creating with state; 347 Node。RootNodes shared data; 99
deadlocks; 355 Nothing parameter; 328
synchronizing between; 349–355 Nothing statement; 108
waiting for end of; 346–347 Nothing value; 91
MustInherit keyword; 139; 145 NotImplementedException type; 128
MustOverride keyword; 157; 159–161 NotSupportedException exception; 127
MyImplementation class; 314 NotSupportedException type; 129
MyReferenceType type; 86 nullable types; 426
MyReferenceType variable; 84 NullReferenceException exception; 127
MyType。 MyType instance; 286 NullReferenceException type; 129
MyType parameter; 300 number…related types; 25–49
MyValueType type; 86 class libraries; 30–41
MyValueType variable; 82 Add() method; 33
MyValueTypeWithReferenceType variable; 84 numbers; puter understanding of;
CLR numeric types; 43–45
namespace; 31 objects; 56–59
NameValueCollection type; 322 reference types; 42–43
navigating user controls of solutions; 12 software development; 25–30
nested data types; 226–227 focusing; 27–30
generics; 285–312 organizing; 26
assigning state without knowing type; value types; 42–43
calculating averages; 308–311
puter understanding of; 40–41
defining interfaces; 292–302
in different languages/cultures; 69–72
designing architecture; 292
NumberStyles enumerated values; 71
need for; 285–288
numeric data types; 44
overriding ToString() functionality;
nvarchar(100) type; 381
…………………………………………………………Page 466……………………………………………………………
444 ■IN D E X
■O Overridable base class method; 190
object initialization; 214 Overridable keyword; 175; 190; 192
Object Linking and Embedding; Database override functionality; 139
(OLE DB); 375 Overrides keyword; 190; 192
Object type; 286; 306; 324 overriding; 176
object…oriented (OO) programming; 135–162
currency converters; 152–157
ActiveCurrencyTrader class; 152–155 ParameterName property;
IDbDataParameter type; 384
HotelCurrencyTrader class; 155–157
parameters; 85–86
currency exchange application
Parse() method; 70–71; 130–131
organizing; 137
partial classes; 150; 150–151; 427
writing tests for; 137–152
Partial keyword; 150; 151
currency spreads; 136–137
partial methods; 427
MustOverride keyword; 159–161
partial taxation; 164
preprocessor directives; 157–159
patch number; 334
property scope; 159
Peek() method; 247; 264
objects; 56–59
performance; 291
objects variable; 231
PeriodicIncrement() method; 364
Object。ToString() method; 426
persistence; 249–284
ODBC (Open Database Connectivity); 375
important stuff to remember; 283–284
oldVersion attribute; 336
organizing; 249–250
OLE DB (Object Linking and Embedding;
Database); 375 person。Attributes variable; 419
onHeap variable; 234 persons table; 380–381
PersonWithAttributes attribute; 418
onStack value…type variable; 234
onStack variable; 234 piping data
Open Database Connectivity (ODBC); 375 binary; 268–277
OpenStandardOutput() method; 272 converting binary streams into text
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