DepthFirstSearch class; 99–104 XML…based; 319–320
DepthFirstSearch() method; 99 convention architecture; 315–316
DepthFirstSearch object; 99 convention…based architecture;
DepthFirstSearch。root data member; 103 implementing; 339
Derived; Derived。Method() method; 189 of interface types; 339
Derived1。Method() method; 193 setting up projects; 316–318
Description data member; 214 shared typed convention…based
deserialization; 274 architecture; implementing; 337–338
Deserialize() method; 276 of strongly named assemblies; 331–336
design pattern; 139 dynamically instantiating types; 322–326
designing relational databases; 377–381 using instantiated types; 325–326
Destroy() method; 396–398; 399; 405 using singletons; 324–325
deterministic code; 357
development; software; 25 easyname attribute; 328
focusing; 27–30 “easyname” parameter; 328
organizing; 26; 51–52
EasyName property; 328
Devspace。Trader。mon class library; elements collection; 349
elements variable; 235
Dictionary _availableTypes instance
Else statement; 106
constructor; 325
ElseIf statement; 106
Dictionary data member; 324
EmbeddedMyType type; 227
Dimension() method; 295; 309
end parameter; 103–105
DimLight() method; 202
EngineCreator class; 178
DisplayHelp() method; 259
DisplayMessageText() method; 18
method; 178
DivideByZeroException type; 128
EnglishName property; 72
DoAsyncRead() method; 368
enhancing configuration files; 326–331
DoIt() method; 337
marshaling data; 327–330
Double type; 42; 44; 47; 81
reading; 330
double value; 309
Enqueue() method; 366
Double。Parse() method; 305
Enter() method; 358
DowngradeFromWriterLock() method; 359
Equals() method; 56–57; 268; 279
downloading Visual Basic Express; 2
errors; 116
…………………………………………………………Page 461……………………………………………………………
■I N D E X 439
euros (EUR); 136 Finally keyword; 120; 124; 125
events; 10 FindNextLeg() method; 104–105; 110
Example class; 428 FindRoomGrouping() method; 216
ExampleImplementation interface; 167 FindRoute() method; 99–103
ExampleImplementation。Method() First Element subelement; 320
method; 167 fixed…dimension arrays; 289
ExampleMgr code; 423 floating…point; 44
Exception() constructor; 121 For Each loop; 392
Exception type; 126–128 For loop; 104–105
exceptions; 115–134 forced type cast; 194
catching; 118–120 foreign exchange; 136
debugger feature; 116–117 Form1_Load() method; 364
exception…safe code; 129–133 Form1。Designer。vb file; 6
default state; 131–132 Form1。vb file; 12
defensive coding; 129–131 Form1。vb item; 5
processing warning errors; 133 FormatException type; 128
filtering; 126–129 Form。Invoke() method; 364
handlers; 117–129; 121 FoundRoute data member; 100–102
catching exceptions; 118–120 foundRoute variable; 100
filtering exceptions; 126–129 foundRoute1 variable; 101
implementing; 120–123 foundRoute2 variable; 101
stack unwinding; 123–126 fromCurrency parameter; 153
overview; 115–116 _fromCurrency property; 153
stack unwinding; 123–126 Func(of ) type; 302
Finally keyword; 124; 125
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