IDbmand interface; 386
188–193; 202
IDbConnection interface; 386
Inherits keyword; 146
IDbDataParameter type; 383
Initialize() method; 396–399
IDE (integrated development
InitializeExchangeRate() method; 148
environment); 1; 55
initializing Node elements; 90–91
IDebug interface; 302
INoRemoteControlRoom interface; 199;
IDefinition interface; 337
IDefinition type; 326
INSERT mand; 382; 384; 386; 390
IDefinitions interface; 316
Insert() method; 207; 391
IDictionary interface; 230; 246
inserting items into linked lists; 207–208
…………………………………………………………Page 463……………………………………………………………
■I N D E X 441
InsertRange() method; 245 IsWriterLockHeld property; 361
Inst property; 424 ITaxAccount interface; 180; 183
installing Visual Basic Express; 3 ITaxEngine interface; 174–177
instance constructor; 325 ITaxIne interface; 179
Instance property; 325 items。Length variable; 310
Instantiate() method; 323 IterateBuffers() method; 132
instantiated types; 325–326 iteration code; 356
instantiating Iterator。Iterate() method; 242
Node elements; 90–91 IWorksheet declaration; 297
PrivateRoom implementation; 224–225 IWorksheet instance; 299
PublicRoom implementation; 224–225 IWorksheetBase interface; 295; 298
instantiations; abstracting with factories; IWorksheetBase type; 299
177–178 IWorksheetSerialize class; 304
InsufficientMemoryException type; 128
Integer data type; 40; 44 ■J
jack。txt file; 372
integers; 44
integrated development environment Jet Database Engine; 375
(IDE); 1; 55 Join() method; 346–347
intelligent data structure; 80 ■K
IntelliSense; 55
kernels; 197–222
Interface keyword; 166 defining interfaces; 199–203; 220–222
interfaces; 195–198
INoRemoteControlRoom interface;
defining; 173–174; 199–203 201–202
INoRemoteControlRoom; 201–202 IRemoteControlRoom interface;
IRemoteControlRoom; 202–203 202–203
IRoom placeholder; 200–201 IRoom placeholder interface; 200–201
ISensorRoom; 203 ISensorRoom interface; 203
defining kernels as; 220–222 implementing; 203–220
interprocess munication linked lists; 204–212
mechanisms; 345 room groupings; 212–220
int。Parse() method; 275 keyhole problems; 103–104
InvalidCastException type; 128 key/value pair lists; 246
InvalidOperationException element; 350
Invoke() method; 363–366 ■L
IProcessor interface; 396 Long type; 44
IRectangle declaration; 171 lambda expressions; 243–245; 248;
IRectangle interface; 187 290–292; 311
IRemoteControlRoom interface; 199; Language Integrated Query。 See LINQ
202–203 languages; 68–74
IRoom placeholder interface; 199; 200–201 cultures; 72–74
Is function; 202 numbers; 69–72
ISensorRoom interface; 199; 203 setting in Windows; 68
IShape declaration; 171 LanguageTranslator class library; 52
ISquare interface; 187 LanguageTranslator ponent; 75
IsReaderLockHeld property; 361 LanguageTranslator project; 53
IsRequired attribute; 338 Length properties; 276
…………………………………………………………Page 464……………………………………………………………
442 ■IN D E X
library ponent; 164 locking code; 368
LibTax solution; 164 locks; 355
LibTax。Surtax namespace; 176 logical operators; 417
lighting application Long type; Add() method; 47
defining rooms; 222–224 lottery application; calculating frequency of
kernels; 199–222
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