house in which I’d spent the night of my first day in Istanbul twenty…five years
ago。 There; through the yawning courtyard gate; I saw once again the well into
which I wished to hurl myself in the middle of the night; tormented by guilt
for having at the age of eleven wet the mattress that a distant relative spread
out for me in a show of kind and generous hospitality。 By the time I reached
Bayazid; the watchmaker’s shop (where I often came to fix the mechanism of
my broken clock); the bottle seller’s shop (where I purchased the empty crystal
lamps and sherbet cups I embellished and the little bottles I decorated with
floral designs and secretly sold to the gentry) and the public baths (where my
feet went out of habit for a time because it was both inexpensive and empty)
were all respectfully standing at attention before me and my tearful eyes。
There was nobody in the vicinity of the ravaged and burned coffeehouse;
nor anyone at the house of beautiful Shekure and her new husband; who was
perhaps in the throes of death at this very moment。 I heartily wished them
nothing but happiness。 While roaming the streets in the days after I’d tainted
my hands with blood; all of Istanbul’s dogs; its shadowy trees; shuttered
windows; black chimneys; ghosts and hardworking; unhappy early risers
hurrying to their morning prayers always stared at
me with animosity; yet; from the moment I confessed my crimes and resolved
to abandon the only city I’d ever known; they all regarded me with friendship。
After passing the Bayazid Mosque; I watched the Golden Horn from a
promontory: The horizon was brightening; yet the water was still black。 Ever
so slowly bobbing in invisible waves; two fishermen’s rowboats; freight ships
with their sails furled and an abandoned galleon repeatedly insisted that I not
leave。 Were the tears flowing from my eyes caused by the needle? I told myself
to dream of the splendid life I would live in Hindustan off the splendid works
my talent would create!
I left the road; ran through two muddy gardens and took shelter beneath
an old stone house surrounded by greenery。 This was the house where I came
each Tuesday as an apprentice to get Master Osman and followed two paces
behind him carrying his bag; portfolio; pen box and writing board on our way
to the workshop。 Nothing had changed here; except the plane trees in the yard
and along the street had grown so large that an aura of grandeur; power and
wealth hearkening back to the time of Sultan Süleyman had settled over the
house and street。
Since the road leading to the harbor was near; I succumbed to the Devil’s
temptation; and was overe by the excitement of seeing the arches of the
workshop building where I’d spent a quarter century。 This was how I ended
up tracing the path that I’d take as an apprentice following Master Osman:
down Archer’s Street which smelled dizzyingly of linden blossoms in the
spring; past the bakery where my master would buy round meat pasties; up
the hill lined with beggars and quince and chestnut trees; past the closed
shutters of the new market and the barber whom my master greeted each
morning; alongside the empty field where acrobats would set up their tents in
summer and perform; in front of the foul…smelling rooming houses for
bachelors; beneath moldy…smelling Byzantine arches; before Ibrahim Pasha’s
palace and the column made up of three coiling snakes; which I’d drawn
hundreds of times; past the plane tree; which we depicted a different way each
time; emerging into the Hippodrome and under the chestnut and mulberry
trees wherein sparrows and magpies alighted and chirped madly in the
The heavy door of the workshop was closed。 There was nobody at the
entrance or under the arched portico above。 I was able to look up only
momentarily at the shuttered small windows from which; as apprentices
stifled by boredom; we used to stare at the trees; before I was accosted。
He had a shrill voice that clawed at one’s ears。 He said that the bloody
ruby…handled dagger in my hand belonged to him and that his nephew;
Shevket; and Shekure had conspired to steal it from his house。 This was
apparently proof enough that I was one of Black’s men who raided his house
at night to abduct Shekure。 This arrogant; shrill…voiced; irate man also knew
Black’s artist friends and that they would return to the workshop。 He
brandished a long sword that shimmered brightly with a strange red and
indicated that he had a number of accounts that; for whatever reason; he
meant to settle with me。 I considered telling him that there was some
misunderstanding; but I saw the incredible anger on his face。 I could read in
his expression that he was about to launch a sudden murderous assault on me。
How I would’ve liked to say; “I beg of you; stop。”
But he’d already acted。
I wasn’t even able to raise my dagger; I simply lifted the hand in which I
held my satchel。
The satchel dropped。 In one smooth motion; without losing speed; the
sword cut first through my hand and then clear through my neck; lopping off
my head。
I knew I’d been beheaded from the two odd steps taken by my poor body
which had left me behind in its confusion; from the stupid manner in which
my hand waved the dagger and from the way my lonely body collapsed; blood
spraying from the neck like a fountain。 My poor feet; which continued to
move as though still walking; kicked uselessly like the legs of a dying horse。
From the muddy ground upon which my head had fallen; I could neither
see my murderer nor my satchel full of gold pieces and pictures; which I still
wanted to cling to tightly。 These things were behind me; in the direction of the
hill leading down to the sea and Galleon Harbor which I would n
- 穿越红楼之我的名字叫林黛玉
- 《穿越之我的名字叫林黛玉》作者:苑古依人第一卷 荒诞的穿越(一 拍古装照“您好,翰林古装苑吗?我预约的套系是‘梦回红楼’和‘天香四绝。什么?我明天就可以去拍了?太好了!请问外景地是哪里?大观园,好的,谢谢”我放下电话,一想到过不了多久自己就能有一套完美的古装摄影集,心里别提多美了。说起来,我可是个十
- 我的名字叫黑
- 《我的名字叫黑(出书版》作者:王稼骏完结】出版社 湖南人民出版社出版年 2013-12编辑推荐★中国版《神探夏洛克,人气爆棚《最推理》杂志2)中国版《神探夏洛克,人气爆棚《最推理》杂志“黑”一名思维敏锐的侦探,他拥有一种奇特的能力能从死者眼睛里看到他临时之前最后所见情景,并借此瞬间重现犯罪现场,从而
- 最新章:第65章
- 穿越之我的名字叫林黛玉
- 作者:苑古依人第一卷 荒诞的穿越(一 拍古装照“您好,翰林古装苑吗?我预约的套系是‘梦回红楼’和‘天香四绝。什么?我明天就可以去拍了?太好了!请问外景地是哪里?大观园,好的,谢谢”我放下电话,一想到过不了多久自己就能有一套完美的古装摄影集,心里别提多美了。说起来,我可是个十足的古装爱好者,其实不只是
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- 兔子什么都知道:叫一声我的名字好吗
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