artificial intelligence (AI) system; 77 BaseLinkedListItem class; 207–208
ASCII (American Standard Code for Base。Method() method; 193
Information Interchange); 68 BaseTaxEngine class; 182
assemblies BaseTaxEngine interface; 177
dynamic loading of; 322–331 BaseTaxEngine。CalculateTaxToPay()
dynamically instantiating types; method; 176
322–326 BaseType parameter; 301
enhancing configuration files; 326–331 BaseType references; 294
dynamic loading of strongly named; BeginRead() method; 367
331–336 Behavioral functional; 174
relocating to GAC; 333 binary streams; 270; 284
using version numbers; 333–336 Binary2Text application; 249
signing; 317–318 Binary2Text。exe mand; 270
versioning; 335–336 BinaryFormatter class; 276
assembly variable; 324 bindingRedirect child element; 336
assemblyBinding configuration file; 336 bit; 44
AssemblyFileVersion attribute; 335 bitwise operators; 419
assemblyIdentity child element; 336 black box context; 285
AssemblyInfo。vb file; 335 bool properties; 203
Assembly。Load() method; 332 Bootstrap class; 284
AssemblyVersion attribute; 335 bootstrap code; 253
AssignCellState() method; 305–307 BreadthFirstSearch class; 99
assignment operator; 417 brute force; 80
AssumeReferenceType interface; 426 buffer parameter; 132
asynchronous techniques; 367 buffer。Trim property; 61
AsyncState data member; 368 Build tab; 318
AsyncWaitHandle。WaitOne() method; 368 Button control; 8
attributes; 274 Button1_Click function; 10
Attributes data member; 418 ByRef keyword; 86
availableTypes dictionary collection; 330 byte; 44
Byte type; 44
■B ByVal keyword; 86
backToDerived variable; 195
backward…patibility; 399 ■C
Base; Base。Method() method; 189 Calculate() method; 311
CalculateArea() method; 168
…………………………………………………………Page 457……………………………………………………………
■I N D E X 435
_calculatedTaxable data member; 176 defining references; 15
CalculateTaxToPay() method; 175 moving functionality; 15
calculator application variables; 17–19
Add() method; 33–35 classes
development of; 26–30 declaring; 81
finishing; 47 defining Node elements by switching
numbers; puter understanding to; 94
of; 40–41 ClassLibrary。Class1。HelloWorld() method; 16
Calculator class library; 30–41 Clear() method; 298
Call Stack pane; 117 CLI (mon Language Infrastructure); 42
CallingExample instance; 129 cloning; synchronizing between threads
CallRuntimeImplementation class with; 354–355
library; 316 closing database connections; 382
CallRuntimeImplementation project; 317 CLR (mon language runtime); 20
CallRuntimeImplementation。exe。config CLR numeric types; 43–45
configuration file; 319 cls variable; 167
Canadian taxes; 182 cls。GetDepth() method; 129
CanContinue() method; 110 cls。Method() method; 167
CanContinueSearch() method; 108; 110 cmd type; 12
catch block; 120–125; 127; 133 cmd。Connection property; 383
Catch keyword; 120 ColCells data member; 302
catch statement; 126 collections; 229
catching exceptions; 118–120 collection types; 245
cb variable; 241 storing using linked lists; 204–206
CellState data member; 302 ments; adding to Windows application
CEO (chief executive officer); 116 project; 11
character mapping; 67–68 mon Intermediate Language (CIL); 19
character…by…character parison; 59–60 mon Language Infrastructure (CLI); 42
chief executive officer (CEO); 116 mon language runtime (CLR); 20
CIL (mon Intermediate Language); 19 mon Type System (CTS); 21
City name attribute; 88 pare() method; 5
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