。 It was old; and dirty; and brown; and torn; he recognized Deborah’s uncertain; tremblinghand; and he could see her again in the cabin; bending over the table; laboriously trusting to paperthe bitterness she had not spoken。 It had lived in her silence; then; all those years? He could notbelieve it。 She had been praying for him as she died—she had sworn to meet him in glory。 Andyet; this letter; her witness; spoke; breaking her long silence; now that she was beyond his reach forever。
‘Yes;’ said Florence; watching his face; ‘you didn’t give her no bed of roses to sleep on; didyou?—poor; simple; ugly; black girl。 And you didn’t treat that other one no better。 Who is youmet; Gabriel; all your holy life long; you ain’t made to drink a cup of sorrow? And you doing itstill—you going to be doing it till the Lord puts you in you grave。’
‘God’s way;’ he said; and his speech was thick; his face was slick with sweat; ‘ain’t man’sway。 I been doing the will of the Lord; and can’t nobody sit in judgment on me but the Lord。 TheLord called me out; He chose me; and I been running with Him ever since I made a start。 You can’tkeep your eyes on all this foolishness here below; all this wickedness here below—you got to liftup your eyes to the hills and run from the destruction falling on the earth; you got to put your handin Jesus’ hand; and go where He says go。’
‘And if you been but a stumbling…stone here below?’ she said。 ‘If you done caused soulsright and left to stumble and fall; and lose their happiness; and lose their souls? What then;prophet? What then; the Lord’s anointed? Ain’t no reckoning going to be called of you? What yougoing to say when the wagon es?’
He lifted up his head; and she saw tears mingled with his sweat。 ‘The Lord;’ he said; ‘Hesees the heart—He sees the heart。’
‘Yes;’ she said; ‘but I done read the Bible; too; and it tells me you going to know the treeby its fruit。 What fruit I seen from you if it ain’t been just sin and sorrow and shame?’
‘You be careful;’ he said; ‘how you talk to the Lord’s anointed。 ’Cause my life ain’t in thatletter—you don’t know my life。’
‘Where is your life; Gabriel?’ she asked; after a despairing pause。 ‘Where is it? Ain’t it alldone gone for nothing? Where’s your branches? Where’s your fruit?’
He said nothing; insistently; she tapped the letter with her thumbnail。 They wereapproaching the corner where she must leave him; turning westward to take her undergroundhome。 In the light that filled the streets; the light that the sun was now beginning to corrupt withfire; she watched John and Elisha just before them; John’ listening head bent; Elisha’s arm abouthis shoulder。
‘I got a son;’ he said at last; ‘and the Lord’s going to rise him up。 I know—the Lord haspromised—His word is true。’
And then she laughed。 ‘That son;’ she said; ‘that Roy。 You going to weep for many aeternity before you see him crying in front of the altar like Johnny was crying to…night。’
‘God sees the heart;’ he repeated; ‘He sees the heart。’
‘Well; He ought to see it;’ she cried; ‘He made it! But don’t nobody else se it; not evenyour own self! Let God see it—He sees it all right; and He don’t say nothing。’
‘He speaks;’ he said; ‘He speaks。 All you got to do is listen。’
‘I been listening many a night…time long;’ said Florence; then; ‘and He ain’t never spoke tome。’
‘He ain’t never spoke;’ said Gabriel; ‘because you ain’t never wanted to hear。 You justwanted Him to tell you your way was right。 And that ain’t no way to wait on God。’
‘Then tell me;’ Said Florence; ‘what He done said to you—that you didn’t want to hear?’
And there was silence again。 Now they both watched John and Elisha。
‘I going to tell you something; Gabriel;’ she said。 ‘I know you thinking at the bottom ofyour heart that if you make her; her and her bastard boy; pay enough for her sin; your son won’thave to pay for yours。 But I ain’t going to let you do that。 You done made enough folks pay for sin;it’s time you started paying。’
‘What you think;’ he asked; ‘you going to be able to do—against me?’
‘Maybe;’ she said; ‘I ain’t long for this world; but I got this letter; and I’m sure going togive it to Elizabeth before I go; and if she don’t want it; I’m going to find some way—some way; Idon’t know how—to rise up and tell it; tell everybody; about the blood the Lord’s anointed id goton his hands。’
‘I done told you;’ he said; ‘that’s all done and finished; the Lord done give me a sign tomake me know I been forgiven。 What good you think it’s going to do to start talking about itnow?’
‘It’ll make Elizabeth to know;’ she said; ‘that she ain’t the only sinner … in your holyhouse。 And little Johnny; there—he’ll know he ain’t the only bastard。’
Then he turned again; and looked at her with hatred in his eyes。
‘You ain’t never changed;’ he said。 ‘You still waiting to see my downfall。 You just aswicked now as you was when you was young。’
She put the letter in her bag again。
‘No;’ she said; ‘I ain’t changed。 You ain’t changed neither。 You still promising the Lordyou going to do better—and you think whatever you done already; whatever you doing right at thatminute; don’t count。 Of all the men I ever knew; you’s the man who ought to be hoping the Bible’sall a lie—’cause if that trumpet ever sounds; you going to spend eternity talking。’
They had reached her corner。 She stopped; and he stopped with her; and she stared into hishaggard; burning face。
‘I got to take my underground;’ she said。 ‘You got anything you want to say to me?’
‘I been living a long time;’ he said; ‘and I ain’t never seen nothing but evil overtake theenemies of the Lord。 You think you going to use that letter to hurt me—but the Lord ain’t going tolet it e to pass。 You going to be cut down。’
The praying women approached them; Elizabeth in the middle。
‘Deborah;’ Florence said; ‘was cut down—but she left word。 She weren’t no enemy ofnobody—and she didn’t see nothing but evil。 When I go; bro
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