Then; in silence; they came to the wide crossing where the tramline ran。 A lean cat stalkedthe gutter and fled as they approached; turned to watch them; with yellow; malevolent eyes; fromthe ambush of a dustbin。 A gray bird flew above them; above the electric wires for the tram line;and perched on the metal cornice of a roof。 Then; far down the avenue; they heard a siren; and the clanging of a bell; and looked up to see the ambulance speed past them on the way to the hospitalthat was near the church。
‘Another soul struck down;’ murmured Sister McCandless。 ‘Lord have mercy。’
‘He said in the last days evil would abound;’ said Sister Price。
‘Well; yes; He did say it;’ said Praying Mother Washington; ‘and I’m so glad He told us Hewouldn’t leave us fortless。’
‘’When ye see all these things; know that your salvation is at hand;’ said SisterMcCandless。 ‘A thousand shall fall at thy side; and ten thousand at thy right hand—but it ain’tgoing to e nigh thee。 So glad; amen; this morning; bless my Redeemer。’
‘You remember that day when you e into the store?’
‘I didn’t think you never looked at me。’
‘Well—you was mighty pretty。’
‘Didn’t little Johnny never say nothing;’ asked Praying Mother Washington; ‘to make youthink the Lord was working in his heart?’
‘He always kind of quiet;’ said Elizabeth。 ‘He don’t say much。’
‘No;’ said Sister McCandless; ‘he ain’t like all these rough young one nowadays—he gotsome respect for his elders。 You done raised him mighty well; Sister Grimes。’
‘It was his birthday yesterday;’ Elizabeth said。
‘No!’ cried Sister Price。 ‘How old he got to be yesterday?’
‘He done made fourteen;’ she said。
‘You hear that?’ said Sister Price; with wonder。 ‘The Lord done saved that boy’s soul onhis birthday!’
‘Well; he got two birthdays now;’ smiled Sister McCandless; ‘just like he got two brothers—one in the flesh; and one in the Spirit。’
‘Amen; bless the Lord!’ cried Praying Mother Washington。
‘What book was it; Richard?’
‘Oh; I don’t remember。 Just a book。’
‘You smiled。’
‘You was mighty pretty。’
She took her sodden handkerchief out of her bag; and dried her eyes; and dried her eyesagain; looking down the avenue。
‘Yes;’ said Sister Price; gently; ‘you just thank the Lord。 You just let the tears fall。 I knowyour heart is full this morning。’
‘The Lord’s done give you;’ said Praying Mother Washington; ‘a mighty blessing—andwhat the Lord gives; can’t no man take away。’
‘I open;’ said Sister McCandless; ‘and no man can shut。 I shut; and no man can open。’
‘Amen;’ said Sister Price。 ‘Amen。’
‘Well; I reckon;’ Florence said; ‘your soul is praising God this morning。’
He looked straight ahead; saying nothing; holding his body more rigid than an arrow‘You always been saying;’ Florence said; ‘how the Lord would answer your prayer。’ Andshe looked sideways at him; with a little smile。
‘He going to learn;’ he said at last; ‘that it ain’t all in the singing and the shouting—the wayof holiness is a hard way。 He got the steep side of the mountain to climb。’
‘But he got you there;’ she said; ‘ain’t he to help him when he stumbles; and to be a goodexample?’
‘I’m going to see to it;’ he said; ‘that he walks right before the Lord。 The Lord’s done puthis soul in my charge—and I ain’t going to have that boy’s blood on my hands。’
‘No;’ she said; mildly; ‘I reckon you don’t want that。’
Then they heard the siren; and the headlong; warning bell。 She watched his face as helooked outward at the silent avenue and at the ambulance that raced to carry someone to healing;or to death。
‘Yes;’ she said; ‘that wagon’s ing; ain’t; one day for everybody?’
‘I pray;’ he said; ‘it finds you ready; sister。’
‘Is it going to find you ready?’ she asked。
‘I know my name is written in the Book of Life;’ he said。 ‘I know I’m going to look on mySavior’s face in glory。’
‘Yes;’ she said; slowly; ‘we’s all going to be together there。 Mama; and you; and me; andDeborah—and what was the name of that little girl who died not long after I left home?’
‘What little girl who died?’ he asked。 ‘A lot of folks died after you left home—you leftyour mother on her dying bed。’
‘This girl was a mother; too;’ she said。 ‘Look like she went north all by herself; and had herbaby; and died—weren’t nobody to help her。 Deborah wrote me about it。 Sure; you ain’t forgottenthat girl’s name; Gabriel!’
Then his step faltered—seemed; for a moment; to drag。 And he looked at her。 She smiled;and lightly touched his arm。
‘You ain’t forgotten her name;’ she said。 ‘You can’t tell me you done forgot her name。 Isyou going to look on her face; too? Is her name written in the Book of Life?’
In utter silence they walked together; her hand still under his trembling arm。
‘Deborah didn’t never write;’ she at last pursued; ‘about what happened to the baby。 Didyou ever see him? You going to meet him in Heaven; too?’
‘The Word tell us;’ he said; ‘to let the dead bury the dead。 Why you want to go rummagingaround back there; digging up things what’s all forgotten now? The Lord; He knows my life—Hedone forgive me a long time ago。’
‘Look like;’ she said; ‘you think the Lord’s a man like you; you think you can fool Himlike you fool men; and you think He forgets; like men。 But God don’t forget nothing; Gabriel—ifyour name’s down there in the Book; like you say; it’s got all what you done right down there withit。 And you going to answer for it; too。’
‘I done answered;’ he said; ‘already before my God。 I ain’t got to answer now; in front ofyou。’
She opened her handbag; and took out the letter。
‘I been carrying this letter now;’ she said; ‘for more than thirty years。 And I beenwondering all that time if I’d ever talk to you about it。’
And she looked at him。 He was looking; unwillingly; at the letter; which she held tightly inone hand。 It was old; and dirty; and brown; and torn; he recognized D
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