually introduce new functionality into a working
application without breaking old functionality。
Keeping backward…patibility without breaking working functionality is difficult; and
there is a point where adding new functionality bees too plicated。 Once you reach this
stage; you need to break backward…patibility by doing the following: 
Public Interface IExtendedProcessor 
Function Initialize() As String 
Function Destroy() As String 
Function Process(ByVal input As String) As String 
End Interface 
Public Interface IProcessor 
Function Process(ByVal input As String) As String 
End Interface 
The example will break backward…patibility due to the Obsolete attribute being associated
with the IProcessor interface。 Thus; when any class or interface references the IProcessor
interface; a pile error results。 The second parameter of Obsolete is true; which forces the
piler error。 If you left out that parameter; when the interface is referenced; a piler
warning; rather than a warning; is generated。 
The IExtendedProcessor interface does not subclass IProcessor and includes the method
Process()。 Thus; there are no dependencies between IExtendedProcessor and IProcessor; and
all functionality in the application must use IExtendedProcessor rather than IProcessor。 
■Note Breaking backward…patibility is a major step; because your code cries that some code is broken
and requires alteration。 However; sometimes you will need to break code; and when you do; make sure that
the code cries “broken!” very loud。 Otherwise; you might get unexpected errors。 
Now that we’ve updated the Bootstrap class and added the IExtendedProcessor interface;
all of the samples in Chapter 10 will continue to function; and we can implement the frequency
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400 CH AP T E R 1 5 ■ L E A R N I N G A B OU T L I N Q 
Implementing a Frequency Solution 
The solution that we want to use is to read in the text; convert the text into binary objects;
calculate some statistics; and finally write out the text。 The interesting part of this solution is
that pieces of it have already been written。 If you remember in Chapter 10; there was a require
ment to convert the lottery draws into binary form。 That code will be borrowed to implement
the statistics functionality。 
The statistics console application ( FrequencyProcessor) requires an IExtendedProcessor
implementation。 The following is the plete implementation (note the imports from
Chapter 10’s example)。 
Imports LottoLibrary 
Imports ReaderWriter 
Imports System 
Imports System。Collections。Generic 
Imports System。IO 
Imports System。Linq 
Imports System。Text 
Friend Class LottoTicketProcessor 
Implements IExtendedProcessor 
Private _tickets As List(Of Ticket) = New List(Of Ticket)() 
Public Function Destroy() As String Implements IExtendedProcessor。Destroy 
Dim builder As New StringBuilder() 
Dim c1 As Integer 
For c1 = 1 To 46 1 
builder。Append(〃Number (〃 & c1 & 〃) Found (〃) 
Dim foundCount As Integer = 0 
builder。Append(((foundCount + FrequencyOfANumber(c1)) & 〃)〃 & ChrW(10))) 
Next c1 
Return builder。ToString() 
End Function 
Private Function FrequencyOfANumber(ByVal numberToSearch As Integer) As Integer 
Dim query = From ticket In _tickets _ 
Where ticket。Numbers(0) = numberToSearch _ 
Or ticket。Numbers(1) = numberToSearch _ 
Or ticket。Numbers(2) = numberToSearch _ 
Or ticket。Numbers(3) = numberToSearch _ 
Or ticket。Numbers(4) = numberToSearch _ 
Or ticket。Numbers(5) = numberToSearch _ 
Select ticket。Numbers 
Return query。Count() 
End Function 
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CH AP T E R 1 5 ■ L E A R N I N G A B OU T L I N Q 401 
Public Function Initialize() As String Implements IExtendedProcessor。Initialize 
Return 〃〃 
End Function 
Public Function Process(ByVal input As String) As String _ 
Implements IProcessor。Process 
Dim reader As TextReader = New StringReader(input) 
Do While reader。Peek …1 
Dim splitUpText As String() = reader。ReadLine。Split(New Char() {〃 〃c}) 
Dim dateSplit As String() = splitUpText(0)。Split(New Char() {〃。〃c}) 
Dim ticket As New Ticket( _ 
New DateTime( _ 