king about。〃 These words of doubt often get so loud that we fail to act。 A horrible feeling builds in our stomach。 Sometimes we can"t sleep。 We fail to move forward。 So we stay with what is safe and opportunities pass us by。 We watch life passing by as we sit immobilized with a cold knot in our body。 We have all felt this at one time in our lives; some more than others。
Peter Lynch of Fidelity Magellan mutual fund fame refers to warnings about the sky falling as 〃noise;〃 and we all hear it。
〃Noise〃 is either created inside our heads or es from outside。 Often from friends; family; co…workers and the media。 Lynch recalls the time during the 1950s when the threat of nuclear war was so prevalent in the news that people began building fallout shelters and storing food and water。 If they had invested that money wisely in the market; instead of building a fallout shelter; they"d probably be financially independent today。
When the riots broke out in Los Angeles a few years ago; gun sales went up all over the country。 A person dies from rare hamburger meat in Washington State and the Arizona Health Department orders restaurants to have all beef cooked well…done。 A drug pany runs a national TV mercial showing people catching the flu。 The ad runs in February。 Colds go up as well as sales of their cold medicine。
Most people are poor because when it es to investing; the world is filled with Chicken Littles running around yelling; 〃The sky is falling。 The sky is falling。〃 And Chicken Littles are effective because everyone of us is a little chicken。 It often takes great courage to not let rumors and talk of doom and gloom affect your doubts and fears。
In 1992; a friend named Richard came from Boston to visit my wife and me in Phoenix。 He was impressed with what we had done through stocks and real estate。 The prices of real estate in Phoenix were depressed。 We spent two days with him showing him what we thought were excellent opportunities for cash flow and capital appreciation。
My wife and I are not real estate agents。 We are strictly investors。 After identifying a unit in a resort munity; we called an agent who sold it to him that afternoon。 The price was a mere 42;000 for a two…bedroom townhome。 Similar units were going for 65;000。 He had found a bargain。 Excited; he bought it and returned to Boston。
Two weeks later; the agent called to say that our friend had backed out。 I called immediately to find out why。 All he said was that he talked to his neighbor; and his neighbor told him it was a bad deal。 He was paying too much。
I asked Richard if his neighbor was an investor。 Richard said 〃no。〃 When I asked why he listened to him; Richard got defensive and simply said he wanted to keep looking。
The real estate market in Phoenix turned; and by 1994; that little unit was renting for 1;000 a month…2;500 in the peak winter months。 The unit was worth 95;000 in 1995。 All Richard had to put down was 5;000 and he would have had a start at getting out of the rat race。 Today; he still has done nothing。 And the bargains in Phoenix are still here; you just have to look a lot harder。
Richard"s backing out did not surprise me。 It"s called 〃buyer"s remorse;〃 and it affects all of us。 It"s those doubts that get us。 The little 1 chicken won; and a chance at freedom was lost。
In another example; I hold a small portion of my assets in tax lien certificates instead of CDs。 I earn 16 percent per year on my money; which certainly beats the 5 percent the bank offers。 The certificates are secured by real estate and enforced by state law; which is also better than most banks。 The formula they"re bought on makes them safe。 They just lack liquidity。 So I look at them as 2 to 7…year CDs。 Almost every time I tell someone; especially if they have money in CDs; that I hold my money this way; they will tell me it"s risky。 They tell me why I should not do it。 When I ask them where they get their information; they say from a friend or an investment magazine。 They"ve never done it; and they"re telling someone who"s doing it why they shouldn"t。 The lowest I yield I look for is 16 percent; but people who are filled with doubt are willing to accept 5 percent。 Doubt is expensive。
My point is that it"s those doubts and cynicism that keep most people? poor and playing it safe。 The real world is simply waiting for you to get rich。 Only a person"s doubts keep them poor。 As I said; getting out of the rat race is technically easy。 It doesn"t take much education; but those doubts are cripplers for most people。
〃Cynics never win;〃 said rich dad。 〃Unchecked doubt and fear creates i a cynic。 Cynics criticize; and winners analyze〃 was another of his favorite sayings。 Rich dad explained that criticism blinded while analysis opened …《 eyes。 Analysis allowed winners to see that critics were blind; and to see opportunities that everyone else missed。 And finding what people miss is | key to any success。
Real estate is a powerful investment tool for anyone seeking financial independence or freedom。 It is a unique investment tool。 Yet; every time I mention real estate as a vehicle; I often hear; 〃I don"t want to fix toilets。〃 That"s what Peter Lynch calls 〃noise。〃 That"s what my rich dad would say is the cynic talking。 Someone who criticizes and does not
analyze。 Someone who lets their doubts and fears close their mind instead of open their eyes。〃
So when someone says; 〃I don"t want to fix toilets;〃 I want to fire back; 〃What makes you think I want to?〃 They"re saying a toilet is more important than what they want。 I talk about freedom from the rat race; and they focus on toilets。 That is the thought pattern that keeps most people poor。 They criticize instead of analyze。
〃 "I don"t wants" hold the key to your success;〃 rich dad would say。
Because I; too; do not want to fix toilets; I shop hard for a property manager who does fix toilets。 And by finding a great property manager who runs houses or apartments; well; my cash flow goes up。 But more importantly a great property manager allows me to buy a lot more real estate since I don"t have to fix toilets。 A great property manager is key to success in real estate。 Finding a good manager is more important to me than the rea
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