kernels; 199–222 numbers; 395–405
defining as interfaces; 220–222 extending system; 396–399
defining interfaces; 199–203 implementing solution; 400–405
implementing; 203–220 lotteryDataSet。xsd file; 387
organizing; 198–199 LottoLibrary class library; 249
PrivateRoom implementation; 224–225 LottoTicketProcessor; 254
PublicRoom implementation; 224–225
LightingController class; 204; 213–217
magic types; 99–100
LightLevel property; 202
Main() method; 13; 38; 54; 321; 342
LightSwitch() method; 203
maintainability; 291
linear tax rate; 164
major number; 334
linked lists
managed variable; 286
creating; 206
ManagedType type; 287
inserting items; 207–208
marshaling; 275
removing items; 207–208
MaxRows property; 295
storing collections using; 204–206
memory; 21
testing; 208–212
Me。root。Length property; 104
LinkedItem class; 209
message class…level scope; 18
LinkedList type; 245
Message property; 122
message variable; 17
method; 219
metadata; 56
method call; 32
method; 219
LINQ (Language Integrated Query); 375; Method developer; 423
395–416 Method() method; 85–86; 286; 366
altering data; 408–409 method signature; 34
lottery application; calculating frequency methods; shared; 96
of numbers; 395–405 Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN); 59
overview; 395 minor number; 334
performing set operations; 412–413 Module1。vb file; 37–38; 53
processing multiple streams; 410–411 modules。 See ponents
selecting data; 408–409 Monitor type; 357–358
selecting with anonymous types; 409 Monitor。Enter() method; 358; 365
sorting results; 411–412 Monitor。Exit() method; 365
ListItem class; 206 Monitor。Pulse() method; 366
Load() method; 330 Monitor。Wait() method; 358; 365
LoadConfiguration() method; 133 MoveNext() method; 219
element; 327; 328 MSDN (Microsoft Developer Network); 59
LoaderSection class; 328–330 multiple streams; processing; 410–411
Locals pane; 117 multiple…core microprocessor; 344
…………………………………………………………Page 465……………………………………………………………
■I N D E X 443
multitasking; 341–344 server…side spreadsheets; 311
overview; 341–342 theory of; 288–291
preemptive; 342 using lambda expressions in; 302
time slicing; 342–344 software development kit ( SDK);
multithreading; 341–369 1; 59
multitasking; 341–344 New keyword; 90; 189; 425
overview; 341–342 newVersion attribute; 336
preemptive; 342 NextItem data member; 205–206
time slicing; 342–344 NextStatement() method; 109
producer/consumer architecture; 363–368 Node declaration; 97
asynchronous approach; 367–368 Node elements; 89–100
generic; 364–366 initializing; 90–91
hidden; 363–364 instantiating; 90–91
reader/writer threaded architecture; switching to classes to define; 94
359–363 Node objects; 103
threads; 344–358 Node shared constructor; 111
creating; 345–346 Node value type; 89
creating with state; 347 Node。RootNodes shared data; 99
deadlocks; 355 N
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