wanted to cling to tightly。 These things were behind me; in the direction of the
hill leading down to the sea and Galleon Harbor which I would never reach。
My head would never again turn and see them; or the rest of the world。 I
forgot about them and let my thoughts take me away。
This is what occurred to me the moment before I was beheaded: The ship
shall depart from the harbor; this was joined in my mind with a mand to
hurry; it was the way my mother would say “hurry” when I was a child。
Mother; my neck aches and all is still。
This is what they call death。
But I knew that I wasn’t dead yet。 My punctured pupils were motionless;
but I could still see quite well through my open eyes。
What I saw from ground level filled my thoughts: The road inclining slightly
upward; the wall; the arch; the roof of the workshop; the sky…this is how the
picture receded。
It seemed as if this moment of observation went on and on and I realized
seeing had bee a variety of memory。 I was reminded of what I thought
when staring for hours at a beautiful picture: If you stare long enough your
mind enters the time of the painting。
All time had now bee this time。
It seemed as if no one would see me; as my thoughts faded away; my mud…
covered head would go on staring at this melancholy incline; the stone wall
and the nearby yet unattainable mulberry and chestnut trees for years。
This endless waiting suddenly assumed such bitter and tedious proportions;
I wanted nothing more than to quit this time。
Black had hidden us away in the house of a distant relative; where I spent a
sleepless night。 In the bed where I curled up with Hayriye and the children; I
was occasionally able to nod off amid the sounds of snoring and coughing; but
in my restless dreams; I saw strange creatures and women whose arms and legs
had been severed and randomly reattached; they wouldn’t stop chasing me
and continually woke me。 Toward morning; the cold roused me and I covered
Shevket and Orhan; embracing them; kissing their heads and begging Allah for
pleasant dreams; such as I’d enjoyed during the blissful days when I slept in
peace under my late father’s roof。
I couldn’t sleep; however。 After the morning prayers; looking out on the
street through the shutters of the window in the small; dark room; I saw what
I’d always seen in my happy dreams: A ghostly man; exhausted from warring
and the wounds he’d received; brandishing a stick as if it were a sword;
longingly approach me with familiar steps。 In my dream; whenever I was on
the verge of embracing this man; I’d awake in tears。 When I saw the man in
the street was Black; the scream that would never leave my throat in dreams
I ran and opened the door。
His face was swollen and bruised purple from fighting。 His nose was
mangled and covered in blood。 He had a large gash from his shoulder to his
neck。 His shirt had turned bright red from the blood。 Like the husband of my
dreams; Black smiled at me faintly because he had; in the end; successfully
“Get inside;” I said。
“Call for the children;” he said。 “We’re going home。”
“You’re in no condition to return home。”
“There’s no reason to fear him anymore;” he said。 “The murderer is Velijan
Effendi; the Persian。”
“Olive…” I said。 “Did you kill that miserable rogue?”
“He’s fled to India on the ship that departed from Galleon Harbor;” he said
and avoided my eyes; knowing that he hadn’t properly acplished his task。
“Will you be able to walk back to our house?” I said。 “Shall we have them
bring a horse for you?”
I sensed that he would die upon arriving home and I pitied him。 Not
because he would die alone; but because he’d never known any true
happiness。 I could see from the sorrow and determination in his eyes that he
wished not to be in this strange house; and that he actually wanted to
disappear without being seen by anybody in this horrible state。 With some
difficulty; they mounted him on a horse。
During our trip back; as we passed through side streets clinging to our
bundles; the children were at first too frightened to look Black in the face。 But
from astride the slowly ambling horse; Black was still able to describe how he
foiled the schemes of the wretched murderer who’d killed their grandfather
and how he challenged him to a sword fight。 I could see that the children had
warmed up to him somewhat; and I prayed to Allah: Please; don’t let him die!
When we reached the house; Orhan shouted; “We’re home!” with such joy
I had the intuition that Azrael; the Angel of Death; pitied us and Allah would
grant Black more time。 But I knew from experience that one could never tell
when exalted Allah would take one’s soul; and I wasn’t overly hopeful。
We helped Black down from the horse。 We brought him upstairs; and
settled him into the bed in my father’s room; the one with the blue door。
Hayriye boiled water and brought it upstairs。 Hayriye and I undressed him;
tearing his clothes and cutting them with scissors; removing the bloodied shirt
stuck to his flesh; his sash; his shoes and his underclothes。 When we opened
the shutters; the soft winter sunlight playing on the branches in the garden
filled the room; reflected off the ewers; pots; glue boxes; inkwells; pieces of
glass and penknives; and illuminated Black’s deathly pale skin; and his flesh…
and sour…cherry…colored wounds。
I soaked pieces of bedding in hot water and rubbed them with soap。 Then I
wiped clean Black’s body; carefully as though cleaning a valuable antique
carpet; and affectionately and eagerly as though caring for one of my boys。
Without pressing on the bruises that covered his face; without jarring the cut
in his nostril; I cleansed the horrible wound on his shoulder as a doctor might。
As I’d do
- 穿越红楼之我的名字叫林黛玉
- 《穿越之我的名字叫林黛玉》作者:苑古依人第一卷 荒诞的穿越(一 拍古装照“您好,翰林古装苑吗?我预约的套系是‘梦回红楼’和‘天香四绝。什么?我明天就可以去拍了?太好了!请问外景地是哪里?大观园,好的,谢谢”我放下电话,一想到过不了多久自己就能有一套完美的古装摄影集,心里别提多美了。说起来,我可是个十
- 我的名字叫黑
- 《我的名字叫黑(出书版》作者:王稼骏完结】出版社 湖南人民出版社出版年 2013-12编辑推荐★中国版《神探夏洛克,人气爆棚《最推理》杂志2)中国版《神探夏洛克,人气爆棚《最推理》杂志“黑”一名思维敏锐的侦探,他拥有一种奇特的能力能从死者眼睛里看到他临时之前最后所见情景,并借此瞬间重现犯罪现场,从而
- 最新章:第65章
- 穿越之我的名字叫林黛玉
- 作者:苑古依人第一卷 荒诞的穿越(一 拍古装照“您好,翰林古装苑吗?我预约的套系是‘梦回红楼’和‘天香四绝。什么?我明天就可以去拍了?太好了!请问外景地是哪里?大观园,好的,谢谢”我放下电话,一想到过不了多久自己就能有一套完美的古装摄影集,心里别提多美了。说起来,我可是个十足的古装爱好者,其实不只是
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