■I N D E X 437
currency exchange application dataset variable; 392
organizing; 137 dataset。draws data member; 392
writing tests for; 137–152 datasets; defined; 387
base classes; 138–139; 151–152 Date。Parse() method; 73
inheritance; 139–141; 145–146 datetime type; 380
scope modifiers; 146–148 DbType property; IDbDataParameter
structural code; 138 type; 384
verification; 148–151 deadlocks; 355; 369
Visual Basic properties; 141–144 Debug flag; 293
currency spreads; 136–137 debug mode; 158
CurrencyTrader class; 139; 142; 144–159 debugger feature; 116–117
CurrencyTrader library ponent; 137 Decimal type; 44; 47
CurrencyTrader。_exchangeRate data decisions; 77–113
member; 147 custom…defined types; 81–86
CurrencyTrader。ConvertValue() method; 155 declaring structs/classes; 81
CurrencyTrader。ConvertValueInverse() declaring Structures/classes; 81
method; 155 value type constraints; 81–86
CurrentCulture property; 74 depth…first search algorithm; 77–81;
currExchange parameter; 153 89–111
CurrVersion variable; 311 data structures; 89
custom optimization; 21 defining test for; 98–102
custom…defined types; 81–86 implementing; 102–110
declaring structs/classes; 81 organizing; 87–88
objects; 56–59 running; 110–111
value types; constraints; 81–86 decoupling; 315–316
decoupling code; 98
de…DE culture information; 72
DAO (Data Access Object); 375
deductions; 164
data class; 322
default event; 11
data member scopes; 135
default implementations; 178–180
data members; shared; 96
test…driven architecture; 165–173
Data Source; configuring; 377–378
ponents; 171–173
data streams; 249
inheritance; 168–170
data structure; 89
Visual Basic interfaces; 166–168
Node elements
type casting; 194
initializing; 90–91
Default keyword; 215
instantiating; 90–91
default properties; 215
switching to classes to define; 94
referencing using value types; 91–94
interfaces; 173–174; 199–203
shared data members; 96
INoRemoteControlRoom; 201–202
shared methods; 96
IRemoteControlRoom; 202–203
database normalization; 373
IRoom placeholder; 200–201
database relations; 373–375
ISensorRoom; 203
DatabaseConsoleEx console project; 377
kernels as interfaces; 220–222
Dataset Designer; 387–392
Definitions assembly; 222
building relations between tables; 387–391
Definitions class library; 316
generated code; 391–392
…………………………………………………………Page 460……………………………………………………………
438 ■IN D E X
delegates; 241; 248 draws table; 379–380
deleting data from relational databases; 386 drawsTableAdapter interface; 391
dependencies; 166 dynamic loading; 313–340
dependentAssembly element; 336 of assemblies; 322–331
depth data member; 124 dynamically instantiating types;
depth…first search algorithm; 77–81; 80 322–326
organizing; 87–88 enhancing configuration files; 326–331
writing code; 89–111 of base classes; 339
data structure; 89 configuration architecture; 313–315
defining test; 98–102 configuration files; 319–322
implementing; 102–110 adding dynamic loading items; 321
DepthFirstFindRoute() method; 99 reading; 321–322
DepthFirstSearch class; 99–104 XML…based; 319–320
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