will use this type when interacting with a database type。
o Partial methods and classes are useful in the context of autogenerated source code。 They
make it easier to split apart the functionality that is autogenerated and store it in one file;
while the hand…coded part is stored in another file。 They can also be used in place of
conditional pilation constants。
…………………………………………………………Page 453……………………………………………………………
CH AP T E R 1 6 ■ L E A R N I N G A B OU T O TH E R V IS U AL B A SI C T E C HN IQ U E S 431
Some Things for You to Do
The following two exercises are the final ones this book。
1。 Build a two…dimensional matrix class that supports the + and operators。
2。 Write a question to the author asking him to solve two problems that you have encoun
tered。 Send the e…mail to christianhgross@gmail。。
…………………………………………………………Page 454……………………………………………………………
…………………………………………………………Page 455……………………………………………………………
■Special Characters AddNumbers() method; 428
# (hash character); 149 AddRoomGrouping() method; 214
_ (underscore) character; 11 AddRoomToGrouping() method; 219
|| (OR) operator; 109 AddValue() method; 278
ADO (ActiveX Data Object); 375
ADO; accessing relational databases
a 《 b expression; 108
using; 382–386
a b expression; 108 deleting data from; 386
a 》= b expression; 109 selecting data from tables; 385
!a expression; 109 AI (artificial intelligence) system; 77
a variable; 418
algorithm; 77
Abort() method; 347
allo test; 63; 64
abstracting instantiations with factories; alloappend test; 64
Alpha; 334
abstraction; 376
altering data; 408–409
accessing relational databases; 375; 382–386 American Standard Code for Information
AcquireReaderLock() method; 359 Interchange (ASCII); 68
AcquireWriterLock() method; 359 _amount data member; 179
action method; 120
And operator; 109
ActiveCurrencyTrader class; 147; 152–155 AndAlso operator; 109
adding constructor to; 152–153 anonymous types; selecting with; 409
adding conversion methods to; 154–155 Another instance; 232
defining informational read…only API (application programming interface); 59
properties; 153–154
Append() method; 281
ActiveCurrencyTrader() method; 159
application development。
ActiveX Data Object (ADO); 375 See development; software
Add() method; 33–40; 43; 47; 231
application mode; 117
writing; 33–35 application programming interface (API); 59
writing code to test; 35 appSettings folder; 321
adding test projects; 36 AppSettings property; 322
testing addition of two large section; 321–322; 330; 339
numbers; 38
Architectural code; 138
testing simple addition; 37–38
AreYouPreHeated() method; 144
identifier; 321
ArgumentException() method; 120
addition operator; 417
…………………………………………………………Page 456……………………………………………………………
434 ■IN D E X
ArgumentException type; 128 base classes; 135; 138–139; 151–152; 165;
ArgumentNullException type; 128 174–178
ArgumentOutOfRangeException type; 128 abstracting instantiations with factories;
arithmetic operators 177–178
addition; 417 overriding for specialized
bitwise; 419 functionality; 176
ArithmeticException type; 128 base functionality; 182–188
ArrayList class; 230 base。CalculateTaxToPay() method; 176
ArrayList instance; 231 BaseGenerated class; 428
arrays; 204–205 BaseLinked class; 206
artificial intelligence (AI) system; 77 BaseLinkedListItem class; 207–208
ASCII (American Standard Code for Base。Me
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